When you reach your hair goals will you become uppity?


New Member
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
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When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?
I honestly think my journey was not difficult and I enjoyed every bit of it.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?
Always, although my tips are nothing special or innovative= no bandwagons or sensationalism.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

No. But I'd definitely want to encourage :)
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle? I will explain that it took willpower and dedication.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?
Yes, I will. Others have encouraged me, I will do the same in return.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
No, I will not. That is not a good look. One setback and I can be where they are, if not further behind.
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?
I'm happy to share my journey in all honesty.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?
@bolded: Probably not.:look:
If I see threads that I can add to, I will.:yep:

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
Absolutely not! It's just hair. Okay it's not just hair, but...it's just hair.:yawn:
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

With me, it really hasn't been a struggle. For the most part, I've just been so grateful for the knowledge....just knowing that if I keep doing what I know to do, the result will be long, healthy hair.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

Yes...I do that now, as I continue on my journey to HBL.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

No...I would love to see everyone here (and IRL) reach their hair goals.
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?
I'll tell the truth but honestly barely anyone asks me about my hair journey. If people say things like your hair is long I go I decided to grow it out which I guess could make it sound really simplistic(but honestly my approach is simplistic)

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?
I don't really come into the hair forums often. And I'll admit that I don't go into the threads like APL challenge but if you post your hair and I click the thread I will leave a positive message.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
:perplexed No, that's really silly.

I'm wondering about these questions. Did you notice somethig?:look:
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Yes I did.

I know that I'm not a popularity contest or anything so I'm just going to say it.

I thinks its weird that everyone says that they are not uppidity or stuck up and willing to help but what I have observed in real life and some but less on the forum but there are a lot of long hair women on the forum and how many actually post on the hair forum. It is always the same women. And more so IRL from what I observe women are less likely to help each other. How many encourage others? How many think I reached my hair goals so I am going to stay in the off topic forums?

When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?
I'll tell the truth but honestly barely anyone asks me about my hair journey. If people say things like your hair is long I go I decided to grow it out which I guess could make it sound really simplistic(but honestly my approach is simplistic)

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?
I don't really come into the hair forums often. And I'll admit that I don't go into the threads like APL challenge but if you post your hair and I click the thread I will leave a positive message.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
:perplexed No, that's really silly.

I'm wondering about these questions. Did you notice somethig?:look:
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When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle? It was neither simplistic or a struggle. It was constantly a learning process - and truly a journey. I will remind ppl that what worked for me may not work for them. Also I'll try not to sell them on the idea that they can grow their hair long overnight. It really does take consistence. :yep:

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because? I try to give folks encouragement now, and I'm only APL :grin:[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?
No, that's not in my character.

eta: I dont consider myself to be uppity. I think the reason why you have some longer haired naturals not posting as much (helpful tips for example) is because quite honestly, IT'S ALREADY POSTED! But, I can't speak on others, only on myself.

<mini vent lol>It is a pet peeve of mine to see some start threads and not do a search. There is a plethora of information on this site - all you have to do is use the search feature. <end vent>
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When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

So far, my journey has not been a struggle. I have embraced the journey and I'm not just saying that to be a certain way. My healthy hair journey thus far has not been difficult.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

I sure will! I already do that with the SL Challenges...I know what it's like to be at a terminal length and you need all the encouragement you can get!

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

Why? It's not like anyone wakes up with WL hair...everyone has gone through some type of journey...That's like me, currently at BSB looking down on someone with NL hair...Where they do that at???

Just wondering though...what if someone answers that they would...People are people, so to me stuck up is stuck up- whether you are dealing with hair, clothes, looks, etc...
Yes I did.

I know that I'm not a popularity contest or anything so I'm just going to say it.

I thinks its weird that everyone says that they are not uppidity or stuck up and willing to help but what I have observed in real life and some but less on the forum but there are a lot of long hair women on the forum and how many actually post on the hair forum. It is always the same women. And more so IRL from what I observe women are less likely to help each other. How many encourage others? How many think I reached my hair goals so I am going to stay in the off topic forums?

