Weird Breakage issues. Please share your thoughts


Well-Known Member
:nono:I have experienced some breakage along the nape of my neck. The breakage is almost in a straight line across the back, almost as if I cut it like this. I wear a bun at the back of my head most days as a protective style. The good news. It didn't break to the scalp. When flat ironed you can't tell the breakage. The bad news, when I try to wear a wash and go on my texturized hair, it bunches up around my nape. The weird thing is, the texture back there is different. It feels different, doesn't text as evenly as the rest of my head. It stays "nappier" and it feels more wiry. Do you think the bunning has caused the breakage?:nono: I am thinking I need to switch up my hairstyles if this is the case. I use the silky/satin cloth covered scrunchies and the breakage really isn't where the scrunchie meets my hair. It hasn't broken that far down. Any suggestions as to what I might not have considered to cause this breakage? When straightened this hair is only a maybe a couple of inches max from the rest of my bra strap length hair and it has major major shrinkage. Does this mean this hair texture might not be 4a/b and something else? It's so thick and coarse too.

:nono:I have experienced some breakage along the nape of my neck. The breakage is almost in a straight line across the back, almost as if I cut it like this. I wear a bun at the back of my head most days as a protective style. The good news. It didn't break to the scalp. When flat ironed you can't tell the breakage. The bad news, when I try to wear a wash and go on my texturized hair, it bunches up around my nape. The weird thing is, the texture back there is different. It feels different, doesn't text as evenly as the rest of my head. It stays "nappier" and it feels more wiry. Do you think the bunning has caused the breakage?:nono: I am thinking I need to switch up my hairstyles if this is the case. I use the silky/satin cloth covered scrunchies and the breakage really isn't where the scrunchie meets my hair. It hasn't broken that far down. Any suggestions as to what I might not have considered to cause this breakage? When straightened this hair is only a maybe a couple of inches max from the rest of my bra strap length hair and it has major major shrinkage. Does this mean this hair texture might not be 4a/b and something else? It's so thick and coarse too.


My nape texture is different too. How tight is your bun? It could be tension from the bun is causeing overall tension on the nape hair. I think it was Isis who said that she has to treat the nape hair different from the rest of her head and I think that is true for alot of people. Try putting extra conditioner on those parts. One thing that helped me keep my nape hair moisturized and flexible is rubbing a light oil (hairobics scalp rejuvenator or ors scalp oil) on my scalp in those sections and moisturizing it twice a day.
How do you protect your hair at night. If you tie your covering tightly across this area, it could be what's damaging your nape hair. I'd try a satin pillow and no whole head baggying for a while to see if it makes a difference. HTH
Maybe it's overprocessed in that area. I don't know if you go to a beautician but I only get breakage in that area when I visit the beautician because they put the relaxer at the nape first.. Now that I relax myself, my nape is growing and I'm not experiencing any breakage. I would suggest you condition a lot and if you visit a beautician regularly, you should tell her to apply the relaxer to that area last.

The last time my nape was breaking, I was using a beautician at the time and she told me it was breaking because my coat was rubbing that area, but guess what, it was only on one side so I know what she was saying was bull.. Just condition and moisturize that area well and no matter what you do, get your beautician to put the relaxer last in that area.
My nape texture is different too. How tight is your bun? It could be tension from the bun is causeing overall tension on the nape hair. I think it was Isis who said that she has to treat the nape hair different from the rest of her head and I think that is true for alot of people. Try putting extra conditioner on those parts. One thing that helped me keep my nape hair moisturized and flexible is rubbing a light oil (hairobics scalp rejuvenator or ors scalp oil) on my scalp in those sections and moisturizing it twice a day.

I don't think it's too tight,but I dunno maybe it is. I am checking out DLewis siggie and how she pins up her hair with a barrette. I am not as slick as she is and this stuff is a mess and big! I am going to consider it an option.
How do you protect your hair at night. If you tie your covering tightly across this area, it could be what's damaging your nape hair. I'd try a satin pillow and no whole head baggying for a while to see if it makes a difference. HTH

I do tie my head up with a silk scarf or satin thingie. I also sleep on a satin pillowcase. I only tie it down to get some semblence of smoothness. Maybe I can try something else besides the scarves. Thanks for the thoughts.
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Maybe it's overprocessed in that area. I don't know if you go to a beautician but I only get breakage in that area when I visit the beautician because they put the relaxer at the nape first.. Now that I relax myself, my nape is growing and I'm not experiencing any breakage. I would suggest you condition a lot and if you visit a beautician regularly, you should tell her to apply the relaxer to that area last.

