Tithe: A requirement for Christians?

When I first got saved I did not pay my tithes because I did not understand it. So I told God what his word said about trying or testing him and see that he will open the windows of heaven.... I went to God not to man for understanding and when God proved to me that tithing worked I began to do so faithfully. I now pay my tithes and offering from my gross because that is what I actually get and I pay my offering based on what I can afford not on what someone asks for or starts the offering off with because I know I have other financial obligations. When it comes to money and the church in these last days we have to be careful and ask God himself for wisdom so we won't be fooled by some money hungry people. I notice that now there are churches popping up that you cant even join unless you give them a copy of your W-2 and I know of one that requires there members to pay 20% (The devil is a lie):eek: .
gradygirl said:
When I first got saved I did not pay my tithes because I did not understand it. So I told God what his word said about trying or testing him and see that he will open the windows of heaven.... I went to God not to man for understanding and when God proved to me that tithing worked I began to do so faithfully. I now pay my tithes and offering from my gross because that is what I actually get and I pay my offering based on what I can afford not on what someone asks for or starts the offering off with because I know I have other financial obligations. When it comes to money and the church in these last days we have to be careful and ask God himself for wisdom so we won't be fooled by some money hungry people. I notice that now there are churches popping up that you cant even join unless you give them a copy of your W-2 and I know of one that requires there members to pay 20% (The devil is a lie):eek: .

Are you kidding me? For real? That is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gradygirl said:
When I first got saved I did not pay my tithes because I did not understand it. So I told God what his word said about trying or testing him and see that he will open the windows of heaven.... I went to God not to man for understanding and when God proved to me that tithing worked I began to do so faithfully. I now pay my tithes and offering from my gross ....

I agree with what you say here.... I tithe off the gross. I don't look at it as a requirement, but in faith and obedience within covenant as part of my walk of salvation with Jesus Christ.

The Lord is not going to make anybody do what they don't want to do.... What's "wrong" with applying a biblical principle that the Lord honors? Abraham gave tithes of ALL...and this man was BLESSED! Spiritually and naturally!!!! He didn't want for anything, including the promised child through his post-menopausal wife!!!

Bottom line for me is this: we could debate about the scriptural stuff about what the law was and what grace is and what was undone or changed or turned upside down and whatnot.... However, I strongly encourage those who are apprehensive about tithing to seek the Lord directly, point blank...ask the Lord...point blank...about the principle of tithing (and this is different from giving offerings)...and to grant the faith to begin to tithe...even baby steps...and you will see changes and blessings and miracles in life that cannot be explained or tracked...all you will be able to say is "all glory belongs to God!"

I'd been trying to figure out how to respond to this thread, esp. after the lengthy scriptural back and forths about the relevance and "lawfulness" of tithing and here's my thought:

All this resistance to tithing should alert us to do exactly this: TITHE!!! This talking against tithing is such a deception...and deception is the enemy's greatest skill.... Sigh....

And when I tithe, I'm giving my tithes and offerings TO THE LORD, not the preacher.... So if the preacher decides to steal it or burn the money in the BBQ pit, I can say that I did what I was supposed to do with this part of my covenant relationship with the Lord....

Anybody can GIVE, but TITHING is about relationship.
RelaxerRehab said:
All this resistance to tithing should alert us to do exactly this: TITHE!!! This talking against tithing is such a deception...and deception is the enemy's greatest skill.... Sigh....

Tithing is still not a requirement of the New Testament. If it makes you feel good to tithe, then by all accounts, do so, but don't claim that it's a requirement when it's not.

RelaxerRehab said:
Anybody can GIVE, but TITHING is about relationship.

So "givers" can't have a relationship with God?! That's news to me.
mkh_77 said:
Tithing is still not a requirement of the New Testament. If it makes you feel good to tithe, then by all accounts, do so, but don't claim that it's a requirement when it's not.

So "givers" can't have a relationship with God?! That's news to me.

Me too! My mom, who thought I was totally nuts about this tithing thing, called me to tell me that she read one of Billy Graham's books, and in it, even he talks about how tithing is NOT a requirement. He goes on to say that he and his family tithe, but that it's a personal decision for everyone to make since it's, again, NOT a requirement. So basically, she believes it now and has started to study it for herself.

The tithing "rule" is a stronghold.
mkh_77 said:
Tithing is still not a requirement of the New Testament. If it makes you feel good to tithe, then by all accounts, do so, but don't claim that it's a requirement when it's not.

So "givers" can't have a relationship with God?! That's news to me.

Ok... so can you please state where I said that givers cannot or do not have a relationship with God?

I will say this: relationships can be as shallow or as deep as we want them to be. I'll leave it at that.
RelaxerRehab said:
Anybody can GIVE, but TITHING is about relationship.

Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, so I'll ask, what exactly did you mean by the statement above?

And, if I never gave a penny to a church, I don't think that would define my relationship with God because my relationship with God isn't for others to define. Besides, does God really want my money, or my heart?
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mkh_77 said:
Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, so I'll ask, what exactly did you mean by the statement above?
Ok... let me be clear about the statement to which you are referring: "Anybody can GIVE, but TITHING is about relationship."

I'll start with the first phrase: "anybody can GIVE". Basically, anybody and everybody on the planet (Christian and non-Christian alike) can engage in the act of giving, be it money, time, resources, clothing, etc. And that giving can be directed toward anyone/anything, e.g., an individual, a church/religious organization, charitable organization, hospital, homelness person on the street, Hurricane Katrina evacuees, etc. One is simply engaging in the principle of sowing and reaping, which is present in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. (Psalm 126:5: They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.; Ecclesiastes 11:4: He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap; 2 Corinthians 9:6: But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.)

There are both spiritual and natural benefits to this act. Naturally, one not only "feels good" about the act, but there's a tax benefit (write-off) to giving. I don't know if Oprah or Bill Gates profess to be Christians, but they CERTAINLY practice the biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

Now, let's take the second phrase: "but TITHING is about relationship". Now before we can continue, we should agree that one is a Christian when they confess their sins and believe in their heart that Jesus suffered, bled and died for their sins and rose again, and that they receive and profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It is at this point that one has entered into COVENANT relationship with God. If we agree on this, then we can continue....

This thread is filled with different scriptures debating the "legality" of tithing. As you know, I am not on the side of the legality of tithing, but the covenant relationship of tithing, as many people in the Bible did so in obedience and relationship to the Lord. Abraham is the first person that comes to my mind about tithing, and he is mentioned in both the Old and New Testament. He did so as an act of worship unto the Lord (Melchizedek) (Genesis 14:18-20 18And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.)

I am not a Bible scholar enough to go through and debate scripture by scripture on this topic. I do believe that tithing, in modern times, is a covenant act that demonstrates to the Lord in one way that we love and trust Him enough to regularly give to Him with a significant part of oneself: MONEY!!! For me, it's not about law, it's about grace, it's about a willing heart, it's about trust. It is personal. And just like everything else about salvation, it's about FREE WILL. God's not going to make us do what we DO NOT want to do....

I'm not passionate about this topic because I think it's a requirement (I would never call it a requirement) but because it is a blessing to do....

I may not have addressed your question fully; not sure if I could articulate everything well, but I tried to give it a good effort.... Hope this helps.

woh woh woh!!!!!!!!!! this topic is on fiya! lol

so, i'm wondering how the tithing "rule" could be a stronghold?....cuz i'm just trying to understand how the devil would deceive you into giving more money to God!!!!?????? i'm just clueless on this one guys...cuz i'm thinking he'd be MORE on the side of "don't give that to the church! the preacher taking it, and matta of fact, it ain't in the Bible for you to do!" not..."oh yeah, give that 10% so you can be blessed ABUNDANTLY!" lol....i make myself laugh!

anyways, so i've been noticing a lot of misquoting of scriptures going on on this board, which i won't even address cuz someone will probably argue about how they're right....or whatever. but what i will say is that we ought to be careful. be very very careful....because it sounds to me that we are justifying a lot of things...i'm just trying to understand how we began to reason the entire Bible like "that don't mean what you think it mean!" well then what does it mean!??? we are reasoning away a lot of foundational doctrinal things....and the Bible clearly says in 1 Timothy 4:3 that the days will come man, when folks will not endure sound doctrine.....we need to watch what books we pick up, what articles we read and post cuz EVERYBODY AIN'T ON THE LORD'S SIDE! don't ya'll know that the enemy knows the Word of God too? He can twist things however he wants to, that's why we rightly divide. be watchful my sisters in Christ. deceivers are going to grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived...that's why we gotta hold firm to what we know to be right! don't let all these false prophets and false teachers out here dictate to YOU what thus saith the Lord. research the Word and rightly divide. take things in context and not out of context. test the spirit by the spirit...

