Underprocessing with Affirm?


New Member
Has anyone noticed any underprocessing with Affirm? So far I don't think I've heard any complaints about Affirm except burning your scalp (just ordered 4 pounds and have a sensative scalp so i've being VERY careful) well i've just gone through an underprocessing NIGHTMARE (motions oil) so underprocessing this time, especially 'cause i just ordered 4 pounds is simply not an option. this has to work. so i was wondering if anyone underprocessed with affirm. also, how many people had scalp trouble? plz respond. i'm desperate
Well i JUST got out of underprocessing hell, and Affirm did the trick. I like it so far andI'm approaching my second week with it. Unlike my experience with the motions relaxer, My hair does not revert when wet, and my hair looks smoother.
I had a little tingle in the section it was first applied, but i did not suffer from any burns and my scalp feels normal.
I applied affirm for my last two touch-ups. I did have underprocessed hair the first time, because like an idiot I did not base my scalp properly after I had been scratching. I ordered the 4lb tub, and it arrived before I expected it too. I was so excited to have finally tracked it down and received it, that I didn't prepare well. However, the second time, I made sure to base my scalp well. I know I didn't scratch my hair as much this time, but I didn't want to take any chances. My hair came out perfectly. I had time to fix the underprocessed hair from last time also. As a matter of fact, I've shampooed my hair twice, done a conditioner wash, and just rinsed it twice since my relaxer and it still looks like I just got a relaxer once it dries.
Well Affirm was the last relaxer I had done and I think that there was either a little underprocessing going on or she didn't apply the relaxer properly. She didn't concentrate on the thickest part of my head the front middle bit. It wasn't all that noticeable if your just looking but when I touched my scalp I could feel that new grow feeling and my hair doesn't grow that quickly.
hi guys...someone told me before but I forgot...where are you guys ordering the affirm from?

Thanks in advance

Gldspoon, you can order Affirm from the Sheldeez web site. I don't remember the link; it might be sheldeez.com but I'm not sure. A Google search will pull it up for you.

Soslychic, I haven't had any underprocessing problems with Affirm. It pretty much does the trick. I did a touch up this evening and the new growth is relaxed pretty well, and I had a lot of new growth. What strength are you using, and how long is your application time?
The four times I used Affirm, it underprocessed my hair each time. It doesn't agree with my hair. Everybody hair is different. If I were you, I would do a strand test before applying the whole relaxer to your head. Hope that helps. Good luck
Good idea. I did a strand test with the motions lye and it didn't come out straight but I thought that I had just done something wrong so I went ahead and applied it, big mistake.
Well I've done a lot of research so as long as the chemical works with my hair, the process should go smoothly (and hopefully that's how my hair will turn out too)
thx all!