Tired of Tears


Well-Known Member
I've been dating my college sweatheart again for almost a year. We were clear that we were going to date to see whether or not we were meant to marry (courting). Well he was at my house one day and decided to use my computer. He forgot to sign off and I read his e-mails. Well, there was one he sent a young lady professing his love for her and how much he wanted to marry her. Still devistated, I'm just asking God for the courage to just end this thing. I was single for a long time before he came back into my life and frankly, I'm ready for marriage. I know its natural to want to marry and have kids, but I really don't want to go back to that life. I enjoyed it, I wallowed in it, I lived the single life. Now that I'm 31, I'm ready to settle down. I'm dissapointed because I truly love him but he obviously doesn't love me and is scared to tell me. I'm happy he's found love. I'm happy he found someone to make him happy, sorry it wasn't me. He doesn't know that I know this but I can't sit another Sunday in church with him knowing that he's trying to love me. I deserve to be loved completely and honestly. I don't give up but I am tired or tears. God please, I know you know all things but I know that there is a man out there that you perfectly designed for me. I hate to ask.....but where is he? I'm tired of tears.
I'm sorry you're going through this. :kiss:
It is a blessing that you saw those emails. [SIZE=-1]"What is done in the dark will come to light." Better now than later. [/SIZE]
Honey, I'm so sorry.
I'm 36 and just ended a longterm relationship with the man I thought was going to be my husband. So I understand the sadness and the grief that you feel, and how hard it is to let go and move on.

Finding that e-mail was a sign...God is ready to put you on a different path. One that will give you what you want and need in your life.

Let this man go. And ask God to send you the man you were meant to be with. Be as detailed as possible, and believe me, God will answer that prayer, he has worked miracles in my life, healed my broken heart numerous times, and made me whole again.

Pray, and it will come. But your heart can't be open to God's gift if you can't let go of this man who doesn't want to hurt you, but isn't the one.

I'll be praying for you sweetheart, good luck.
I'm sorry this happened to you. But I am happy that you are being released from something which was heading nowhere. I know its painful, I've been there, but believe me that God will turn this for your good. I pray that God heals you and also leads you to the man He has for you.
I am sorry you are going through this. The same thing happened to me, I found out my husband was cheating on me after reading his emails. I know it hurts, but there is someone out there who will love you, and only you. Just pray and ask God for wisdom concerning your situation. I didn't want to be single again either, but I am looking forward to it now. Believe me when I tell you, I feel your pain. I could not function for a week, but it does get better. I agree with everything Womanlycharm said. I know your heart was broken, but ask God to fill the void and heal your heart. He has done this for me and I know he will do it for you. If you need someone to talk to, you can PM me. :kiss:
nychaelasymone said:
I've been dating my college sweatheart again for almost a year. We were clear that we were going to date to see whether or not we were meant to marry (courting). Well he was at my house one day and decided to use my computer. He forgot to sign off and I read his e-mails. Well, there was one he sent a young lady professing his love for her and how much he wanted to marry her. Still devistated, I'm just asking God for the courage to just end this thing. I was single for a long time before he came back into my life and frankly, I'm ready for marriage. I know its natural to want to marry and have kids, but I really don't want to go back to that life. I enjoyed it, I wallowed in it, I lived the single life. Now that I'm 31, I'm ready to settle down. I'm dissapointed because I truly love him but he obviously doesn't love me and is scared to tell me. I'm happy he's found love. I'm happy he found someone to make him happy, sorry it wasn't me. He doesn't know that I know this but I can't sit another Sunday in church with him knowing that he's trying to love me. I deserve to be loved completely and honestly. I don't give up but I am tired or tears. God please, I know you know all things but I know that there is a man out there that you perfectly designed for me. I hate to ask.....but where is he? I'm tired of tears.
It never hurts to get our heart broken we all have been there. Sometimes unfortunately God is testing to see whether we love Him more than the other person. I pray that you will find the strength to move on. You cannot get something new unless let the old go. I am also prayful that you will have the strength to tell him the truth about the email and let him know you do not have bad feeling and hatred.

You are right you do not want anyone who wants someone else. God has your Boaz just waiting for you but right now He is building your character so you can get to the next level. Each trial we face develops our character and other attributes to see if we are ready to go to the next level in life. Growth is often painful but so necesarry for us to obtain the ultimate blessing of God. I know when I got my heart broken I did not think I was going to make it but now I am so glad he did it because God had someone 100 times better and to think I would have been with someone who was NOT my soul mate.

You deserve the best and I know God loves you so much that He is determine for you to have it that's why He allow you to see the emails to warn you that he is not the one which always means He(God) has something better. Just hold on to God's unchanging hand and trust Him for your life and not yourself and you will see the blessing of God come to overtake you with joy, peace and happiness. Your tears will turn into tears of joy. Go through what must but ask God give you strength to move on. Do no stay in your situation once you deal with it by talking, crying etc. then move on and I beg you once you move on not to nurse or rehearse it in others words do not talk about again after you have dealt with it.

LET US PRAY: Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I believe You have provided Your very best for me. And the man that You have planned to be united with me in holy matrimony has awakened to righteousness. As You have rejoiced over Jerusalem, Father, I pray so shall this bridegroom rejoice over me. Thank You, Father, that my husband will love me as Christ loves the Church. He will nourish, carefully protect, and cherish me. I believe that doubts, wavering, and insincerity are not a part of my husband, and he speaks forth Your oracles, God, acknowledging Your full counsel with all wisdom and knowledge. My husband does not speak or act contrary to Your Word. He walks totally in love, esteeming and preferring others higher than himself. Father, I believe that everything not of You shall be removed from my life. And I thank You for the perfecting of Your Word in my life that I may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Father, I praise You for the performance of Your Word in my behalf and on behalf of every other single woman I know.


Ladies God is good, I did break things off with this man to only find out that it was all a big misunderstanding. And it's not an okey doke....it's true. I stayed on my knees in prayer of this situation and I never allowed God to leave my focus and I know that He allowed me to be tested and this time I actually passed. We love each other and that's beautiful and I thank you all for your prayers and your concern. God really is just that good.