and another thing, we need to be praying for these people in leadership who are money hungry. we need to be praying for those who feel like they have to push and prod to get folks to give...when giving ought to be a lifestyle. i won't ever question tithing because i came from a tithing family and i tithed, then i stopped, and i won't ever do it again. the enemy blesses too...."the wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men" psalm 12:8. check out psalm 73.....THE WICKED ARE BLESSED TOO! but their end is destruction. we act like "i don't tithe and i'm blessed girl so can't nobody tell me that i'm supposed to tithe!" could it be you're serving satan? could it be that you're being deceived into thinking that you are blessed? and what do you mean by blessed anyway....the blessings of the Lord are things you AIN'T got to pay for! blessings are free....don't need to repay for them! if i could type this 1 million times i would: do not be deceived! deception is running rampant...if you allow the enemy to get u on the smallest thing, you will reason yourself out of righteousness, out of holiness before the Lord. i have not completely figured this out but i do not believe that God completely cut out His old testament. first of all, the nature of God is revealed in it, and His nature has not changed. second, we don't (or at least i don't) believe in getting tattoos, but that's in the old testament....so how do we decide what we choose to take? why do we believe the things that are CONVENIENT for us but disregard or reason away the things that are not? to be truthful, most of us just don't wanna pay the 10% cuz it seems like a lot when you got 1000 or 3000!...or when you feel like u ain't gonna have enough to do with what you will! i've felt that same way...felt like i couldn't pay it, but i went out to eat, i went to the mall. and then other times i just felt like i ain't have it....but when i gave anyway, my pastor would hand me 20 after church (that's my other dad) or someone in church would ask me if i had gas money (cuz college students are broke) and hand me 20....or my mom would graciously give me money, or God would make a way with something that seemed impossible, all because i believed Him, exercised my faith according to His Word, and gave what was required and when i could, above that. we believe the prophecies in daniel about the Anti-Christ, but we don't believe tithing.....yes, the pharisees prayed out all loud to be heard, but that didn't mean Jesus abolished prayer, or even prayer out loud (1 Cor.11)! ...and all scripture is inspired, so don't even go there! lol...2 Timothy 3:16 God was looking at the heart, but that didn't change what His Word said, or the fact that something was wrong or right!! (matthew 5, 6, 7)

i will post more later because the best sunday school teacher in the world is teaching on sunday about what it meant when Christ fulfilled the law, and all that good stuff. i'm stil learning about all this myself but i do know that the enemy will try anything to get to his one world church...pretty soon, folks will reason away Jesus being the Son of God, having all power! oh wait, they're already doing it....!!!!!!!!!! be watchful and prayful in all things beloved. i do truly love yall!:)
RelaxerRehab said:
. . . but there's a tax benefit (write-off) to giving. trust Him enough to regularly give to Him with a significant part of oneself: MONEY!!!

There is a tax benefit to tithing as well, so there is really no distinction but the one you make when you choose to use the word "tithe" instead of "give".

RelaxerRehab said:
For me, it's not about law, it's about grace, it's about a willing heart, it's about trust. It is personal. And just like everything else about salvation, it's about FREE WILL. God's not going to make us do what we DO NOT want to do....

I agree. It's personal, and I don't believe God cares if we give 0% or 100%, he cares about what's in our hearts. Some people don't have anything to give but their faith and devotion (the intangibles), and as I've asked many times before, are they going to be penalized because they are poor? Will God love them any less?! Additionally, along with free will comes common sense, and if I have a starving child and $20, I'll do everything in my power to feed my child before I give $20 to a church without the fear that God will punish me for having done so.

Since tithing isn't a requirement for Christians, I think it's unfortunate that people are looked down on for not tithing or believing that tithing creates/supports a relationship with God. Just a way to create more division.
NtheNameofJesus! said:
woh woh woh!!!!!!!!!! this topic is on fiya! lol

so, i'm wondering how the tithing "rule" could be a stronghold?....cuz i'm just trying to understand how the devil would deceive you into giving more money to God!!!!?????? i'm just clueless on this one guys...cuz i'm thinking he'd be MORE on the side of "don't give that to the church! the preacher taking it, and matta of fact, it ain't in the Bible for you to do!" not..."oh yeah, give that 10% so you can be blessed ABUNDANTLY!" lol....i make myself laugh!

anyways, so i've been noticing a lot of misquoting of scriptures going on on this board, which i won't even address cuz someone will probably argue about how they're right....or whatever. but what i will say is that we ought to be careful. be very very careful....because it sounds to me that we are justifying a lot of things...i'm just trying to understand how we began to reason the entire Bible like "that don't mean what you think it mean!" well then what does it mean!??? we are reasoning away a lot of foundational doctrinal things....and the Bible clearly says in 1 Timothy 4:3 that the days will come man, when folks will not endure sound doctrine.....we need to watch what books we pick up, what articles we read and post cuz EVERYBODY AIN'T ON THE LORD'S SIDE! don't ya'll know that the enemy knows the Word of God too? He can twist things however he wants to, that's why we rightly divide. be watchful my sisters in Christ. deceivers are going to grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived...that's why we gotta hold firm to what we know to be right! don't let all these false prophets and false teachers out here dictate to YOU what thus saith the Lord. research the Word and rightly divide. take things in context and not out of context. test the spirit by the spirit...

