Very unusual scalp problem


Well-Known Member
Co-worker wants me to ask about you all about her scalp.

She is a natural and at various times her scalp will start burning in various places for a couple of minutes, says it stings or burns as if someone left a perm on it. I suggested she use ORS aloe creamy neutrilizer poo, and too wash all of her hair utensils. she did and says it didn't burn at all for a couple of days, then it started to burn again. She went to the doctor and the doctor didn't know what caused it so she prescribed her some hydrocortizone. :ohwell::perplexed

Today she is complaining again and ask me to ask you all.

Has anyone had a problem like this? any ideas?

I think I'll tell her to put aloe vera gel on her scalp and maybe do a acv rinse.
Never heard of that. What doctor did she go to? A skin specialist? She may have to find another dermatologist coz it seems odd that the doctor doesn't know what's going on.

Another suggestion would be she try my regimen of using nothing on her scalp after a wash. I'd suggest she use Neutrogena Triple Moisture with the green cap. With her hair in twists or plaits, she should apply it to her scalp using her fingers to reach between her hair and onto the partings and really massage well. No nails, just finger tips. The green cap NTM has peppermint and leaves the scalp feeling tingly. When she rinses, she should rinse very well massaging scalp to remove all poo residue. Next she should use a moisturizing conditioner but only on her hair, not her scalp. I usually skip the bottom 1 inch of my hair, so taking a few twists at a time, apply condish starting from about an inch above the base and smooth to the ends the way you'd apply relaxer. Start from the back, going row by row if you like. Next, holding your head so twists hang down, like bending over bathtub, squeeze a few twists at a time to allow condish to penetrate them. I make sure the twists are hanging down so condish is dripping to ends and not to my scalp--although there's no guarantee that some won't get on your scalp but why encourage it? During the rinse from a shower head, she should squeeze the twists again as they hang down till not more condish runs out. The next step is my favorite step of the wash. Get a basin and put 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, add 20 drops of essential oil of rosemary (you can add the same of lavender EO and a dropper full of liquid sage). Then she should dunk her head in that and massage her scalp. Besides making sure no more product residue is left on her scalp, she'll be improving circulation and the ACV will be sealing her hair's cuticles. After that, and this is the scary part, no product. She should baggy every night. If by day 2 or 3 she finds her hair feels dry, she should do a CW the way I described, avoiding scalp, then ACV and air dry again. At least this way she'll know if it's a reaction to a product or not.

Another thing that came to mind is allergies. Maybe something she's eating isn't agreeing w/ her. Allergies are weird and could target one zone instead of the entire body. Perhaps she should keep a diary of what she's eating and see if this feeling comes after a certain food.

How often does she wash her hair? I know I get a headache if I go more than 3 days w/o washing my hair. Never understood it, but I don't argue with it. I just do the needful.
This happens to me. I went to a derm and they told me there was nothing that they could do. They gave me a cortisone cream. Is she noticing a decrease in hair growth? Mine totally stopped growing for a few months. I've had a sinking feeling that it may have to do with my thyroid. :sad: Go to a derm at least so that they can rule out alopecia.
I know I get a headache if I go more than 3 days w/o washing my hair. Never understood it, but I don't argue with it. I just do the needful.

Strange. Thanks for taking the time out to write all of that, I will pass it along. she went to her family dr.
I've had this problem for the last 2yrs,but my scalp felt that way at times while out in the sun.The feeling was anything from a slight stinging to literally on FIRE.Its not all the time.

I believe it is due to my eczema.

Ten years ago scalp eczema change my hair texture from 4a to 3c.Then after 4 years of having this new 3c texture i call myself doing a ACV and sage rince on my hair,not only did fix my scalp eczema but it instantly changed my 3c texture back to a 4a,b again.....but it was MATTED.:wallbash:
Anxiety symptoms - headaches, sore scalp, tight neck, head tension

Headaches, sore scalp, tight neck, head tension: Your scalp feels sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. You may also experience burning scalp or skin on your head, neck or any other place on your body.

These sensations may come and go on a few times, may come and go regularly, or may be persistent and very strong. You may also experience shooting pains in the head, face, neck, or any other part of the body.