Walgreens Clearances...FX, Tresseme, Suave, and more


Active Member
Not sure if anyone's said anything, sorry to be redundant if so but Walgreens is clearing shelves this week apparently for some new shipments.

In the last couple of days have bought:
—FX Blow Out, FX Straight & Shiny Serum, FX Curls Up, and FX Flat Iron ($1.59 each)
—Suave Pomegranate Conditioner 320z (45¢)
—Tresseme Naturals Conditioner with vitamins C & E 32oz ($1.19)

Mainly because I wanted to try out the FX products and because I love cowashing :grin:

Makeup is on clearance too.

HTH someone!

ETA: Only the pomegranate conditioner was on sale for 45¢, and the clearance items are scattered (parts of a line, not the whole line). Formula changes? But still hope the info helps someone.
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Even though I'm trying not to buy as much condish in 2011 as I did last year - I'll go later this evening, thanks!
Welcome ladies...just passing along the joy. :)

Even though I'm trying not to buy as much condish in 2011 as I did last year - I'll go later this evening, thanks!

I definitely said the same thing for 2011, but alas, stocking up for the whole year (or half of it) isn't a sin :grin: and I've been really consistent with regular cwashing (at least once a week) so I don't regret humoring my inner pjunkie.

Thanks, I'm gonna stop by the store tomorrow and see if I can stock up on some cheap conditioners.
i went today to two different walgreens...the 1st 1 all the good stuff was gone but the second they had HE condishes for $1 and organix condishes for 1.79...alot of suave and tresemme (but not the new natuarals condish) some aussie and garnier on sale and some nexxus stuff for $2-3!!! it was alot of good stuff that was gone too, i wish i had went earlier...but i still got 5 bottles of condish and a tube of aussie smooth gel for under $10
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Walgreen's has been my bff this week...not good on my wallet, but I have been there every day lol. Glad to have been of service!
I went there earlier this week- I got the small bottles of nexxus humectress that are usually about $4-5 for 1.19! and other conditioners for $1-2. I will go to another one tomorrow to see if they have more
ok I went too and this is what I found.

nexxus dualiste poo & conditioner 4.19 bogo 1/2 off
nexxus sleek finish lotion 2.19
soft & beautiful hair gloss with olive, shea, & safflower oil 2.19
loreal lip conditioner 2.19

smh...and i said i wasn't going to buy anything.

(pj going back to rehab)
CVS also has the same make up sale going on. I went to both today and bought over $100 worth of stuff for around $30 bucks. :look: Don't judge me!