What led you to this site?

That Marcheriamour chick led me and my overprocessed, dry, breaking/falling hair to LHCF. I love it here. I think I'll stay a while:yep:.
I was transitioning and looking for a site that would help me navigate through that process...Once I completely transitioned, I slacked off...Now, I'm back with a vengeance...I'm on the "long hair" wagon...sick of having perpetual SL hair (although, I am thankful to even have that)!!!
I was having a hair convo with a co-worker and discussing me making the decision to go natural. She told me about lhcf and said it had a lot of info on it. So i checked it out...been coming back ever since.
was tired of relaxing and looking for an alternative. I saw some beautiful natural heads here and decided to go natural. (also saw some beautiful relaxed heads as well)
I had moved to the DMV by myself and my flat iron broke in my bag during the flight. My sister and I saw signs for "blowouts" everywhere and I needed to get my hair done somewhere. I had always gotten rollerwraps at the salon, but I wasn't familiar with the term "blowout."

I googled "blowouts/Dominican blowouts" and found LHCF. I bookmarked it and wasn't that interested. Then, after I went to the stylist and she cut off a lot my hair that she said was "damaged," (it probably was) I came back to the site. Between youtube, LHCF, and a couple of other sites, I've learned so much and I'm now a DIYer!

Thank goodness for that flat iron breaking....
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Mine's a bit odd. Everytime I washed my hair I'd end up with lots of small white stones (is the best I can describe them) tangled in my hair. I wanted to know if anyone else had them and which of my products was causing the problem. So I googled it and came to this site. No one else had the problem but I figured it was the gel I was using.
I was searching for a former stylist and this site popped up. I never found her, but I found this site. I'm a member for life!:grin:
I was just so fed up and clueless with my hair. I had had a HORRIBLE relaxing experienced (chemical burns and all) and I was about 5 months post. I was too afraid to go back to the salon to get a touch up and my hair was suffering from it :wallbash: I started researching on African American hair care on google and I remember coming across Dominican products (this was in 2007). I was really interested in it and I started researching DR products and stumbled upon this site :grin: I remember I stumbled upon the archives first and then the rest of the site later. I BCed in January (only three months after lurking here) and finally became a paying member in I think April? Best discovery I've ever made and my hair is thanking you ladies for it!
Damaged, shedding hair and a hairdresser who cut instead of trimmed. I was frustrated and need to know what I can do to promote healthy hair growth.
Amazon.com - I was looking to buy the Ultra Black Hair growth II Book by Cathy Howse and somehow this Website came up, lol!
I had been Completely BEAUTICIAN-dependent... Then, I moved, and realized that I did not know how to do anything with my hair. I didn't even wash my own hair. I did a search on rollersetting and pin-curling, and found Pokahontas' fotki. She mentioned LHCF there and the rest is History. That was back in December of 2007...Since then I've fallen into the Lacio Lacio train to the Curlformer Revolution to stretching relaxers. That all occured before I even joined. I finally coughed up the $6.50 when I decided to go natural in 2009, and realized that I should've done it MUCH MUCH Sooner (Lurkers, please join us :)
I've always been obsessed w/ my hair growth and products. I got a new roommate last year and we were on the same page. I think she just "discovered" this site one day and knowing that I had the same love 4 hair, she told me about it. She also told me about hairlista and I found bhm on my own later. So i guess I was "referred by a friend" and have been addicted since.
i googled somthing like "black hair care" and then i found this about 2 years ago. i belive thats when i could actually look at the feature of the month for free!
I found this site on Motown Girl since I was natural and wanted to have a banging fro..then I lurked from 06 til 09 when I was reading the christian forum..and miss shimmie was talking...she is the only reason why i joined...I just had to talk to her..then I have made 4 awesome friends...to mothers and 2 sisters..Its awesome
I think originally I was seeking how to self-perm. Unfortunately for me I got over whelmed with all the info this site has to offer and turned back to a stylist. Who by the way over processed my hair which right back :(
I also was COMPLETELY beautician-dependent and yearned to break from from the bondage.

I had been Completely BEAUTICIAN-dependent... Then, I moved, and realized that I did not know how to do anything with my hair. I didn't even wash my own hair. I did a search on rollersetting and pin-curling, and found Pokahontas' fotki. She mentioned LHCF there and the rest is History. That was back in December of 2007...Since then I've fallen into the Lacio Lacio train to the Curlformer Revolution to stretching relaxers. That all occured before I even joined. I finally coughed up the $6.50 when I decided to go natural in 2009, and realized that I should've done it MUCH MUCH Sooner (Lurkers, please join us :)
2 years ago a couple of fotki members would mention LHCF but I didn't really pay it any attention. Then whenever I would research certain hair care products this site would pop up. I would lurk a little. But this year I am really serious about growing WL hair so I decided to join. There is alot of wonderful info and support from you guys! :yep:
10 years ago I was looking for a place or forum that would give me tips on how to transition. There really wasn't much back in 2000 and I gave up. I tried again in 2007 and I found a bunch of websites, this one included. I saw that I had to pay $5.00 and I said peace LOL I didn't know what this site was about. Actually I didn't even bother reading any of the threads so I just assumed it not worth my cash.

Fast forward to June 2008 when my sister called me up one night telling me she joined the forum. I got jealous of course LOL and came here only to find a million threads about Mega Tek. I loved the fact that there were so many active threads and always over 300+people posting/lurking at once. I also realized that this was a great place to be inspired to grow my hair long. I was close to APL at that point and had no issues with my hair. I bought myself a bottle of MT and joined my first bandwagon. 5000+ posts later I'm still here.