Who Wears Religious Jewelry? Why?


Well-Known Member
I was watching MTV's True Life: I'm Pregnant and one of the couples were of different religions. She's Israelite(sp?) and he is Christian. She got upset when he decided to wear a cross because she said it represents a "false idol". He said he didn't care and he put it on cause it was fashionable.

I'm christian and I've always worn it to signify my religion and as a reminder of what went down that fateful day on the hill. And i think they make beautiful jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, charms, I have them all.

What do you ladies think about wearing religious jewelry.
I wear cross jewelry. As a matter of fact I'm working on getting a diamond cross necklace for my birthday coming up.:yep:

I don't see any reasonable reason not to wear religious jewelry (cross).:look:
It's not a graven image (the cross) and so I don't see why people shouldn't wear one if they choose too. I personally don't wear one because I don't have one. I do have a pendant that says "Born Again" and everytime I wear it, someone asks me what does it mean and that is an opportunity for me to share the Gospel with them...and I found that 20 years ago in a Jewish Jewelry store!
I found this answer concerning Christians and religious jewelry. I wear jewelry not as a form of idoltry but rather reverance for what Christ has done so that I may live. God bless you all.

: "Should a Christian wear religious jewelry?"

There is much debate to whether or not it is appropriate, or even a sin to wear crosses and crucifixes as jewelry. Christians did not begin wearing crosses around their necks until after crucifixion was no longer the primary source of capital punishment, therefore is not equivalent to a modern-day person wearing a miniature death chamber around their neck. Many look at the cross as simply the instrument of death used to slay our beloved Savior. Jesus was not dragged off kicking and screaming to the cross to His death; He could easily have escaped, had He chosen to. Because it was God's will, He willingly went to the cross, taking upon Himself the sins of the world, cleansing those who believe in Him of their own sins.

The only reasons Scripture would forbid wearing a cross or crucifix would be if the object became an idol used for worship (1 Corinthians 10:14), or if the person were consumed with how the jewelry made them look (1 Peter 3:3). I have never seen a necklace be used as an object of worship. Many people wear the cross or crucifix as a fashion piece without any clue of the symbolism or any desire to represent Christ. But that should not mean that Christians can't wear them. Many Christians wear crosses as a proud expression of their love, respect, and service to Christ, along with a remembrance of what he did for us. Still the debate goes on to say that crosses are acceptable because it symbolizes that Jesus took on our sins at the cross, but since He is risen, we should not wear crucifixes. Others argue that they wear crucifixes as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

The only problem I can see is if people allow objects, such as crosses, crucifixes, figurines, rosaries, bumper stickers, etc. take the place of the true change that should take place in our hearts. The things that we have and the things that we carry are not what make us Christians. God is not very concerned with what we wear as long as we do not dress in a way that would cause anyone to stumble in their walk with God (Romans 14:20), and are not absorbed with our looks or our possessions. He is searching out our hearts to find who is faithful to Him, and who encourage and show love to others. It is unjustified for Christians to believe that their own opinion is right, without any Scripture to validate their opinion, while at the same time judging others. It is not for any of us to judge whether wearing a cross is proper or not; every Christian has to seek God's approval in all we do. If it is not clearly outlined in Scripture whether a practice is law or outlawed, then we have to seek the truth through our own personal relationship we have with Jesus Christ.