Vacation/Beach hair regimen & style ideas??


Hi everyone,

My hair is thick, APL, type 4a/b, relaxed. I will be going with the SO to an island near Aruba called Bonaire in a couple of weeks. I will be about 1 week post-relaxer and post-trim when I go (therefore my hair will be a little more easily managable). I'm not a huge water person, but I will be getting in the ocean and pool on occasion and there will be lots of sun.

I don't want to get braids, extensions, lacefront wigs or anything like that. I want to rock my own hair. So what do you all suggest as a good haircare regimen to follow while I'm gone? (I'll be there for 8 days) I'm planning on bringing my flatiron because I'll probably "do" my hair once while I'm there. I'm also willing to take a heat cap for deep conditioning if necessary.

Any ideas for daily routines, styles, & products to retain moisture and managability (particularly detangling properties)?

Also feel free to list any other threads I could read that address this.

Thanks ladies!!!
What's an easy go to style that always turns out well for you and doesn't require heat? That's what I'd wear.

Usually when I go on vacation I'm in braids/weave/wig but the few times that I haven't been, I stick to the one style that's easy for me, bantu knot outs. I do them before I leave and then when I'm there I just redo them every night. And, I can get my hair wet, wash, and redo them and it doesn't take much time.

If you have a wig I'd bring it, just in case you need to get ready quickly.
When I go on vacation I tend to let go of the whole hair craze, sort of. At the beach, I never swim with my hair loose, it's always in 1 braid or a low bun. I make sure I bring a bottle of water just for my hair, once I get out the water I rinse out all the salt water and apply a cheap conditioner and re-bun or re-braid. A large tooth comb is essential while on vaca for me because I do not blow dry or use any heat. Instead while in the hotel room I will wear a scarf around the edges with the rest of my hair out to air dry. Once it's semi-dry I put it into a down 'do using lots of leave in conditioner.

I don't bring a dryer, heat cap or anything like that. If you want to DC on vaca, just put your DC in your hair and hit the beach to lay out... it's hot enough outside + the sun's rays will help your conditioner get in deep.
BTW, I'm relaxed and 4a/b too. Cute scarves are also a good way to help your hair look a little better. If you do braids or something by day, at night your hair should be wavy enough to wear a scarf as a headband with your hair out.
I always do a bun for beach vacation. The heat, humidity, sand and sea mist don't work with any other style.