Whimsy's Natural Hair Anniversary! (2009-2012 Hair Pics!!)

Beautiful hair! I only dream of being able to grow hair like that and chop it at will, LOL. Keep up the good work.
If I were the jealous type, I would definitely be jealous right about now. My jaw dropped looking at your growth from July '11 to June '12, wow! I need that type of growth in my life!

Your hair is gorgeous!
I love how your hair grew out from your last haircut. It's gorgouse! Thick and full at the bottom but a little bit of layers throughout. Mmmm I want to copy that when I make it to full APL.
WOWWW your hair is beautiful! My mouth was hanging open looking at those pics haha. I am off to stalk your hair blog right now lol. You look so pretty with both colors.
Whimsy did you have that baby yet? *hiding*

Your hair looks gorgeous! when you cut your hair last year I shed a tear LOL Your hair looks beautiful as always.
i love how even and healthy it looks.
sidenote: I think the jet black you've been eyeing would look great on you!
I didn't want to come in here because I knew it would be painful :lol:

But your hair is beautiful Love all of those curls. Definitely love the color. :yep:
Thanks so much ladies!!! And for those who said the journey was inspirational, I'm so honored to hear that. I'm glad it can inspire someone to stay on their own journeys!!!

Congratulations Whimsy!!! Wow, your hair grows fast!!! Beautiful, encouraging and very inspirational as always. I know you and your husband will be starting a new chapter as parents soon. Bless you on your new beginnings. :)

Thank you so much!

Whimsy, your journey has been a blast! Oh to get to long lengths, hack a chunk of hair off and see it get long again! :drool: Must be nice....

Way to grow, Mommy! And how beautifully you glow! (No, I'm not Chinese with an R/L problem. You are looking beautiful and glowing as well as you're growing (hair and in other ways). :giggle: )

LMAO Thanks Nonz. hopefully i wont be growing any more (in the other way, not the hair way)

Your hair story is inspirational and you have the cutest shape.

Thanks! Let's pray i can get it back after baby.

and i am crying at @Skiggles siggy! :lachen:

I know right? It took me by surprise! I love it.

:yep:See if I had waves and curls like yours I would not think twice about going natural.

This makes me sad. Going natural is not about the curls and waves. Try it out, you may love it! If not, the relaxer will always be there.

@Whimsy did you have that baby yet? *hiding*

Your hair looks gorgeous! when you cut your hair last year I shed a tear LOL Your hair looks beautiful as always.

LOL I'm glad you hid cuz you know a drop kick was coming your way. (Being induced next Thursday if he doesn't come on his own before then.)

i love how even and healthy it looks.
sidenote: I think the jet black you've been eyeing would look great on you!

Thanks Rocky i think i'm going to do Jet Black after all.
Awwww, your hair is growing so fast! It felt like yesterday when you got it cut. You've got lovely, healthy ends. And let me say since I always lurk and never comment on your blogs :lol:, I think you should make your hair jet black. I think it'll look awesome on you!

I wish you all the best with your delivery. :D
Wow! Your hair grew to APL in less than 2 years?! What awesome progress you've made!
Beautiful hair!
Your hair is so gorgeous! and the brown is so beautiful on you. You have amazing growth and retention :yep: