What Coconut Oil You Use?

I use this one:


I get it from The Vitamin Shoppe......:lick:
I just purchased my 1st coconut oil yesterday from a natural store. It says " Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil" cold pressed and unrefined. It doesnt really have a smell but the oil is nice.
i've been contemplating trying that, too. :yep: i know there are some reviews on here. you should try a search.
Ok, I normally go to an african shop to get my oils,shea butter,etc or a health food store.

I normally get just pure coconut oil.

I came across this Dabur Vatika Coconut Hair Oil on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Dabur-Vatika-Coconut-Hair-150ml/dp/B000JWQ3NC/ref=pd_sim_hpc_4 , do anyone here use this?


When I first started using coconut oil, you couldn't pay me to use anything else but the Vatika brand (that just happened to be the first one I found at the Indian store and I fell in love with it)

After about a year, the stores I visited could only get the really small size and not the large size I was used to, so I ended up going with the really big thing of Parachute brand (which was really a better buy for the money). But I would buy some Dabur Vatika in a heartbeat if my local indian store started carrying it in a larger size again; I love that stuff!!
I used to use Spectra Coconut Oil from Whole Foods. It smelled great and I like how it worked on my hair, but I had to stop using it because it made my skin break out.
I use whatever I get my hands on. My SO had gotten a bottle from the island he's from and I'd been using that until we made a trip to the Farmer's Market, it's just a big clear container for like $4. It smells like coconut, but I prefer that.