Where have you seen improvements


New Member
I have not applied any heat to my hair for about 2 months now and I can see a huge difference in my hair. Less shedding and hair is already getting thicker. I have now decided I will use heat extremely rarely. I hate that I was not being kind to my hair before but lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
Aside from length, I have achieved an increase in thickness, although not technically because my hair is very fine, but dense. So I guess I'm retaining more and/or not thinning it out. And I don't need trims as often. Moisture retention is better; I've always struggled with bad porosity, either too much or not enough.


New Member
My hair has gotten thicker (individual strands) and breakage has decreased dramatically in the past month. I have Ayurveda and consistent DC's to thank for that.


Well-Known Member
Moisturized hair is my saving grace. My hair is never dry, my scalp gets dry before the hair does.

I have even gotten better recently with the wet hair combing and manipulation, that will help tremendously with keeping my hair healthy as it grows out.

Good thread!

Junebug D

Well-Known Member
Moisture, strength, patience, and knowledge for me.

I'm still working on this scalp of mine for the rest of the winter. I got some prescription cream from a dermatologist, I am hoping to see results from that.


New Member
I finally put a stop to the breakage :yay: It was getting bad! :cry3: But after a few Aphogee 2 step treatments, it's like I have a whole new head of hair. When I did my hair this time, I got a fifth of the broken hairs I used to get.


New Member
LUSCIOUS thickness and length. I'm slowly but surely falling in love with my hair as it gets even longer and thicker so that I can try out new styles.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely say thickness. I stop using heat and switched from no-lye to lye relaxers. Stretching has helped tremendously too. I was just thinking today how difficult it is now to get my hair into a decent smooth ponytail... at first I was annoyed and irritated, but then thought of it as a positive because that means my hair is thickening up. :yay:


Well-Known Member
My hair is stronger and has way fewer split ends. And my nape has filled in!!!

hi MarieB, congratulations on getting your nape filled in!!!:grin:

that is surely one tough area to fix!!!

how did you do it?



Well-Known Member
I've seen improvements in my styling skills -- bunning for one -- I had no clue how to bun, and made terrible buns. With lots of practice, now my buns look great.

Also, I've improved my skills in airdrying results.


New Member
I got my porosity in check! I put an end to all that ridiculous breakage! I never have dry dull hair anymore! Yay! I can even go an entire week without using heat and still have fly looking hair.
I am so grateful for the knowledge I've gained from this site. My next challenges are increased strand thickness, increased growth rate and increased density at the front hairline.


Well-Known Member
well, i think the most accurate areas of improvement will be seen after i realx, but while getting ready for that, i see that it has already been a huge improvement just to have stretched this long.

before i had never been able to go past 3 months before jumping to the perm.

today made my fourth month without perming, for the first time ever!