Transitioning and Breakage


Pineapple Eating Unicorn
I am about 5 weeks post relaxer and have decided to transition. My hair is starting to break off at the ends so it's only relaxed parts that are coming off. It's not super bad, just a little more than I'm used to.

I'm going to have to get rid of the relaxed ends eventually, so should I still try to keep the relaxed ends from breaking, or just let it happen?


Well-Known Member
hmmm it's up to you. me personally it wouldn't bother me too much. because the perm ends are going to be gone eventually. the only thing i will say i's be worried about is how the ends look.if they are thin they do a dusting or tirm. HTH


Well-Known Member
I think you should work at stopping the breakage. I wasn't super concerned about my relaxed ends, but eventually unhealthy relaxed hair will cause your natural hair (new growth) to be unhealthy via split ends that head up to the natural hair, etc.

I would do what you would normally do to surpress breakage--lots of moisture and end protection. I did a lot of protective styling during my transition, and I had almost no breakage. I think ultimately it was better for my natural hair that my relaxed hair was fairly healthy as well.