Thyroid and Hair loss

@luckiestdestiny I did do RAI within weeks of being diagnosed. however my thyroid is quite aggressive (as described by 3 diff drs) and I am still hyper and on tapazole. My dr want me to take it out and that is NOT happening. .

Definitely dont get it removed unless it's a life or death situation..I got mine removed and i regret it every day. My sister in law has nodules and she has been following this recipe with success
That sucks but it's good that you are working to balance. If you even get remotely close to balancing it, go stat to the dr for orbital decompression. My eyes are back to normal now in appearance and have remained that way for years...almost a decade and that is even when I have gone out of balance. If you are getting double vision at times I would head to him stat and ignore the other doc. You can balance things while taking pressure off your eyes. It can get so bad that you lose your eye sight and you don't want that. Most docs will say to just observe. But you have to live with the pressure, on and off pain, and sometimes double eye sight at times. And what about dizziness. ...are you getting the room spinning thing at times? My doc explained it's from the graves untreated eyes coupled with the pressure, and the eyes attacking themselves. Not fun. Some have one or all symptoms but any are not fun plus vanity wise it isn't fun either. I am sure you want to look and feel better. No matter what have a plan to eventually get that done because my doc was and is amazing. I occasionally follow up with him when in town to check the pressure, etc and everything is still great. He fixed a lot of major problems for sure. Don't let this take years. Get yourself in balance and then get to the doc to have the surgery. I don't know of any other way to reverse the eye situation. But maybe someone out there knows of something holistically as well.
thank goodness no blurry or double vision. I hear you on the vanity; I hate taking photos bc I just have massive swelling, especially on the upper eyelid. I've been taking selenium to reduce the swelling and its definitely made a difference. Even my Dr noticed.
No dizziness. That is not fun.
Ultimate goal is to go into remission - no drugs and good labs. Hoping to get there soon.
Definitely dont get it removed unless it's a life or death situation..I got mine removed and i regret it every day. My sister in law has nodules and she has been following this recipe with success

@natural_one I've heard that from so many people. I'm totally against it. My Dr even tried to reason with me by asking if your thyroid had cancerous tumors would you still keep it? She had me cussing her in my head.

What kind of results is she seeing? better labs? well being? less meds??
I was diagnosed with graves 11 yrs ago and am still fighting this disease. I got it from being under extreme stress for a long period of time and then being pregnant. I also think eating processed food also played a part.
My thyroid screws with my hair and skin in cycles. I get hormonal cystic acne, massive shedding and extreme skin and hair dryness.
Sounds like my life....
@gn1g that was awhile ago when I made that oil blend. I don't even remember what I had in it :lol:. However I can tell u what I'm currently using for my bald spots. The one thing I use now is a dermaroller before applying my oil treatment. My current oil blend is 2-4 oz aloe vera gel, 1 capsule of moringa, 3 drops of tea tree eo, 3 drops peppermint eo, 3 drops lavender eo, 3 drops sandlewood eo, 3 drops rosemary eo, and 3 capsules saw palmetto. This is supposed to be really good for alopecia. I haven't been using it that long but I saw a lady on youtube who had alopecia and grew back her hair using moringa and aloe vera gel.

Can you give me more information about the dermaroller that you are using? How often? Your regimen and what results have you seen?

Can you provide the link tot he lady on youtube?
I was diagnosed with severe hyperthyroidism earlier this year,my thyroid function was fully suppressed, my hair was thinning out and I had the sweats and shakes. My doctor prescribed beta blockers and carbimazole but I refused to take them.
I started drinking two green smoothies a day. 4 months later my thyroid is only mildly suppressed and my hair line is back to it's original density.
Wow @lesedi what are the ingredients of your smoothies? Looking back to earlier in the year do you feel there were any other factors that might have contributed to your diagnoses? Stress or anything you can think of?

Thanks in advance!
Wow @lesedi what are the ingredients of your smoothies? Looking back to earlier in the year do you feel there were any other factors that might have contributed to your diagnoses? Stress or anything you can think of?

