May 18 2018 Morning offering

"Love Mary! She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her."
— St. Gabriel Possenti of Our Lady of Sorrows
Right now is Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena feast day is July 16, she’s very miraculous in regards to women/couples having trouble conceiving, healing from health afflictions, and more. Also the brown scapular.
Here’s testimony I saw myself there was this married couple the husband was in his late 40s his wife looked younger, they came to Mount Carmel mass, processions, feast days, and prayer vigils religiously-pun intended. This went on for a good 4-5 years then BOOM! They had a son fast forward 3 years later and they now have 3 sons, the youngest a couple of months old. God can, and will multiply blessings. Amen!

From pray more novenas guy:

Peace be with you!

A little more than eight years ago, I was single.

Little did I know... my future wife was praying a novena, asking God to help her meet her future husband (me).

Annie, my wife, was praying a very special and powerful novena. Now, six years later, we are married and coming up on our sixth wedding anniversary!

I would like to ask you to join me in the very same novena that Annie prayed more than eight years ago. We will start praying on July 17th!

This novena is to a Saint who is known for truly great things.

So, which novena is it?

It's the St. Anne Novena! This is one of our favorite and most popular novenas.

And we start praying it very soon, so be sure to share it with your family & friends!
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St. Anne is the mother of Our Lady and grandmother of Jesus. She is a very powerful intercessor!

You may have heard that unmarried women often pray to St. Anne for help in finding a spouse. But, St. Anne is also known to intercede for people for almost any request, and especially for healing.

So, I hope you will join me in praying this novena for your prayer intentions!

Your friends & family can sign up here:

You are already signed up to receive the novena :)

We're looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie -

Hello my dear sisters! Even though we are going through some storms now, we know that we have Jesus in the Eucharist and the fullness of the Christian faith and so the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Church despite the weakness of some of our priests, bishops and cardinals. As St. John Bosco prophesied in his dream, when we call on Jesus and ask Our Lady to intercede for us, we will be in peace. When we deviate from these pillars, we will be assaulted on all sides. May God's holy will be done.
Hello my dear sisters! Even though we are going through some storms now, we know that we have Jesus in the Eucharist and the fullness of the Christian faith and so the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Church despite the weakness of some of our priests, bishops and cardinals. As St. John Bosco prophesied in his dream, when we call on Jesus and ask Our Lady to intercede for us, we will be in peace. When we deviate from these pillars, we will be assaulted on all sides. May God's holy will be done.

Yes this!
We have lost many of our flock because of these crimes against children it’s sexual perversity and its straight up demonic, but even this will be expelled from our church and God will prevail. People outside the Catholic Church especially secular ones hold us and our Priests to an impossible standard. For the Priests yes they need to be stronger, better, more faithful to their vows especially chastity and purity. Preists and Pastors are also under stronger more aggressive spiritual attacks from the devil and his demons than your regular average churchgoer that also plays a part in this in the end they are only tempted with perversions tailored to their own private weaknesses it’s then their choice to give in and commit the sin or crime in this case.
The Church has dealt with this the wrong way, and made things worse a cover up is always multiplies the problem and scandal (just a look at Nixon and watergate) they closed ranks and covered stuff up, making the scandal they were afraid of bigger and it blew up in everyones faces. Frankly, it wouldn’t be this bad now if they had just put those abusing Priests out on the street and made an “anonymous” phone call to the police.

Now people have every right to be upset and disgusted with this, so am I, but we have to remember the Priests are men first and the kind of PREIST they will be depends on the kind of MAN they were and are. This is a MAN problem, not a Catholic, Protestant, ceo, athlete, lawyer, Rabbi, Professor, Teacher, Actor, Director, Producer, doctor, father, step-father etc... position has nothing to do with it except for who they have access to.
People have hard time with this because this is an emotional hot button issue and most people can’t think straight. People have to be able to separate the office, position, job from the flesh and blood imperfect sinning individual man.

Each man is responsible for his own actions and a Preist doubly so, because he knows what the word of God says about abusing little ones and those who are vulnerable so they will all have to answer to God for all of it, even the enablers who covered stuff up but didn’t actually abuse children they are also doubly responsible. If the man is sexual pervert becoming a Preist, or Pastor (this exists in practically every Christian church denomination cause no church is immune to this scandal) or getting married is not going to change that, only Jesus can save, regenerate and renew.
In the meantime they need to be stripped of their office and official duties, separated and kept away from children and be turned over to the authorities to deal with them.
We must pray that our church is purged of these men and replaced by strong chaste fervent men of God with great faith. Also pray for our “good” Priests to stay strong in Jesus and on the narrow path and not give into temptations. Amen!
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Power of prayer fuels program for aging nuns
When Sister Mary Rinaldi visited Tampa in 1991 seeking funding to build a Salesian Sisters' retirement facility, one man's words inspired her to try a new type of fundraising.

