Wen users! Any holiday specials yet?


Well-Known Member
This product has made washing my hair a breeze! I just pre poo with it, or another oil like Neem or SheScentit's. Wash with the Wen then set my hair! So freakin easy!

I'm waiting until after Black Monday to check for deals.....
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I love the wen my favorite is sweet almond, I tried the cucumber hated it. Can't get rid of it and mad I can't even sell it. I would like to try lavendar but that stuff is just to expensive to be trying stuff.
I love the wen my favorite is sweet almond, I tried the cucumber hated it. Can't get rid of it and mad I can't even sell it. I would like to try lavendar but that stuff is just to expensive to be trying stuff.
I'll stick to my ethnic trio
Tea Tree
I hope that there is a special. I've been loving Hair One, and I'd like to give the real thing a try.
I alternate with WEN and OCT. My only problem with WEN is the cost, which is why I don't use it often. So I'll be waiting for a good deal before I buy again. I use FIG, which I love. I also love the smell. :lick:
If they ever have a sale I might try it but I'm happy with what I am using now. Its a shame they haven't offered a special for their faithful users....

I rather support the ladies that sale products on this board personally....:yep: