Temporary Curls?


New Member
I'm loving loving my stick straight hair from my Japanese perm, but I was thinking "a day of loose curls would be nice"...any products that you ladies would recommend to get "temporary" curls? Not tight, just loose-is what I'm looking for.
I did bantu knots for the first time last night. I did 4 knots in the front and 4 in the back and woke up with nice curly hair. Everyone at my job asked if this was my natural look. lol. I twisted my hair and then wrapped them in knots.
Yup I agree with bantu knots. The larger you do them...the looser and wavier the curl will be.

Doing them on wet hair and letting them airdry will make them tighter and they'll shrink up more. At least that's what I've found.
I have not been able to do bantu knots since getting Japanese straightening. I don't know why but my hair just will not behave. I use curlformers for a full head of curls or just curl with the curling iron for looser waves.
u got a japanese perm? When I lived in Japan they told me that it wouldnt really work on AA hair..I say that assuming you are AA, but do you have a fotki? I would love to see pics.
Thanks for the advice.

I'm going to try Bantu knots on Monday and see how that works before I buy flexirod thingys.

I get a bit of waves if I ball my hair up into one knot and sleep on that, but I want more temporary curls.

A while back I did a post on "Japanese straight perm"--just search and you'll find my info. My hair is stick straight, only if I reach and feel "inside" it seems a bit wavy at the root. I'm going to wait til Feb. to get another--maybe longer if I can--seems like this is going to last past the 3 months the salon said!

Sorry I would post more, but I'm having a bit of stomach ache!