The freestyle regimen, am I the only one who does this?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I made up the "freestyle regimen" phrase because that's what I seem to do. I couldn't tell you I wash and DC every week on sundays because I don't keep up with what and when I do something to my hair. I didn't mean to start freestyling but I've learned to only do what my hair needs me to do. I have DC'd twice in one week because my hair needed it and normally I would wait until my hair day to give what my hair needs. I've also gone 3 weeks with out DCing because my hair felt good for that long. Not to knock a strict regimen, I had one most of the time I've been on this forum, but I felt like if my hair felt great, moisturized and not breaking on wash day, why go through shampooing and DCing? Maybe we all don't have to follow the a super strict regimen. Am I the only one that came to this conclusion?
I have no set regimen either. I've tried many times, but failed. Just do whatever, when I feel like it, based on how my hair feels. The closest I came was washing every Sunday, but that didn't last too long.
I am not real strict with my regimen and I like experimenting with new products.

I shampoo when needed - sometimes twice a week, sometimes once every 2 weeks. I cowash when I get a chance in between shampoos. Maybe once a week, maybe 4 days in a row. Mostly it depends on my kids behavior and nap schedules.
I try to DC at least once a week but I can go longer. I don't always add a bit of OVOO though because I forget lol. My idea of a DC is merely leaving in alot of whatever conditioner I'm using at the time, putting on a shower cap and then a scarf. I usually don't sleep with scarves though. I hate the feeling of having something on my head and even worse, damp hair underneath.
Not at all. Like my workout schedule, I have tried countless times to set a specific day of the week to wash, deep condition, condition wash, use protein... I am usually good for the first few days then I saw screw it!

Whenever my hair feels dry, Ill wash it.
If it feels mushy and my curls are not springy enough, I'll do a protein treatment.

The only thing I have done consistently is only flat iron my hair 1x a month. So far that is working. Otherwise I am in wash n goes 95% of the time
I cleanse my hair weekly regardless of whether my hair needs it or not because my mind needs to. I usually condition in the shower after cleansing, but DC/steam whenever I feel my hair needs the extra moisture - after henna or it is feeling particularly dry. Once I step out of the shower, I want to be done the majority of the work.

So far so good.
I think the freestyle regimen is the best because you are listening to what your hair needs exactly when it needs it, instead of waiting a set time. That is why I do it.
I guess I also do the 'freestyle regimen' I go with how I feel. I cowash daily but do everything else based on what I feel I need or simply want to do:look:
the only thing thats set is that I do my hair on the weekend.

I do whatever I feel my hair needs
I think another benefit from having this type of regimen is if your hair doesn't need as much as often as you originally thought then you save product. I've noticed I'm holding on to my DCs much much longer.
You're not the only one, CurlsBazillion. I've been unable to stick to a strict regimen ever since I became natural. I've done frequent and non-frequent washing, loose hair styles and protective hair styles, heat and no heat, I just can't seem to stick to anything.
This is a really interesting thread, subbing to hear from other "freestyle" ladies - it's one less way to be a slave to your hair and sounds really liberating but the thought of not having a set routine, it's a little :nervous2:
Naaaah I use the rhythm method on my hair & do what she wants when she wants it. I've gone weeks without DCing because my hair was lush and moisturized at that time. I've also DC'd 2 or more times in a week when a. correcting damage or b. I like a new product!

I don't have a regular styling regi either. Unless it's a special occasion it's in one pony or one braid.
Kinda. I wash twice a week, I don't have a set dc routine. I sporadically do moisture, protein, and hot oil treatments.
I used to do every week faithfully wash and dc but now it's depends on how my hair looks and feel which I think is better because we respond to our hair's need. Why wait a full week to wash or dc when my hair is dry today and it's not dirty. S why can't I Cowash today and have it feel good today and it it responds well and appears try why I can't do it the next day or two days later. If someone screams for your help today, your going to ignore the person and say I only help people on mondays? So good point! :)
I would call my regimen "freestyle" if I thought my hair was healthy. I'm just tired and lazy at this point. I do what needs to be done to it when I can devote an uninterrupted 1.5-2 hours of time.
Exactly what I do. Unless I decide to wear my hair straight for a that case I will wash/deep condition/rollerset/flat iron every weekend. But throughout most of the summer I would vacillate between curly and straight. Sometimes I'd shampoo 2 times a week, sometimes just once. I'm all over the place...

In order to get better retention this year I'm going to try to stick to more of a regimen.
I thought I was on more of a regimen than I really am. On average I wash and DC. Protein and moisture choice/combo depends on what I'm doing etc... it is roughly by feel.

Hey, it works!
Nope, you're not the only one! I have no set regimen - I do not deep condition at all, I don't moisturize and seal...just co-wash once or twice/week.

But guess what? Even @39 months into my transition, my hair's just as healthy as ever! I haven't experienced any breakage or dryness, my hair is exactly the same as it was before. I haven't been doing much to my hair for over 6 months now and it grows and retains the same as before.

I think it's because I'm about 95% natural. My relaxed hair would be a mess if I neglected it like this, lol.
I shampoo/condition or co-wash or oil rinse daily (swimming). Life is simple if I keep shampoo, conditioner, oil and acv in the shower.

I dust my ends every 6 weeks and use henna indigo every 2 to 3 weeks.
I am pretty much on that freestyle regimen too. Usually I DC every week but since summer started, I am in mini twists and I can’t wash my hair that often because I want to avoid tangles as much as possible for the day I will take them down. I moisturize my hair every 3-4 days now, baggy once a week or once every two weeks and that’s pretty much it!
I feel like I’m going to do it until Winter comes or find a curly/kinky or just textured wig for the cold month (Anyone in Minnesota?)