Transitioning newbie

Nikk B

New Member
I'm a mother of 3 beautiful DDs and because I love their beautiful natural hair and want to be a role model for them (as well as loving what God has given me) I'm taking the plunge to transitioning my relaxed hair. My wonderful friend Info Junkie referred me to this amazing site and I'm trying not to get overwhelmed with all the information but I just don't know where to start. It's been about 3 months since my last relaxer and I'm not sure what my hair type is so this is definitely going to take some patience on my part but I'm up for the challenge. Any advice or tips is greatly appreciated! :ohwell:
Welcome! I think that your daughters will be a wonderful source of inspiration for when the going gets tough. I had my sister and my mom to lean on, so I know how much that inspiration can help!

Do you have a current regimen? Favorite products or tools? How do you normally wear your hair?

Hopefully someone else who is at your point in their transition will come in and be able to help you out.
Welcome! You will find tons of useful information here! It can be extremely overwhelming so here are my tips for using the board successfully:

  1. Learn the lingo! That was the toughest thing for me. There is a thread somewhere about the acronyms. I'll find it for you.
  2. The advanced search engine is great! Click on the Search link and under Search Forums, click advanced search. Enter the product or some key words about the topic you're looking for, change search entire postings to search titles only, and start searching! The board can be overwhelming and I find this to be the best way to find what I need. I also check in to the first 5 or 6 pages of this forum daily to keep up with the current topics.
  3. Subscribe! Subscribe to threads you feel are important using the Thread tools at the top of the original post. Then if you go to your User CP at the top of the page, scroll down to Subscribed Threads and click List Subscriptions. Voila! A list of all of your favorite threads!
  4. Start SIMPLE with your hair routine, and tweak here and there. It is very easy to jump on a product bandwagon and spend ALL of your hard-earned money. AVOID THIS if you can! Start with one moisturizing shampoo, deep conditioner, leave-in, and oil for sealing. Add in a cheapie conditioner if you want to cowash (wet hair, put in conditioner and rinse out - NO shampoo with cowashing).
That's all I can think of right now. Good luck and HHG! (Happy hair growing!). We are around the same few months of transitioning, so PM (private message) me any time. We can bounce tips and ideas off of each other!:grin:
This is the one for acronyms

Also check out the thread called Favorite Stickies near the top of the forum threads.

AND learn how to use BBcode. It takes a lot of getting used to. Here are the instructions:

Oh! And the keys to holding on to your relaxed ends for as long as possible are moisture and low manipulation! Try these threads too.

WHEW! That's a lot! Sorry if I'm overwhelming you too!:grin:
Ladies thanks for the great advice it's great to know that I'm not the only person on this journey. Right now I don't really have a hair regimen I wash my hair once every 1-2 weeks and keep it moisturized but other than that I'm lost???