Thanks in advance!
I have no real recipes per se, I just try to use more greens (usually spinach or kale) than fruit and only use water for liquid. They change day to day depending on what's available. I definitely think I am less stressed now, so you're right, that could definitely be a factor in my healing also. But my doctor couldnt believe the improvement! I've been dismissed from the endocrine unit :)I'm seriously considering veganism in the new year for my overall health
@lesedi Now that is TRULY Amazing and a complete blessing. I take it with your Go with the flow smoothie" you aren't adding any supplement powders or super foods?
I have not been diagnosed yet, but I am hitting every symptom for hypothyroidism on the list. I did not notice it sooner because some symptoms overlap with perimenopause. I plan to take a little iodine and selenium with my regular vitamins.
I did radioactive iodine too and I feel the same thing; it made things worse. I think if it becomes overactive again, I may just have it removed.

So my doc sent me scripts for blood work but only for the anemia and the diabetes; and nothing for my thyroid. I plan on calling my doc office and asking for a script for my thyroid. I haven't had my thyroid tested in such a long time by my primary. When I was seeing an endo specialist (after the radiation) my thyroid was tested every 3mths. I haven't had my thyroid tested in over 2yrs. I think my primary is really concerned about the anemia; cause my primary been testing it VERY often. I wish my primary would just tell me what she is worried about. Every time I see her she looks so concerned. When I see my primary I'm just gonna ask her "What the Hell is the problem?" IDK why my red blood count is so low; so my primary REALLY needs to communicate with me or it might be time for me to see a new primary.

My hair line and shedding amount remains the same. The shedding doesn't worry me anymore cause I know it will stop. My hairline just frustrates me. I shouldn't have gotten braids. My hairline is slowly starting to recover.
So my doc sent me scripts for blood work but only for the anemia and the diabetes; and nothing for my thyroid. I plan on calling my doc office and asking for a script for my thyroid. I haven't had my thyroid tested in such a long time by my primary.
See if your insurance will cover getting your own blood work done if you do not want to wait.
So my doc sent me scripts for blood work but only for the anemia and the diabetes; and nothing for my thyroid. I plan on calling my doc office and asking for a script for my thyroid. I haven't had my thyroid tested in such a long time by my primary. When I was seeing an endo specialist (after the radiation) my thyroid was tested every 3mths. I haven't had my thyroid tested in over 2yrs. I think my primary is really concerned about the anemia; cause my primary been testing it VERY often. I wish my primary would just tell me what she is worried about. Every time I see her she looks so concerned. When I see my primary I'm just gonna ask her "What the Hell is the problem?" IDK why my red blood count is so low; so my primary REALLY needs to communicate with me or it might be time for me to see a new primary.

My hair line and shedding amount remains the same. The shedding doesn't worry me anymore cause I know it will stop. My hairline just frustrates me. I shouldn't have gotten braids. My hairline is slowly starting to recover.

She may be worried about you having complications because low RBC might be common during.radiation therapy so, they monitor during treatment often. Ask her everything and what your CBC result is as well. Anemia can take your hair out like thyroid problems. I hope it's all resolved and that you return to health completely and speedily.
I too have grave's disease. You really have to up the conditioning game (at least for me) with Grave's. I was given radioactive iodine and I feel that just made things worse.

Sorry I am just seeing this. I literally at one point just gave up. I am not ready to take the RI step, as I am afraid it will get worse. I am just deep conditioning weekly and washing with Wen Pomegrante. Honestly, I tried using other things but my hair would suffer more breakage and hair loss. I don't like taking the meds and haven't taken them this year. Crazy is I went to my doctor and he said, your levels are better (side eye) I was told to keep doing what i was doing.....

I am.. NOT taking MEthimezole that will eventually damage my liver.

My skin on the other hand is a mess of it's own. I actually gave into Dermarolling. (lol) not bad.. I actually like it.

I learned to do makeup due to the scars and well, it has become my therapy.

I loathe Graves' disease and Hyperthyroidism....