The differences


New Member
Hi it's me again with my 2nd post in 2 days within this section.
I'm on a "quest" to try to better understand some things, God's words etc... and I've been wondering what the differences are between: baptists, methodists, pentecostal, evangelists and all those different denominations. I'm not from the U.S so I was wondering what are the main denominations and the basic differences between all of them. Is it a difference in beliefs or just differences in the way they worship? I assume all those different sub-religions of Christianity believe in Jesus as our personal savior so if that's the case why the need to further divide? Why not just be one happy family and be called "Christian Churches"?

I guess my main questions are within the bolded part. Thanks in advance for any reply and if there are any books/websites you could direct me too I would gladly appreciate it