What type of brush are you using??


New Member
I bought a hair brush yesterday. Boar bristle. It's the type men use, with the softer bristle's. I was using a baby hair brush before that:perplexed. After almost no brushing for more than 6 mos. I couldn't resist. I am 9 weeks post, and blow dry after I wash my hair. A comb didn't help straighten my NG. During this stretch (my first past 9weeks, aiming for 12). I decided to control the NG with air dry 50%, part, apply product, blow dry (to manage NG). I only plan to use the brush after my wash routine to control the NG.

Is anyone else out there using a brush?
How often are you using it?
What type do you use?

Thank you. SR
I use DHs brush because the bristles are so soft that it only smooths down the top hairs...it doesnt get to my scalp like my old brush or pull my hair..

I just ordered a paddle brush from Metrobeauty....but theyre just now telling me that its on backorder :confused:
I think I've used a brush only a few times in the last two years. Recently, I used an Aveda paddle brush to brush my hair after I had banded and airdried it. I haven't picked it up since, but I really love that brush.
I mostly use a paddle brush. When I need to really lay my hair down, I use a soft boar bristle brush.
I have an Aveda paddle brush, and I really like it. I use it occasionally, when my hair is straightened and prior to me wrapping my hair at night. I'll brush it a few times before I put on my satin scarf/bonnet. I like the way the bristles feel on my scalp.
I also have a soft brush to brush back my edges when I wear my hear in a bun.
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I haven't used a brush in months, but I'm thinking of breaking out my bbb and Goody Ouchless brushes.