and another thing, we need to be praying for these people in leadership who are money hungry. we need to be praying for those who feel like they have to push and prod to get folks to give...when giving ought to be a lifestyle. i won't ever question tithing because i came from a tithing family and i tithed, then i stopped, and i won't ever do it again. the enemy blesses too...."the wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men" psalm 12:8. check out psalm 73.....THE WICKED ARE BLESSED TOO! but their end is destruction. we act like "i don't tithe and i'm blessed girl so can't nobody tell me that i'm supposed to tithe!" could it be you're serving satan? could it be that you're being deceived into thinking that you are blessed? and what do you mean by blessed anyway....the blessings of the Lord are things you AIN'T got to pay for! blessings are free....don't need to repay for them! if i could type this 1 million times i would: do not be deceived! deception is running rampant...if you allow the enemy to get u on the smallest thing, you will reason yourself out of righteousness, out of holiness before the Lord. i have not completely figured this out but i do not believe that God completely cut out His old testament. first of all, the nature of God is revealed in it, and His nature has not changed. second, we don't (or at least i don't) believe in getting tattoos, but that's in the old testament....so how do we decide what we choose to take? why do we believe the things that are CONVENIENT for us but disregard or reason away the things that are not? to be truthful, most of us just don't wanna pay the 10% cuz it seems like a lot when you got 1000 or 3000!...or when you feel like u ain't gonna have enough to do with what you will! i've felt that same way...felt like i couldn't pay it, but i went out to eat, i went to the mall. and then other times i just felt like i ain't have it....but when i gave anyway, my pastor would hand me 20 after church (that's my other dad) or someone in church would ask me if i had gas money (cuz college students are broke) and hand me 20....or my mom would graciously give me money, or God would make a way with something that seemed impossible, all because i believed Him, exercised my faith according to His Word, and gave what was required and when i could, above that. we believe the prophecies in daniel about the Anti-Christ, but we don't believe tithing.....yes, the pharisees prayed out all loud to be heard, but that didn't mean Jesus abolished prayer, or even prayer out loud (1 Cor.11)! ...and all scripture is inspired, so don't even go there! lol...2 Timothy 3:16 God was looking at the heart, but that didn't change what His Word said, or the fact that something was wrong or right!! (matthew 5, 6, 7)

i will post more later because the best sunday school teacher in the world is teaching on sunday about what it meant when Christ fulfilled the law, and all that good stuff. i'm stil learning about all this myself but i do know that the enemy will try anything to get to his one world church...pretty soon, folks will reason away Jesus being the Son of God, having all power! oh wait, they're already doing it....!!!!!!!!!! be watchful and prayful in all things beloved. i do truly love yall!:)

The purpose of Jesus' coming was to fulfill the prophecy of the Old Testament and to relieve us of the ritualization associated with it. So, it's not rationalizing to say that tithing is not a requirement of the New Testament--it's the truth.

It's nice that when you give your money to church there are people around you to make sure that you still have money to live. Not everyone is that fortunate and it's not because they lack trust, faith or belief in God--it's just because they are not that fortunate.
mkh_77 said:
There is a tax benefit to tithing as well, so there is really no distinction but the one you make when you choose to use the word "tithe" instead of "give".

I agree. It's personal, and I don't believe God cares if we give 0% or 100%, he cares about what's in our hearts. Some people don't have anything to give but their faith and devotion (the intangibles), and as I've asked many times before, are they going to be penalized because they are poor? Will God love them any less?! Additionally, along with free will comes common sense, and if I have a starving child and $20, I'll do everything in my power to feed my child before I give $20 to a church without the fear that God will punish me for having done so.

Since tithing isn't a requirement for Christians, I think it's unfortunate that people are looked down on for not tithing or believing that tithing creates/supports a relationship with God. Just a way to create more division.

You're absolutely correct about getting tax benefits for tithing as well. That's yet another reason to do it!

And with regard to what people can give, people can tithe their time if they don't have finances. The church needs money to run, e.g., lights, gas, etc. So I believe the Lord would have us to give money toward the running of the house of God because money is the modern-day necessity for the exchange of goods and services. The issue is that everybody ain't saved and there are some crooked people out there who take advantage of this, that's why it's important to know and be clear with the Lord where you're worshipping financially, if you will.

You asked about the poor being penalized because they are poor. Well, we know the Bible says the poor will be with us always: Matthew 26:11:
For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always; Mark 14:7: For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always; John 12:8: For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.

And, the Bible says very much about compassion toward the poor, giving to the poor. The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17 that He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. And there are many ways to do this.... both through in-church programs as well as other programs worldwide. Again, just as I said earlier, it matters where you give so you are sure that your funds are being used properly.

