Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!


New Member
I just wanted to say that my hair has NEVER been healthier...and I've only recently discovered this board. All of you ladies have been SO helpful and honest, I can't imagine that I would have ever achieved any kind of length without you! (As I am still new, it's not much, but I anticipate more retained length than ever.)
On the other hand, I am questioning my mental health, as I am now even more obsessed with growing my hair out than ever...:)
I am on a self-imposed bun challenge. I now oil my ends twice a day. And, lo and behold, I no longer use direct heat. It's all rollersets followed by a moderately hot (quick!) pass with the dryer to straighten. My products have been completely revamped (much more moisture!) and I sleep on a satin pillow.

So I have to say thank you all for being so quick to respond and sharing your successes and failures with me!

You are so sweet to publicly thank me for all of my advice :rofl:

j/k of course. I'm so happy for you. Now make sure you give us some of the details to your success, k?
I'm so glad to hear the advice here is working for you. I have gratitude every day since I found this board.
You're welcome, You're welcome, You're Welcome!


Seriously though....congrats on your hair success........keep up the good work's not easy being beautiful! Happy Hair Growing!