What do you do


Well-Known Member
at night?
For those who don't wrap their hair what do you do?
I've been tying it down w/ a big scarf but i wake up w/ the ends all dented and looking stupid. I tried tying it down and puttng the ends in a satin bonnet... i keep waking up w/ the bonnet lost and the ends of my hair still lookin dented and stupid.
What do you all suggest? Especially you ladies w/ BSL hair, any suggestions are appreciated.
My head coverings never used to stay on my head....until I found a bonnet that has a drawstring at walmart. Its great bc it doesnt have elastic which can stress ur edges anyway, and u can loosen or tighten the drawstring as needed. I love that thing and it stays on my head all night!

I usually pincurl at night or flexi rod. Im a person who never used to sleep in a scarf or bonnet bc they didnt stay on my head anyway....I thought sleeping on a satin pillowcase was good enough. Well Ive noticed a big difference in my hair's moisture level since Ive been covering it up. Ive really been depriving my hair and I didnt even know it. It looks and feels so much better now.
I just got one of those Bonnets, they a re great. I think it was 2 dollars. They stay on all night you csn adjust the tightness.
at night?
For those who don't wrap their hair what do you do?
I've been tying it down w/ a big scarf but i wake up w/ the ends all dented and looking stupid. I tried tying it down and puttng the ends in a satin bonnet... i keep waking up w/ the bonnet lost and the ends of my hair still lookin dented and stupid.
What do you all suggest? Especially you ladies w/ BSL hair, any suggestions are appreciated.

Well, this is what I do. But my hair is cut in a bob style right now, so I think that it works out. But I was just thinking about what I'm going to do when my hair gets longer. I'm sure that I'll be running into the same issue that you are. But truthfully, I like the way my hair looks better when I don't wrap it. It seems to fall better and not look too flat. The only suggestion would be to pincurl it or you can roll your hair under in one big roll (think about a roller being there but it's not there) and put a pin in it so that it can stay, then put your scarf and bonnet on. That may work out for you.
When I'm to lazy to wrap, I twist my hair ..then pin it up towards the top of my head with one wrapping clip. Put on a silk bonnet. Comes out nice and bouncy. I even do this if I wear a ponytail the next day.I have a satin/silk pillow case but my hair will still frizz up if I not wearing a bonnet or silk scarf.
satin rollers, pin curl, or you would plait it too (like two plats or two braids). That way it's flat and when you take them out, your hair will be wavy.
If I didn't wrap, I either pincurled or put my hair in 1-2 braids. I sleep with a bonnet (which stays on) but you might invest in one of those bonnets with the string (I use that for my daughter) and flip the edge (part where string is) up and OVER the bonnet (so as not to mess with your edges).