

New Member
Dr. Oz was recently on the Oprah show and he suggested that the best thing you can do for your hair is to purchase a charcoal filter and put it in your showerhead. The benefit of having a charcoal filter in your showerhead is that it effectively removes 90% or more of chlorine and impurities from your shower water. The reason why it is important to your hair is because the chlorine in the water dries your hair. It strips hair and skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, itchy, and prematurely aged. I believe black women would really benefit from doing this. With our hair being the driest among the races, relief from dry skin and scalp is important. Additional benefits of a charcoal water filter are that it makes softer, more manageable hair, reduces fading of color treated-hair and will give healthier, younger looking skin. For those with chlorine sensitivity and for the women who are trying to get your hair back, give this a try. You deserve healthier water in every aspect of your daily life. You can find these charcoal filters at any hardware or department store. Please share how this is working for you.
Thanks for posting this OP. I actually saw that Oprah, but have been lazy and forgot I wanted to get one. You reminded me! :)