Too much?

Ms. Plain Jane

New Member
I want to pre poo with a protein treatment (Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor) + EVOO (is that a good combination?), shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo (Elasta QP Creme Condition Shampoo), follow up with Roux Mendex, and then condition again with Elasta QP Intense.

Will using the CPR and Mendex be too much? Is Mendex even a protein, or does it simply help to mend split ends?

For some reason my hair is breaking and I have found a few splits...

TIA! :yep:
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Is the intense a protein also ?
I'm not sure about the roux i've never used it

but i would stick to only 1 protein and 1 moisturizing conditioner though

maybe someone else will step in
Is the intense a protein also ?
I'm not sure about the roux i've never used it

but i would stick to only 1 protein and 1 moisturizing conditioner though

maybe someone else will step in
I agree. I would just do one protein then follow up with a really good deep condition. Be careful not to overdo it with the protein, it can cause more breakage.