You said: "and if I have a starving child and $20, I'll do everything in my power to feed my child before I give $20 to a church without the fear that God will punish me for having done so."

Here's another, how shall I say, misapplication with regard to the balance of tithing versus personal survival. Of course, God nor a decent human being would want a child or adult to suffer and starve. By definition, to tithe would be 10 percent, or in this case, $2 would go to tithes. So how much does it take to feed a child with $18? This is an example more of being a wise steward over the finances that one has been given. And as I said before, if one may not have finances, then one could tithe in other ways. Also, where's does one's FAITH to give enter in a situation like the one described here? I know we're all at different levels, but if we truly believe God's word, then there's gotta be a point where we draw the line to say, Lord, I trust Your Word to tithe and give BEYOND my need.... I'm reminded of the widow in 1 Kings 17, which talks about the story of the widow who, with her son, were preparing to eat their last meal and die:

The Widow at Zarephath
7 Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. 8 Then the word of the LORD came to him: 9 "Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food." 10 So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, "Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?" 11 As she was going to get it, he called, "And bring me, please, a piece of bread."
12 "As surely as the LORD your God lives," she replied, "I don't have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die."
13 Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.' "
15 She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. 16 For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah.
17 Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. 18 She said to Elijah, "What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?"
19 "Give me your son," Elijah replied. He took him from her arms, carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his bed. 20 Then he cried out to the LORD, "O LORD my God, have you brought tragedy also upon this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?" 21 Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried to the LORD, "O LORD my God, let this boy's life return to him!"
22 The LORD heard Elijah's cry, and the boy's life returned to him, and he lived. 23 Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, "Look, your son is alive!" 24 Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth."

Finally, you said: "Since tithing isn't a requirement for Christians, I think it's unfortunate that people are looked down on for not tithing or believing that tithing creates/supports a relationship with God. Just a way to create more division."

I can speak for me that I'm not looking down at anyone for not tithing, but I share passionately out of my concern and hope that people realize that there's even more goodness and blessing in the Lord through the principle of tithing. I believe it does SUPPORT a relationship with the Lord. There are already PLENTY of divisions in the body of Christ. It would seem like this one would be a no-brainer, since tithing goes toward the furtherance of building the Kingdom of God through much-needed finances along with the personal relationship with the Lord.
Very interesting thread! I've always thought of tithing in terms of money.

In terms of money, I've always given 10% of my net earnings. I sometimes give more, just depends on how my heart leads me, like the scripture says.

I believe that if you do not tithe or do not give, you are robbing God... whether you are robbing Him of your money, talent, or time. ;)
NtheNameofJesus! said:
woh woh woh!!!!!!!!!! this topic is on fiya! lol

so, i'm wondering how the tithing "rule" could be a stronghold?....cuz i'm just trying to understand how the devil would deceive you into giving more money to God!!!!?????? i'm just clueless on this one guys...cuz i'm thinking he'd be MORE on the side of "don't give that to the church! the preacher taking it, and matta of fact, it ain't in the Bible for you to do!" not..."oh yeah, give that 10% so you can be blessed ABUNDANTLY!" lol....i make myself laugh!

anyways, so i've been noticing a lot of misquoting of scriptures going on on this board, which i won't even address cuz someone will probably argue about how they're right....or whatever. but what i will say is that we ought to be careful. be very very careful....because it sounds to me that we are justifying a lot of things...i'm just trying to understand how we began to reason the entire Bible like "that don't mean what you think it mean!" well then what does it mean!??? we are reasoning away a lot of foundational doctrinal things....and the Bible clearly says in 1 Timothy 4:3 that the days will come man, when folks will not endure sound doctrine.....we need to watch what books we pick up, what articles we read and post cuz EVERYBODY AIN'T ON THE LORD'S SIDE! don't ya'll know that the enemy knows the Word of God too? He can twist things however he wants to, that's why we rightly divide. be watchful my sisters in Christ. deceivers are going to grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived...that's why we gotta hold firm to what we know to be right! don't let all these false prophets and false teachers out here dictate to YOU what thus saith the Lord. research the Word and rightly divide. take things in context and not out of context. test the spirit by the spirit...