For me, I'm no where near reached my hair goals but, I am more interested in the 'other' forums on this site. I don't post too often in the haircare section of the forum. When I have a question - I use the 'search' feature. I try not to get in to too many discussions because I have a tendency to ruffle feathers :grin: So, I'd rather just not even join in most times.
you damn right ... all the products & money im spending on them.
when i FINALLY reach my hair goal, my nose will be so high up in
the air that if i go outside in the rain, ill be able to drown in 2' of
water ... shooooooooooooooooooot :lachen:
This is something I do for fun. I'm here for the tips coz I like trying out new things - this is not a struggle though. If it was I'd just grow locs (again!) or keep it in a twa. And I'm always glad to share with anyone who's interested.
I will continue to be the same person i was in the beginning..I will still offer encouragement nothing will change...my journey was not the simplest but it was not hard either i just had to figure it out .
I will continue to be me, I had long healthy hair before the forum I will have long healthy hair after the forum.

I love the forum, I love to try new products, I love to help other women out. I love hair and always have.

For me this is my hobby and former career but this will always be my LOVE. I was into hair since 8 years old. I will be old gummy and blind still into hair and still helping who ever I can. :)

When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

I will share my real story with those on here and close friends or relatives who care. But nah I won't be going into my long, hard struggle with everybody. Most people just won't care anyway.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

I plan to always be helpful to others who want my help. I love to encourage others.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

After my long, hard struggle, that would be ridiculous.
I'm uppity no matter the length of my hair...go figure...

I found this and I did find it to be quite interesting. That people can only be themselves no matter what their hair length is and long hair adds on to it.

There are so many factors to consider like the genes and how they were brought up,. People’s personality vary because they have different experiences and this is always true. Just remember that there is always a cause to everything. Nothing will exist because of nothing. So whenever you see a beautiful woman acting stuck-up with others, I’m sure they have reasons and good luck trying to find that out. lol. and this is also true to beautiful women acting friendly with others. Just take time to really know the real them and you might just find out things you’ve never imagined. Life’s full of surprises. Cheers to that.
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I will continue to be me, I had long healthy hair before the forum I will have long healthy hair after the forum.

I love the forum, I love to try new products, I love to help other women out. I love hair and always have.

For me this is my hobby and former career but this will always be my LOVE. I was into hair since 8 years old. I will be old gummy and blind still into hair and still helping who ever I can. :)


Thanks JJamiah. I just want to remain humble.
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When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

Nope. I know it has been a struggle and I'm not afraid to admit it. I don't see myself going into detail about it unless someone was REALLY interested.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

Absolutely! I love when long-haired ladies who struggled would encourage me and I'll definitely do the same for others.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

No, not at all. But I will be walking around with my giant fro looking super cute and not afraid to show it! :grin:
you damn right ... all the products & money im spending on them.
when i FINALLY reach my hair goal, my nose will be so high up in
the air that if i go outside in the rain, ill be able to drown in 2' of
water ... shooooooooooooooooooot :lachen:

LMBO!! I know that's right! :grin:
I also thought that this was interesting:

It is important to be confident but over-confidence comes through as conceited arrogance and this simply puts people off. Perhaps, these people feel that their looks give them an added advantage – we all cannot deny that.


I'm not trying to bash anyone. Personally I think it's important for everyone to do themselves but at the same time don't forget where you came from when you reach your hair goals.

Love you LHCF!
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I also thought that this was interesting:

It is important to be confident but over-confidence comes through as conceited arrogance and this simply puts people off. Perhaps, these people feel that their looks give them an added advantage – we all cannot deny that.
:rolleyes: - go with peace my child... :drunk:

Still laughing :lachen:! Look, don't be so judgmental. You cannot define an individual's full personality based on a two line forum post.:nono: Maybe they were just having a little fun. I was and I am...

I am the oldest of four girls, and my mom would put us in our place quick if we walked around with a conceited attitude. However, I have the biggest heart; I am confident, charamastic, warm, and enthusiastic. I am also loving these post and having a good day!
Yes I did.