"We have more need for your prayers than you do for our money," said Fortune Bosco, a prominent Tampa attorney who dedicated his life to serving his community.

Together Sister Rinaldi and Bosco, who passed away in 2006, founded the Adopt a Sister program, inviting people to donate money to help a retired sister in exchange for her prayers.

The Salesian Sisters of Tampa will host a luncheon celebrating the program's 26th anniversary at noon on Friday (March 3) at Villa Madonna School, 315 W Columbus Drive.

"The power of prayer, that's the essence of this program," Sister Rinaldi said. "And I'm so happy to celebrate it."

In its early years, Adopt a Sister allowed for the completion of a Salesian Sisters Retirement Home, located in New Jersey.

Today, funding from adopters goes to maintain the facility and care for aging sisters.

Salesian Sisters spend their lives as educators evangelizing to youth. They live in simple convents at schools and in communities across the world. Sisters do not retire at a specific age. Many serve well into their 80s and 90s. When they retire, it is because they need assistance.

Adopters help ensure sisters receive the best care possible.

Adopted sisters pray for their adopters, who are welcome to visit them and send prayer requests, every day.

"The nuns feel like they are still needed," Rinaldi said. "A spiritual bond is formed."

All are welcome to attend the free anniversary luncheon and learn more about the Adopt a Sister program.

The event will include a showing of a 20/20 special featuring the Sisters, as well as messages from Sister Rinaldi and others.

The cost to Adopt a Sister is a suggested $160 donation. Adopters receive a biography and photo of their Sister.

For more information, visit

Contact Sarah Whitman at [email protected].

Religion Journal; Nuns Keep Alive a Chain of Prayers, Nonstop Since 1878

At a white marble altar in the Romanesque chapel of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, Wis., Sister Ronalda Hophan prays on behalf of people who ask the nuns to call upon God to steer them through life's travails. She prays for safekeeping of grandsons stationed in Iraq, healing through chemotherapy and job promotions. She prays for people asking for world peace or inner peace, and for mundane miracles including considerate behavior from a spouse, getting a date within a month and decent test grades.

She has prayed, too, for a woman who recently asked to have a cabin to herself on a church cruise. ''She wanted to make it a retreat, a prayer experience, while sailing in God's beauty,'' Sister Ronalda said. (Yes, she got the room). The congregation prays every hour for many others, including its members, the pope, the local bishop, national and state government officials and the residents of La Crosse.

With so many requests from around the globe, the sisters' hours would seem to be filled with nonstop praying -- and indeed, at the chapel, prayer never ceases. For the past 125 years, since 11 a.m. on Aug. 1, 1878, the sisters have been praying around the clock, in rotating shifts. The up-to-the-second Perpetual Adoration Clock at is ticking at more than 45,800 days. With at least two people always praying before the exposed blessed sacrament, it is the nation's longest uninterrupted prayer, the sisters believe.

The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are not formally affiliated with other religious congregations of women and parishes in the United States that practice perpetual adoration, said Cristeen Custer, their spokeswoman. With the tradition more common among parishes, an informal nationwide search by Sister Maria Friedman in La Crosse earlier this month turned up only a handful of other American convents that practice nonstop prayer.

Besides their devotion to prayer, the sisters serve in a variety of ministries. They operate spirituality centers in the Midwest and Spokane, Wash., and sponsor hospitals and a university. Some members minister within these institutions and in other areas such as teaching, social work, pastoral care, clinical psychology and even baking and massage therapy.

Perpetual adoration has its remote origins in the fourth century, when converts to the faith in some dioceses were asked to pray before the exposed blessed sacrament for eight days after their baptism, said Bishop Raymond L. Burke, archbishop-elect of Saint Louis and national director of the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association in Chicago. And the prayer requests keep coming. ''Last year at this time, we were getting about 25 prayer requests a week; now we're getting about 25 a day, and they come from around the world,'' said Sister Ronalda, citing attention surrounding the 125th anniversary, when the convent spread word that such requests were welcome.

Why invite requests?

''Just sending the prayer request connects that person with God,'' said Sister Malinda Gerke, a sister for nearly 50 years. ''It is one act, one step of faith. If they didn't have that much faith, they wouldn't even ask or try. That is the seed planted in the soil. When we receive these requests, my first reaction is, thank God that people have that much faith that they believe in the power of prayer,'' she said.

Do their prayers work?