The last time my nape was breaking, I was using a beautician at the time and she told me it was breaking because my coat was rubbing that area, but guess what, it was only on one side so I know what she was saying was bull.. Just condition and moisturize that area well and no matter what you do, get your beautician to put the relaxer last in that area.

I don't think it can be overprocessed. I think in regards to my whole head it's almost underprocessed. This part of my head actually has more of a defined spiral curl than the rest of my hair. It definitely More Coily. Do you all think that this is some kind of different coily 4 texture? When I wear a wash and go this hair actually tightens up so much it's a small fro under the hair that lays on top of it which is more wavy loose. I process this portion for the same time that I process the rest of my hair. Should I assume this is a texture difference or just more resistant or something?
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One last thing. This portion is not broken off to the quick. Straigtened it maybe an inch shorter than the rest of my hair. Thickness is not the issue. It's almost like someone took scissors and chopped straight across. It's not that neat, but real close.
Bump, can anyone help me here. Give me some insight to figure out what;'s going on with the nape hair?

A couple of things could have causes the breakage.

your bun in the same location pulling at the hair
hair rubbing against the collar
Your scrunchy may be to tight

I have had this problem in the past. I have a couple of different textures going on, on my head. I think I range from 3b to 3c at the nape and 4a at the crown.

If you suspect it to be a different texture you may have to try a different approach. I have had to skip the relaxer every other time at the nape and sometimes at the hair line around the face and the hair is heathier.

I have also learned that bunning at the same location is not good. I do different protective style and when I bun several days in a row, I bun at different locations on the head (low bun, side bun, high bun). Because it seam like keeping that tension from the bun in the same location was causing breakage and when you think about it you are just wearing that same spot out.

Let us know what helps.
I don't think it can be overprocessed. I think in regards to my whole head it's almost underprocessed. This part of my head actually has more of a defined spiral curl than the rest of my hair. It definitely More Coily. Do you all think that this is some kind of different coily 4 texture? When I wear a wash and go this hair actually tightens up so much it's a small fro under the hair that lays on top of it which is more wavy loose. I process this portion for the same time that I process the rest of my hair. Should I assume this is a texture difference or just more resistant or something?

I thought 4b was more coily? Could you have 4b in the nape area and 4a in the rest of the areas? Your type 4a/4b?
A couple of things could have causes the breakage.

your bun in the same location pulling at the hair
hair rubbing against the collar
Your scrunchy may be to tight

I have had this problem in the past. I have a couple of different textures going on, on my head. I think I range from 3b to 3c at the nape and 4a at the crown.

If you suspect it to be a different texture you may have to try a different approach. I have had to skip the relaxer every other time at the nape and sometimes at the hair line around the face and the hair is heathier.

I have also learned that bunning at the same location is not good. I do different protective style and when I bun several days in a row, I bun at different locations on the head (low bun, side bun, high bun). Because it seam like keeping that tension from the bun in the same location was causing breakage and when you think about it you are just wearing that same spot out.

Let us know what helps.

Dlewis, this makes a lot of sense. I am going to the store to see if I can find some barrettes that won't cut my hair. I would think metal would be out then as far as the clasp? Thanks for responding. I definitely think it's time to switch it up. I hope it comes in real soon!
I thought 4b was more coily? Could you have 4b in the nape area and 4a in the rest of the areas? Your type 4a/4b?

I think I am a little confused about the 4a/4b thing. When my hair is wet, I have the s shape( after texting). When it dries it frizzes and I have yet figured out how to make the waves stay. The back is like more spiral like when wet. I mean it seems to go round and round, like a pen set. I don't know if my whole head is like this, but the nape isn't relaxing as straight or something. The rest of my head when texted, form more waves, depending upon the conditioner I use, it can come in coily, but definitely not as coiled as the nape. So I think it's 4a/4b but which part is which???
Am I generally 4b all over and 4a at the nape or the other way around. Maybe I should try and post some pictures or something:wallbash:
I thought 4b was more coily? Could you have 4b in the nape area and 4a in the rest of the areas? Your type 4a/4b?

I have claimed 4a/4b because I figured this made sense. I think I am just realizing I can't identify for sure which is which on my head.
Dlewis, this makes a lot of sense. I am going to the store to see if I can find some barrettes that won't cut my hair. I would think metal would be out then as far as the clasp? Thanks for responding. I definitely think it's time to switch it up. I hope it comes in real soon!

The safest clips I have found for my hair is the flexi8 and ficcare. And I have bought used and tired a lot of different one. They normally end up on my grandbaby's Sue Ellen (dollbaby) hair. The best quality ones are the one you pay a little bit more for. Flexi8 is cheaper than ficcare and works better.