and another thing, we need to be praying for these people in leadership who are money hungry. we need to be praying for those who feel like they have to push and prod to get folks to give...when giving ought to be a lifestyle. i won't ever question tithing because i came from a tithing family and i tithed, then i stopped, and i won't ever do it again. the enemy blesses too...."the wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men" psalm 12:8. check out psalm 73.....THE WICKED ARE BLESSED TOO! but their end is destruction. we act like "i don't tithe and i'm blessed girl so can't nobody tell me that i'm supposed to tithe!" could it be you're serving satan? could it be that you're being deceived into thinking that you are blessed? and what do you mean by blessed anyway....the blessings of the Lord are things you AIN'T got to pay for! blessings are free....don't need to repay for them! if i could type this 1 million times i would: do not be deceived! deception is running rampant...if you allow the enemy to get u on the smallest thing, you will reason yourself out of righteousness, out of holiness before the Lord. i have not completely figured this out but i do not believe that God completely cut out His old testament. first of all, the nature of God is revealed in it, and His nature has not changed. second, we don't (or at least i don't) believe in getting tattoos, but that's in the old testament....so how do we decide what we choose to take? why do we believe the things that are CONVENIENT for us but disregard or reason away the things that are not? to be truthful, most of us just don't wanna pay the 10% cuz it seems like a lot when you got 1000 or 3000!...or when you feel like u ain't gonna have enough to do with what you will! i've felt that same way...felt like i couldn't pay it, but i went out to eat, i went to the mall. and then other times i just felt like i ain't have it....but when i gave anyway, my pastor would hand me 20 after church (that's my other dad) or someone in church would ask me if i had gas money (cuz college students are broke) and hand me 20....or my mom would graciously give me money, or God would make a way with something that seemed impossible, all because i believed Him, exercised my faith according to His Word, and gave what was required and when i could, above that. we believe the prophecies in daniel about the Anti-Christ, but we don't believe tithing.....yes, the pharisees prayed out all loud to be heard, but that didn't mean Jesus abolished prayer, or even prayer out loud (1 Cor.11)! ...and all scripture is inspired, so don't even go there! lol...2 Timothy 3:16 God was looking at the heart, but that didn't change what His Word said, or the fact that something was wrong or right!! (matthew 5, 6, 7)

i will post more later because the best sunday school teacher in the world is teaching on sunday about what it meant when Christ fulfilled the law, and all that good stuff. i'm stil learning about all this myself but i do know that the enemy will try anything to get to his one world church...pretty soon, folks will reason away Jesus being the Son of God, having all power! oh wait, they're already doing it....!!!!!!!!!! be watchful and prayful in all things beloved. i do truly love yall!:)

In answer to your first question...tithing is the only Old Testament Law that the churches have held onto for all this time. Why is that? All I'm saying is the rule of tithing...that you HAVE to give 10% in order to be blessed and in order to be in covenant with God...is a stronghold, becuase it's simply not true. If you WANT to give 10%, or 5%, or 30%, give becuse it's in your heart to give it, but don't give 10% because the church says you have to or your relationship with God will suffer, because that's a LIE.

To sum up, tithing is not mandatory, but if it's in your heart to do it, by all means, do so. If not, don't feel compelled to do it just because the church and other Christians browbeat you into doing it.
It would seem like this one would be a no-brainer, since tithing goes toward the furtherance of building the Kingdom of God through much-needed finances along with the personal relationship with the Lord.

Here's the thing...giving is a no-brainer. But tithing, as was practiced in the Old Testament, is not. And if we are really supposed to be tithing like in the Old Testament, we're ALL doing it wrong.

I agree that GIVING, as God has directed you to do in your heart, is what God has called us to do, but TITHING is not. In fact, tithing is bondage. God said not to give under compulsion, and that's exactly what we do when we tithe 10% because the church says that's what we have to do in order to be close to God.
research the Word and rightly divide. take things in context and not out of context. test the spirit by the spirit...

Exactly. So don't just do what the church says...study it for yourself. Any good pastor will tell you that.
lauren450 said:
Here's the thing...giving is a no-brainer. But tithing, as was practiced in the Old Testament, is not. And if we are really supposed to be tithing like in the Old Testament, we're ALL doing it wrong.

I agree that GIVING, as God has directed you to do in your heart, is what God has called us to do, but TITHING is not. In fact, tithing is bondage. God said not to give under compulsion, and that's exactly what we do when we tithe 10% because the church says that's what we have to do in order to be close to God.

Tithing and bondage are two terms the simply do not belong together. Which aspect of tithing do you find compulsory? The amount? The location (i.e., the specific church where one might be a church member?)

And with regard to tithing and being close to God, I would say tithing is ONE demonstration of relationship with the Lord. There are several demonstrations to declare one's relationship with the Lord, not just tithing alone.

Finally, HOW is the church supposed to function monetarily? How does a church pay for lights, heat, gas, building maintenance and all the other things that are necessary for any kind of organization to function? One cannot take a "Hallelujah" to the light company to pay the bill....
RelaxerRehab said:
Tithing and bondage are two terms the simply do not belong together. Which aspect of tithing do you find compulsory? The amount? The location (i.e., the specific church where one might be a church member?)

