Weekly Fasting & Praying Aug. 25th - Focus -Niger, Africa God Will Starving Families


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Weekly Fasting & Praying Aug. 25th - Focus -Niger, Africa God Help Starving Families

Our next weekly fasting and prayer team is schedule for August 25th from 6:00am-6:00am next day 24 hour window. You decide how long and how much. Our focus this week is Niger, Africa that God will put into people's heart to help starving families. Any suggestions of other focuses please let me know. Also, although we are focusing on a specific topic you may still prayer about other issues and of course our prayer list below.

Father in the name of Jesus we pray for all our fasting & prayer teams across the nation and all of it's members. Please God met every prayer request. We pray God this week like other weeks that You will bless us and keep us. Father in Jesus name we pray sincerly and dearly for those familes who are starving in Niger, Africa and all other areas. We asked God that You would press upon your people around the world to help those starving familes with food, water, clothes and shelter. Many of your children already give to help these causes and we pray that they will continue to give and that others will be encourage to give from their hearts. We thank You how you have kept us for not starving so we ask that the same blessing on our land You will bestow on their land and while You are feeding them physcially please allow them to get spirtiual food as well and all those who are not saved by the blood of Jesus will become saved. In Jesus Name Amen.

LHCF, Beauty Shop, Zion Church, Job, Greater Deliverance. TOTAL MEMBERS APPROX. - 65

0. All Fasting & Prayer Team members nation wide.
1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life; job interview grant her favor and give insight to the questions.
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2uuuu- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life and family; anoint automobiles to keep functioning
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Vision and direction concerning my purpose/destiny/ministry.
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for the man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Release from a spirit of fear and anxiety; need of mental and physical rest needed at this time from work, chores and geting enough sleep. Feeling as if not enough time in the day to complete tasks and get some recreation, relaxation;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.
17. Mswinni - Strength in the Lord; closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me; direction and understanding of His word; make better godly decisions; a stable mind and the courage to go on with Jesus; spending habits and financial situation to improve;ready to completely walk on my own two feet; delivered from the negative self image; part time job and car;to be whole again.
18.Sb44 - Mother who is very ill; give family and me strength to hold onto God's unchanging hand.
19. NYCQT16 - Hearing from God better; self-esteem concerns; living in purpose and destiny.
20. Cupcake -health of my family;me and my mother in His bosom since the death of my father 6 months ago;stronger relationship with Jesus Christ;God to order my steps and speak to my heart;direction with school, work, my relationship with my mom;spiritual walk with my boyfriend be evenly yoked;all of the LHCF ladies on this fast & prayer team!
21.Pebbles - My sister to carry her baby full term; and cover baby with the blood of Jesus; her duties on this forum, family, her divine purpose and destiny in God; closer walk with Jesus.
22. Lady R- My household, husband and son; my ministry and destroying my fears;being obedient to God voice; family financials;released from my current job and be blessed with the next step of my life; blessing on my Mary Kay business; and blessing to others through my testominy.
23. Sweetie19 - School, career after gradution; finanical freedom, divine favor, to become better woman of God; walk in her divine call
24. Sweet C- Strength to finish her thesis; anoint her hands God; Growing in the Lord, family and friends, procrastination; Walk in her divine destiny and fulfill God's perfect will for life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
25. Cherokee - Closer relationship with the Lord, finances, emotional stability, forgiveness, God's perfect will for her life, future husband.
26.CICI24 -School financial aid, God's perfect will for her life and family, and my abundant health and self confidence.
27. KEIONI'S MOM - Strength in her life. Find her own path, discover the areas in which she will excel. Allow her to be a strong mother and to find a loving, supportive, worthy SO. Someone, who will appreciate her constant giving spirit.
28. Star - Continue to shine, like the Star that she is; continue to be a blessing to others, but also be able to receive all of the blessing that YOU, Lord, Jesus, have in store for her; also job detail.
29. dtachi- Going back to school with new major/vision strength and wisdom to get through my first year;financial blessing to help my expenses of school; God's perfect will for my life and family.
30. Sithembile -I pray God we all will draw closer to Him by faith and allow Him to speak into every situation in our lives. I pray that we may all have a divine revelation concerning our spouses and future spouses. I especially pray for Justicewifey who said her marriage was breaking up. It would be great if we could all remember her, her husband and children during our time of prayer and fasting. Confirmation on future mate;Walk in her divine destiny and fulfill God's perfect will for life.
31. Missbobbie-Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
32. Micheal77 - Receiving the power of forgivenes, love, grace and mercy of God without apologies; seeking to fulfill God's destiny for my life; being covered with the blood of Jesus each and every day.
33.RE- Please pray for my husband's salvation and for him to have godly male friends;my for divine destiny in Jesus and God to give me wisdom on talking and dealing with my spouse.
34. Justicewifey - God in the name of Jesus please cover this daughter of yours; please heal her marriage God You are prayer answering God. Carry Father during this time. Show her You are a BIG God. Please, Please God Perform a miracle.
35.Moisy -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection.
36.BabeinChrist -Today, I would like us to pray for our husbands choices. It is so important that they make the right choices because if they don't, those choices can have devastating effects for everyone; wives, children, close family and friends. We are all effected. We as wives can help protect our husbands through the power of prayer.
37. Blessed1 -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
38.HM -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection.
39. Onyx- Healing for my sister and the ability for her to accept and cope with her illness until God heals her; strongholds to be destroyed; finances; blessed new relationships; future husband.

** See other post on fasting if you need instructions on how to fast.

For ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our other fasting teams, our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.
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Re: Weekly Fasting & Praying Aug. 25th - Focus -Niger, Africa God Will Starving Famil

Thank you!
Re: Weekly Fasting & Praying Aug. 25th - Focus -Niger, Africa God Will Starving Famil

michael77 said:
Thank you!
We know that God is going to move these people behalf. Thanks again for your input. United we stand divided we fall. :)