What ministry are you involved in at your church?


I'm a hostess and I also sing on the praise and worship team at church. What are you involved in at your church?
I am currently Praise Team Leader.

I am also Hospitality coordinator. In my church this means, event planning. I've planned trips to the mountains, the beaches of Florida, game nights, family bowling nights, Gospel skate nights, Christmas Party and more.

I plan on doing less with the Hospitality this year and just overseeing the events. I am currently moving into the role of Evangelism team member which include new methods of reaching out to seekers and non-believers. I like to think of my title as "New Innovations Coordinator" within the Evangelism department.
We have a early morning prayer ministry that goes from 5 to 7 am every morning except Sunday. I'm one of the prayer warriors. Waking up that early is easy for me, and I love to pray. :yay:
I am a Pastors Wife and our church is fairly new and small right now....so that means that I do just about everything. Praise and worship, prayer, teaching. hospitality, the books, outreach, administration. You name it I have or am doing it.
mrsjones1 said:
I am a Pastors Wife and our church is fairly new and small right now....so that means that I do just about everything. Praise and worship, prayer, teaching. hospitality, the books, outreach, administration. You name it I have or am doing it.

I belong to a small church too. It is A LOT OF WORK! But God truly blesses. It's amazing what you can get done when your doing His work.
I am a leader in the women's ministry and I work on the Hospitally team (we great at the door and we welcome first time visitors), I am also a Revarand's wife and I belong to an association for Ministries Wives and Widows. It is not a church thing but an international assoication. I am the secretary of our local chapter.
I'm on the choir... and i am a junior member of the missionaries...

I'm thinking about joining the usher board... as well
I'm about to join a team who contact new believers to help them start their walk with Jesus. I also work in our international department, offering advice and a warm welcome to new members from overseas.
I'm a church secretary and I've been working for my church home now for six years. I'm alson on the Schaloraship Ministry, Pastor & Wife Ministry and the Women's Ministry.
mrsjones1 said:
I am a Pastors Wife and our church is fairly new and small right now....so that means that I do just about everything. Praise and worship, prayer, teaching. hospitality, the books, outreach, administration. You name it I have or am doing it.

My husband used to pastor a small church so I know what that's like! Now he's a professor at a Christian college and we go to a larger church. I sing in a small ensemble, volunteer at our church food shelf, and teach a gospel aerobics class.
I am a leader in the college ministry and I participate in the Worship and Arts Ministry as a praise dancer and will be doing the drama team in the college ministry as well.