What are the benefits of a net weave?


Well-Known Member
So i'm getting a partial weave tomorrow. I have had weave with a net and without..I didn't really see any difference in it besides the net weave was quite difficult to take out. I think im only getting about 5 or 6 cornrows in the middle and all of my edges out so i can ponytail and stuff. Would it be beneficial to net weave even though theres only 5-6 braids??? plus my hair is pretty thin to begin with and i know when i take it out my hair is gonna feel extra thin..i want to try to prevent this...=)

i plan on spraying a mixture of coconut oil, water, and africas best herbal oil for moisture and chi keratin spray for protein on my braids.
The net weave is better because it helps relieve tension from your hair, the install is flatter and it last much longer since it is basically held up by the net. I love them because I have fine thin hair that can't take alot of tension. The only downside of the net is it's hard to get to the scalp but I use a coloring bottle with poo, ACV or cond to get to my scalp or moisturize my hair.
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as mzsophisticated26 said it relieves tension, and lays flatter, and if you have thinner/shorter hair or bald spots and there is a lot of scalp/lack of hair there is something for the tracks to be sewed onto.
Having a net on also ensure for a more careful takedown, it takes longer but you a lot less likely to cut your hair if you do takedowns with scissors.

another downside is you cant itch your scalp, you have to take a rats tail comb to do it effectively :)
The net allows the hair to lay flatter. The benefit for you is that less damage is done to your hair because the tracks are predominately sewn into the net and not your hair.

I would recommend a net since your hair is thin.