Who controls the black hair care industry?


New Member
I rarely if ever post. But I always lurk, you are the Queens of the internet. I love your photo albums and my black sistahs. This may have been posted before, but in case you have not seen these, check out these you tube video documentaries on the fact that the Koreans control this billion dollar hair care industry. They control over 80% of the distribution. They buy out black owned companies and use this control to determine which products are available. They copy black owned products and use them to create "low demand" for the black owned products. Please if you have not seen these please take a moment to watch. I am going to post the link that I watched these on which is through another sister's Myspace blog. If you don't see it please just search it up on you tube. Thank you! Spread the knowledge.

Peace and Love,

Black Hair the Documentary- You Tube

I used to support black bss, but I don't anymore because I don't use certain products. Koreans have definitely made a niche for themselves in this industry.