And with regard to tithing and being close to God, I would say tithing is ONE demonstration of relationship with the Lord. There are several demonstrations to declare one's relationship with the Lord, not just tithing alone.

Finally, HOW is the church supposed to function monetarily? How does a church pay for lights, heat, gas, building maintenance and all the other things that are necessary for any kind of organization to function? One cannot take a "Hallelujah" to the light company to pay the bill....

How is tithing cumpulsory? Yes, the way it is taught to believers...If you don't tithe, you won't be blessed. That is so far from what God says that it's not even funny. If that isn't compulsion and scare tactics, I don't know what is. The amount is the second part.

2 Cor. 9:7 says, “Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.” Notice there is no amount mentioned, it what you have settled in your own heart.

Second, if we are supposed to be tithing as God required in the New Testament, why are churches teaching it wrong?

There were three tithes in the Old Covenant. Most often tithes were the crops, the produce of the soil was to be tithed, grains, the fruit of the trees, every year new wine and oil, the firstborn of their herds and flocks (Leviticus 27:30-33). If the place the nation of Israel were to tithe was too far away to carry their goods (such as Jerusalem) it could be exchanged for money. They were to use their money to buy anything the owner chose: cattle, sheep, wine (Deuteronomy 14:22-26). Every third year the tithe was to be reserved as a festival tithe where they brought out all the tithe, and their produce where the Levite, the stranger, the orphan, the widow, the poor who were in their town, could come and eat and be content (Deuteronomy 14:28-29; 26:12-15).

Lastly, Jewish people don't tithe, because it is ILLEGAL for anyone other than a Levitical priest to collect the tithe (and there are none today...Jesus was the last), but they do give in order to keep things running smoothly.

Again, giving is stressed, not tithing because you have to. If you look at why Jesus came and died, one reason was so that we would not be bound to legalism, but that we would have freedom. Why then do we hold ourselves in bondage to this ONE Old Testament Law (there were several, but we seem to only obey this one today) when Jesus came that we would be free?
Let me also add that I don't think most preachers are out to steal their members' money. I just don't think any of them are willing to go against the grain and teach the truth about tithing. I don't know if they are afraid they won't be able to keep the church running if they trust people to give based on what is in their hearts, or if they are afraid to buck tradition. Either way, I think their intentions are good, they just aren't telling the whole truth.
lauren450 said:
How is tithing cumpulsory? Yes, the way it is taught to believers...If you don't tithe, you won't be blessed. That is so far from what God says that it's not even funny. If that isn't compulsion and scare tactics, I don't know what is. The amount is the second part.

2 Cor. 9:7 says, “Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.” Notice there is no amount mentioned, it what you have settled in your own heart.

Second, if we are supposed to be tithing as God required in the New Testament, why are churches teaching it wrong?

There were three tithes in the Old Covenant. Most often tithes were the crops, the produce of the soil was to be tithed, grains, the fruit of the trees, every year new wine and oil, the firstborn of their herds and flocks (Leviticus 27:30-33). If the place the nation of Israel were to tithe was too far away to carry their goods (such as Jerusalem) it could be exchanged for money. They were to use their money to buy anything the owner chose: cattle, sheep, wine (Deuteronomy 14:22-26). Every third year the tithe was to be reserved as a festival tithe where they brought out all the tithe, and their produce where the Levite, the stranger, the orphan, the widow, the poor who were in their town, could come and eat and be content (Deuteronomy 14:28-29; 26:12-15).

Lastly, Jewish people don't tithe, because it is ILLEGAL for anyone other than a Levitical priest to collect the tithe (and there are none today...Jesus was the last), but they do give in order to keep things running smoothly.

Again, giving is stressed, not tithing because you have to. If you look at why Jesus came and died, one reason was so that we would not be bound to legalism, but that we would have freedom. Why then do we hold ourselves in bondage to this ONE Old Testament Law (there were several, but we seem to only obey this one today) when Jesus came that we would be free?

With regard to how tithing is taught does not negate its existence nor its relevance in the life of the modern-day Christian believer. I certainly cannot account for how tithing is taught across the planet. I do support the point that being a tither is and will always be a blessing to the believer. Like somebody else said, all of us need to get into the Word of God and explore what the Word of God says about tithing until we each come into our own understanding that we would defend in the Father's face.

I do believe there is a distinction between GIVING and TITHING. Like I said before, ANYBODY CAN ENGAGE IN THE ACT OF GIVING. TITHING IS PART OF COVENANT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD. Also like I said before, it's interesting that tithing to the Lord is getting such resistance.... Of course the enemy would not want us to give our money to the KINGDOM OF GOD! He's already a defeated foe anyway....