''Whatever the divine plan is, will be,'' Sister Malinda said. ''Some sisters recite a formal prayer for each request, but I have a very personal kind of style with God and say, 'Now, God this is yours. I have called your attention to this.'''

The work can be riveting. ''Every time I go to pray, there are 100 or so requests, and I feel the anguish of the world as I read through them,'' said Sister Maria Friedman, who noted that many people write after receiving bad news. ''I picture the person making the request reeling from this new calamity and wondering how to cope.'' She prays for the best solutions, for hope and for support from professionals, family and friends.

Liz Nutter, a retired teacher from La Crosse, has e-mailed prayer requests practically every week for the past three years, mostly for her extensive network of family and friends.

''Maybe the sisters have a special way of praying,'' said Ms. Nutter, who considers it a miracle that her brother-in-law, Mike Vondrashek, recently survived risky surgery. ''I made the request because I believed we needed more than man to solve this problem. Whenever there's a need, no matter if you're Catholic, Protestant or of another belief, people in La Crosse ask, 'Have you called the Franciscan nuns?'''

It would require an extraordinary disruption to halt the ministry. In 1923, the sisters continued praying despite a fire that stopped at the chapel doors, Ms. Custer said. And in 1968, some members took to praying eight hours each day, when other sisters were hit by a flu epidemic. ''This practice is central to the identity of the congregation, and members are very serious about doing the utmost to see it continue,'' she said.

Those have not been the only threats to continuing tradition at the convent; it needs novices. Of the more than 100 sisters who pray, in 30-minute shifts from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m., and 60-minute shifts from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., their average age is over 70, Ms. Custer said.

Today about 90 other people who have been trained by the sisters join the sisters as prayer partners, a practice instituted in 1997.

Indeed, perseverance is in the roots. In 1878, after the bishop in La Crosse refused the requests of Mother Antonia, the congregational leader, to begin perpetual adoration, the sisters tried it nonetheless, demonstrated that it was not too burdensome, and have continued ever since, Ms. Custer said.

Holding vigil is rooted in tradition, according to the Rev. Dr. Edward Foley, professor of liturgy and music at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. ''Perpetual adoration reflects a convergence of the need for tangible encounters with God and an instinct to keep vigil, like standing guard outside Buckingham Palace, rain or shine,'' he said. ''Those are human instincts across civilizations and religions.''
Hello my dear sisters! Even though we are going through some storms now, we know that we have Jesus in the Eucharist and the fullness of the Christian faith and so the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Church despite the weakness of some of our priests, bishops and cardinals. As St. John Bosco prophesied in his dream, when we call on Jesus and ask Our Lady to intercede for us, we will be in peace. When we deviate from these pillars, we will be assaulted on all sides. May God's holy will be done.

Padre Pios fav intercessory prayer
He said this prayer when people asked him to pray for them and many had breakthroughs and miracles. Amen!

I. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of …… (here name your request)
Our Father …. Hail Mary …. Glory Be to the Father …. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

II. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of ……. (here name your request) Our Father …. Hail Mary ….Glory Be to the Father …. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

III. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.” Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of ….. (here name your request) Our Father …. Hail Mary …. Glory Be to the Father … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender Mother and ours.
Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.
Doing well @Galadriel! Lent is always a bit grueling but I LOVE the Triduum and Easter season. Hope everyone is doing well.

Oh, @Belle Du Jour it is grueling, but we'll get through it! Everyone is doing well, including your LHCF nephew :yep:. He's turning 9 next month and finally asked for a haircut. Cannot believe how big he's getting! And his First Communion is in May.


Ladies there’s a woman who allegedly wants to celebrate the anniversary of the Coumbine shootings by killing kids. We as Christians collectively need to rebuke this demon and come against anyone trying to commit violence to repeat a past tragedy and pray that they get caught before doing any harm.

I bind my faith with yours and all the praying Christians in the world, we put on the whole armor of God, Eph 6:10 we cover ourselves under the protection of the blood of the Lamb.

Lord father in heaven, we humbly ask in Jesus’ name we come against this and any evil demonic plot the enemy is trying to complete, we bind and cast down all spirits and workers of inequity behind these evil doings and send them all to the foot of the cross so they will never return. Begone begone begone forever! Blind them so that know not what we do, blind them so that they know not on whom to take vengeance blind them so they will receive the just sentence for all their works. We pray that all the weapons traps plots and schemes they have formed against your children may they fall into their own traps may their own weapons be used against them. May the children be protected by the blood of the lamb, (mantle your Mother Mary) angels and saints and may all these children go home safe to their parents today and everyday until you call them rightfully home.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen! Amen! Amen!