When did you get your money's worth on LHCF?


Well-Known Member
What moment/discovery made LHCF worth it to you?


--Crisco. I used it for the first time last week and I am IMPRESSED! :yep: It kept my hair moisturized for like 4 days straight without re-moisturizing. Given that my low porosity natural 4 a/b hair is ridiculously dry and usually has me moisturizing and sealing like 2x a day, this stuff is a keeper! :yep:

--Low porosity! I had no clue my hair was low porosity until I read the low porosity thread. Even when I was relaxed, heat was my friend. :yep: I didn't realize it was bc it opened my hair cuticles to allow the strand to absorb more of the good stuff.

--getting my pibby at a discount. I was a member on here years ago when another LHCF sista arranged for a group discount. My Pibbs hair dryer was shipped to my door at a GREAT discount.

--Previously learning how to self-relax in sections and to use vinegar and protein around that time to neutralize and strengthen my strands.

--learning to pre-poo with heat all the way. Heating up my conditioner. Heat the wet towel. Sit under dryer with conditioner and towel to prepoo. It conditions my hair really well.

--Elasta QP mango butter. Got hooked to it bc of rave reviews on here.

--Learning to self trim and stay away from SHS to retain length.:yep:
The first week i was on here. I learned a lot from co washing to stretching relaxers to moisturizing and sealing which are all key for great health of hair. Every since learning this i have no problems with dry hair unless i lay on something not satin or silk which i barely do because i have OCD about that
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When my natural hair hit BSL the first time.

When I ventured into Off Topic and learned a ton of things and again on a Sunday when I got the best entertainment.

When I ventured into Health and Fitness and dropped 20 lbs and grew a booty.

When I went to Finance/Business and made some contacts.
Product Reviews

Discount Codes

Support & exchanging ideas

Staying on top of my hair,skin game....

Happy Hair Growing!
When I learned about porosity, self-relaxing, rollersets, DC-ing with heat, paying attention to ingredients, and being a DIY-er.

When I saw all the beautiful heads of relaxed hair.

And when I discovered the nail fanatics section.
When I learned about porosity, self-relaxing, rollersets, DC-ing with heat, paying attention to ingredients, and being a DIY-er.

THIS too! I don't know what every ingredient means but I do read ingredient lists of everything these days...hair stuff and skin stuff. I've learned not to be impressed if the first couple of ingredients contain petroleum, mineral oil, beeswax, dimethicone, etc. and only the last few contain the "advertised" ingredients.

I have learned that everything can be of use and that nothing is truly "bad" for my hair. I used vaseline for heavy sealing and it moisturized my hair really well. My mother used it while I was growing up but not in the same way so I didn't get great results with it back then. Now, I know better. :yep:
When I learned that moisture was good for my hair. Before LHCF, I only DC'ed like once every month and a half to every two months :look:

Ever since then, my hair game has been upgraded to another level :yep:

Sent from my iPad using LHCF
I got my money's worth the day I decided not to have a hair dresser anymore. With the help of LHCF I learned to do my own hair... So I would say the day I fired my hairdresser. I literally kept my money in my pocket.. woo hoo!
The information, inspiration, support, love, and education I receive on this site is priceless. I have been blessed in so many ways via this site. The pros definitely outway any cons for me.
I have been on this board since 2010. Back then there was access to the makeup board but that changed a couple of years ago. I just became a paid subscriber a couple of weeks ago. I think it was definitely worth it to be able to read the makeup/skincare board again.
When I first made an account. The ladies here are awesome!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
--When I learned about growth vs. retention and that hair needs moisture... and lots of it

--That it's important for products to penetrate the hair strands

--When I started DC-ing on every wash day and got consistent retention.:yep: I started this within the first month of joining LHCF and my hair started getting noticeably longer within 6 weeks:grin::grin:

--When I started using ACV with natural oils as a pre-poo or post-poo

--When I discovered I was lo po and I had to learn to alternate between ACV and BS depending on the seasons
all of the hair tips of course, never seen so many things to help a woman of color grow and retain hair length and thickness. but honestly i'm silly and yall make me laugh so much!! not to mention the women that really do want to help you in any way they can.
More to add....

When folks started asking me if "I had Indian in my family" or telling me that my "hair must grow fast" simply because they saw RETENTION and not just growth. I always try to keep a straight face when folks make those comments bc the reality is that everyone has hair that grows but we don't all retain it well. Learning retention methods (bunning, DC'ing, etc.) was gold!

Learning how to paint my nails so they look salon fresh! I used to paint like a two year old with a coloring book.....all over the line and what not. Now, I know how to paint without messing up my cuticles and can do a good looking mani in less than 5 minutes.
I got my money's worth before I paid my then, $5.

Ditto! I think you're the reason I finally became a paying member. I was lurking in the hair section and something you said resonated with what I was going through with my hair at the time. I wanted to PM you, but I couldn't because I wasn't a paying member. That's when I officially joined.
I love this forum! It has changed my life.

I have healthy dewy skin
My teeth are 100 times cleaner (due to oil pulling)
I lost nearly 50lbs since April of this year
My hair was long before this forum, but it was always a frizzy and I had SL damaged relaxed hair - I joined looking for personalized help with that issue. Now my hair looks better than ever.
Congrats Kiwi :grin:

I'm reaching SL and never been before. I know this wouldn't have happened without the extra information.
I got my money's worth when I went natural. That was a great experience.

I also feel I got my money's worth when I found the makeup section. I was a drugstore kind of girl when it came to cosmetics. Learning about all of the higher end cosmetics made a big difference for me. Before, I thought they were all the same. NOT TRUE.

Now, when it comes to the entertainment and the off topics forum, I don't know. A RATCHET mess! I feel like I may be owed some money back.:look: :lol:
Well before I became a member. I look to the ladies here for insight, help, new ideas, inspiration and education. The way I care for my hair has changed drastically. I went from relaxed to natural on this board with the help and guidance of the ladies here. Boy have I learned about moisture on here. Wonderful techniques. Learned what kind of hair I have. the list could go on for days and ain't no body got time for that.
I got my money's worth the day I decided not to have a hair dresser anymore. With the help of LHCF I learned to do my own hair... So I would say the day I fired my hairdresser. I literally kept my money in my pocket.. woo hoo!

I have to co-sign this. Having the know how to do my own hair has saved me thousands of dollars.
Oh where do I begin?

I knew I got my money's worth when I realized that less is more! I stopped being a PJ when I realized that my hair idols kept it simple.

The OT and ET section is better than TMZ ahaha

I have reached my hair goals, thanks to all of the advice I received here. Now I need to venture into the health & fitness forum so I can lose weight.