It's interesting that you would mention the Jewish faith, because first of all, just like in Christianity, there are SEVERAL orders of that faith, including Orthodox, Reformed, Messianic, etc. And, Jewish synagogues have membership fees of SET AMOUNTS, so maybe that would serve as the Christian equivalent of the tithe. And I would conclude that such fees correspond to principles outlined in the Torah.
And, Jewish synagogues have membership fees of SET AMOUNTS, so maybe that would serve as the Christian equivalent of the tithe.

No, it doesn't.


I know what YOU said, but what does God say about giving as it relates to Christians? Because by your logic, we should still be doing animal sacrifices and wearing certain articles of clothing. After all, those were part of covenant relationship with the Lord as well.

Also, you say that tithing is receiving resistance. I never saw anyone on this thread say that people SHOULDN'T tithe. What I see is people who understand that tithing is not MANDATORY for Christians. It has been said time and time again that you should give what is in your heart. If that's 10% for you, great! Nobody ever said not to.
lauren450 said:
No, it doesn't.

I know what YOU said, but what does God say about giving as it relates to Christians? Because by your logic, we should still be doing animal sacrifices and wearing certain articles of clothing. After all, those were part of covenant relationship with the Lord as well.

Also, you say that tithing is receiving resistance. I never saw anyone on this thread say that people SHOULDN'T tithe. What I see is people who understand that tithing is not MANDATORY for Christians. It has been said time and time again that you should give what is in your heart. If that's 10% for you, great! Nobody ever said not to.

Do you know that for certain regarding the Jewish synagogue membership fees?

From some of the scriptures quoted here, there seems to be an implication to not tithe by equating it with giving, and as I said before, I believe TITHING and GIVING are two distinct acts conducted for two distinct, albeit related purposes and goals.
I know what YOU said. What does GOD say...specifically, what does it say in the Bible about tithing being for covenant, and giving being for anyone? I'm all for people having opinions, but do you have specific scriptures to back up what you're saying?

Do you know that for certain regarding the Jewish synagogue membership fees?

I know that they aren't tithes, because Jewish people know that it's illegal to collect tithes when there are no living Levitical preists. I don't know if they tell them they won't be blessed if they don't pay thier dues (that may just be a Christian thing), but I know they don't consider them tithes as practiced in the Bible.
RelaxerRehab said:
I do believe there is a distinction between GIVING and TITHING. Like I said before, ANYBODY CAN ENGAGE IN THE ACT OF GIVING. TITHING IS PART OF COVENANT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD. Also like I said before, it's interesting that tithing to the Lord is getting such resistance.... Of course the enemy would not want us to give our money to the KINGDOM OF GOD! He's already a defeated foe anyway....

This is a distinction that you have made (tithing and giving). If I don't tithe you can't tell me that I don't have a "covenant relationship with the Lord" because you don't know what's in my heart. This is something I suspect you came up with or heard at church, and that's fine to apply to yourself (not putting your idea down in anyway).

No one is resisting the concept of tithing, there are some who just know it isn't mandatory and won't pretend that it is.

God's kingdom needs more than money.
mkh_77 said:
This is a distinction that you have made (tithing and giving). If I don't tithe you can't tell me that I don't have a "covenant relationship with the Lord" because you don't know what's in my heart. This is something I suspect you came up with or heard at church, and that's fine to apply to yourself (not putting your idea down in anyway).

No one is resisting the concept of tithing, there are some who just know it isn't mandatory and won't pretend that it is.

God's kingdom needs more than money.

Amen!:) :) :)
RelaxerRehab said:
You said: "and if I have a starving child and $20, I'll do everything in my power to feed my child before I give $20 to a church without the fear that God will punish me for having done so."

Here's another, how shall I say, misapplication with regard to the balance of tithing versus personal survival. Of course, God nor a decent human being would want a child or adult to suffer and starve. By definition, to tithe would be 10 percent, or in this case, $2 would go to tithes. So how much does it take to feed a child with $18? This is an example more of being a wise steward over the finances that one has been given. And as I said before, if one may not have finances, then one could tithe in other ways. Also, where's does one's FAITH to give enter in a situation like the one described here? I know we're all at different levels, but if we truly believe God's word, then there's gotta be a point where we draw the line to say, Lord, I trust Your Word to tithe and give BEYOND my need....

There are plenty of people who give ALL of their money to churches who don't need it because they are told they HAVE to tithe. If I needed the entire $20 to feed my child, then so be it. I still wouldn't feel bad about it, and I would be acting as a "wise steward over the finances" that had been given me.

Faith is important in that not everyone is in a situation where "God makes a way". There are plenty of people who experience hardship after hardship and the only thing that keeps them going is faith.

Giving beyond your need is like living beyond your means--there has to be a balance. What sense does it make to give money to a church when I can't even pay my bills?!