The Spot That Won't Grow


New Member
The Spot That Won\'t Grow

Does anyone have a 'spot' in their hair that's prone to breakage or won't grow? I've been noticing for the past four years that I have a spot in the back of my head (kind of in the middle of my head) that will grow so long - but then start to break.

If you have a problem like this, what products have you used? How long did it take you to see some progress? I don't put any unecessary stress on this area so I'm really puzzled.



surfer girl
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

Hi Kedra,

I have a spot just in front of my ear that is shorter than the rest of my hair. I keep it way more moisturized than any other part of my hair, always making sure to concentrate my conditioners/leave-ins there. I also put oil or conditioner on it right before I leave for my touchup so it will slow down the relaxer.

Massage is working for me. I noticed about an inch of growth in six weeks (my hair doesn't grow fast).

I too can't figure out why this one spot behaves that way, because it wasn't always that way...perhaps it's my scalp's way of showing it's allergic to hydroxide relaxers?
Anyway, I'm looking forward to other posts you'll get on this thread!


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

I have that problem with my sides. I think that it takes time and TLC. I'm natural now so it is getting a little better.


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

Thanks Nyambura! I've been thinking about massage - is there a certain motion I should use? Do you massage with oils to that spot or not? I will definitely try the massage and your idea about the oil to that particular area.

Thanks again for your suggestions!



New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

I've been having problems with the sides of my hair forever, but especially when I got them cut short last year. It seems like they didn't want to grow back. But now, they're finally growing, and I think the key has been wearing that part of my hair unexposed. Weaving helped some too.


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

I have a section at the back towards the side that is half the length of the rest of my hair. I wear my hair wild and I only noticed it this summer. I was like what the heck? I"m not sure if it keeps breaking or just grows really really slow. I think the texture is different too. But I"m doing nothing special although I do make the effort to apply vaseline to the ends of that area every nite as well as the rest.
I think it actually might have grown a little bit but to be honest I think when it comes to your hair it is best not to stress over these things. I just try to keep my hair as healthy as possible and let nature do the rest.

hair 3c


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

You know what? This is facinating because I have the same thing, there is a small spot at the very top of my head on the left side that is like that, it's about the side of a quarter.. the weird thing is it seems to grow faster, but the texture is extremely rough and it breaks at about 4 inches...I thought maybe it was overprocessed or something, this spot is the reason I am transitioning...
Can anyone shed any light on this???


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

Hmmm ... I'm not sure LuLu. The section of my hair wasn't like this until about four years ago. I'm beginning to think that this area was overprocessed. I'm going to do massages and use more Surge, conditioners and oils in that area. I'm also going to have my hairdresser trim this area -I guess keep it trimmed until the 'damaged' hair is gone/trimmed away. I'm in the process of updating my regimen now so hopefully, I find the right thing that works for my hair and 'the spot.'

Another thing - the hair in that spot seems to be of a different consistency than the rest of my hair. Hmmm ... I wouldn't be surprised if it was damaged.



New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

I know what you mean the hair in my spot is a different grade too, but it seems to grow in this way... and I'm not sure how to trim it because it is so much shorter than the rest...This spot just has me perplexed.


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

LuLu -

Are you thinking about putting together a new regimen for that area? Why don't you try something similar to what I do and give it a month/six weeks tops. I'm expecting anything miraculous to happen, but it could help.

I'm getting a relaxer next week - I plan on talking to my stylist about this to see what she recommends (the spot was already like this before I started going to her) in addition to my new regimen.




Well-Known Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow


I have the exact same problem with a spot near my crown area. It grows faster than the rest of my hair but because the texture is different, it always breaks. This happens whether my hair is natural or relaxed. I try to remember to comb the area separately but the first time I forget it just snaps. The longest its ever been is about 12 inches, but that was only after wearing braids for 2 years.


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

I know what you mean neeki, It didn't bother me much before because I always got my hair layered, so that part as trimmed all the time. But now the front of my hair is long and I'm not sure how to handle that spot.

I might copy you for a little while Kedra


surfer girl
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

You're welcome, chica.
I use a minimal amount of oil when I massage b/c I'm paranoid about breakage...I don't know if the oil is doing anything but in my mind, it's making my hair more pliable/less likely to snap. I just massage with the padded parts of my fingers (no nails) and I don't think I have a particular direction...hmmm...I'm trying to think of what I's probably circular. I'll also be keeping an eye out for your progress with Surge and the success of other Surgers
because the posts have seriously raised the PJ in me. If the frozen rain/snow outside didn't make driving such a contact sport
, I'd be at the store right now trying to make a purchase!


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

On the other hand I have a tiny section of hair right at the back which is like 2c/3a texture and it is like 3 inches longer than the rest !!! my sister has the exact same thing.
anyone else have this ?


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

On the other hand I have a tiny section of hair right at the back which is like 2c/3a texture and it is like 3 inches longer than the rest !!! my sister has the exact same thing.
anyone else have this ?


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

On the other hand I have a tiny section of hair right at the back which is like 2c/3a texture and it is like 3 inches longer than the rest !!! my sister has the exact same thing.
anyone else have this ?


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

On the other hand I have a tiny section of hair right at the back which is like 2c/3a texture and it is like 3 inches longer than the rest !!! my sister has the exact same thing.
anyone else have this ?


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

On the other hand I have a tiny section of hair right at the back which is like 2c/3a texture and it is like 3 inches longer than the rest !!! my sister has the exact same thing.
anyone else have this ?


New Member
Re: The Spot That Won\'t Grow

From the crown of my head, to the kitchen is my my bad spot. It's another texture from the rest of my hair. ugh. I'm being patience though.