WhipEffectz1, I am loving your hair


Well-Known Member
I am loving your flat ironed pic in your siggy. What are your techniques (if you don't mind me asking)? Your hair looks soooo silky, soft and full of body. It looks like a fresh relaxer. Absolutely beautiful. I just had to give you your props. Keep up the good work. Healthy hair is beautiful hair. Your hair is a testament to that.
mrsmeredith said:
I am loving your flat ironed pic in your siggy. What are your techniques (if you don't mind me asking)? Your hair looks soooo silky, soft and full of body. It looks like a fresh relaxer. Absolutely beautiful. I just had to give you your props. Keep up the good work. Healthy hair is beautiful hair. Your hair is a testament to that.

Oh thanks dear! You're too sweet! :kiss: I really don't have any techniques but I
very serious about maintaining the health of hair. I mean, what's the use in having long hair if its thin, see thru, and lifeless??? A healthy head of hair is truly a sight to behold! So now I am just starting to focus on my length which will come with keeping my hair healthy. As far as the flat ironing goes, my stylist uses the FHI iron. I absolutely adore that iron. She takes her time and does each part of my hair piece by piece. Internally speaking, I consume protein shakes, vitamins, and some topicals from time to time. HTH and thanks for calling me out. Take care.

Remember, HEALTH before LENGTH and you will always have a fabulous head of hair no matter what the length!! :)