I know that I'm not a popularity contest or anything so I'm just going to say it.

I thinks its weird that everyone says that they are not uppidity or stuck up and willing to help but what I have observed in real life and some but less on the forum but there are a lot of long hair women on the forum and how many actually post on the hair forum. It is always the same women. And more so IRL from what I observe women are less likely to help each other. How many encourage others? How many think I reached my hair goals so I am going to stay in the off topic forums?

Plenty of long haired ladies still post on the forum and are willing to help other posters on their journey. There really is no need for them to post on a daily basis because they have sought and found what works for them, so basically their journey is on cruise control. Those who spend more time in OT than the HF have learned what works for them. I can only speak for myself, but some of these threads get repetitive. As for long haired ladies IRL, there can be many reasons why they don't help others in their HHJ. Perhaps they don't want to see anyone else with long hair. Or maybe when they try to offer advice, the recipients throw up excuses as to why what was suggested won't work for them.

A search will generally yield whatever information you are looking for. Google is also helpful.
For me, I'm no where near reached my hair goals but, I am more interested in the 'other' forums on this site. I don't post too often in the haircare section of the forum. When I have a question - I use the 'search' feature. I try not to get in to too many discussions because I have a tendency to ruffle feathers :grin: So, I'd rather just not even join in most times.

Lol, that's the same reason I stay OUT of the other forums on this site. Don't want to ruffle the feathers of someone I might need to help me out in the future.

Also while I haven't experienced that on this board I've definitely seen it in daily life and understand the ol 'pull up the ladder' theory in action. I think folks are just so happy to achieve a goal that they (some) don't want anyone to join and possibly surpass them.
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

Absolutely not. I mean, you don't want to make it seem like you'll wake up next week with lush WL locks but, to me the journey is only difficult when:

1. You don't know what is causing your hair issues
2. Don't have a plan for how to fix it, or are not STICKING TO IT
3. You don't have patience; healthy hair is a process, it takes time.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

No, anything I type here is my genuine sentiment. I joined this board 3 years ago wanting to join a real community. Albeit I was shy to post for the first year so, I got over myself and I am very happy to be an active part of this big hair family :grin:

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

Nah, I never have those kinds of thoughts anyway.

I mean it can seem that the longer haired ladies are "uppity" because they are hardly in the hair section. But put yourselves in their position. They've reached their goals. They figured out their own hair. To them there is very rarely anything "new" for them. They've prtetty much had all their "hair eurekas" already. Like Americka said, after a while alot of topics get repetetive. Things come in cylces around here. If you PM them they are really nice people, at least the one's I communicate with.
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?
Not at all. I will let people know that it is not easy. Who can expect any journey to be easy.
When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?Honestly, Idk.

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are? nope because i will always remember my humble beginnings. i would rather educate and encourage.
I've reached my goal (bSL) and it has been pretty "simplistic". Everyone is not the same. Some HHJ are a struggle, others figure things out quicker. It all depends on the person.

I try to encourage when I can. But I also believe as people reach their goals, they aren't as focused on hair as much anymore and probably spend more time in other forums.
When you reach your hair goals will you express that your journey and journey was simplistic when you honestly know that it was a struggle?

I'm only beginning to transition, but so far, I haven't had one bump in the way. I'm happy I got a clue and found people that were willing to share their knowledge with me.

When you reach your hair goals will you come to the other threads and give bsl and lower encouragement just because?

On LHCF, always!:kiss: In real life, never. My family is very mean to me, they don't respect my feelings or my viewpoints. I will give them NOTHING! I want to see their hair break and shatter. I want them to have no hope.

I hold grudges like that. :yep:

When you reach your hair goals will you look down on others that is not at the point where you are?

On LHCF no, in real life, OH YEAH!:grin::grin: I can't wait to play with my soon-to-be MBL hair. I'm gonna laugh at my family and everyone that doubted me!! I can't tell you how many times everyone calls me names because I want to go natural. THEY CAN SUCK IT!:lol:


Answers in bolded purple.:look: