Tangles Tangles Tangles


New Member
hey guys

i posted a blog about this before but i really really need info on tangles. I Need some real good tips.. so far the only thing that can tangle my hair is keracare and kenra but those are expensive.... i need cheaper one that are really really good. any suggestions on how to detangle new growth would be appreciate also.
Some cheapy products that work great for slip/detangling are:
Pantene light spray detangler
White rain tropical coconut conditioner
ORS replenishing packs as a deep conditioner
Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Alma oil as a pre poo overnight or for an hour prior to washing
Africas best hair mayo leave in
lacio lacio leave in
giovanni direct leave in

I also suggest lightly detangling BEFORE washing if u know its tangled....if I dont it just makes it worse when it gets wet and it gets matted up.
Overnight pre-poo with cholesterol and coconut oil have worked WONDERS on my hair. I am currently about 9 months post relaxer.

Also, you have to take your time when you comb out your hair. Break it up in sections (this has helped me as well). I detangle anywhere from 6-10 sections. Coat your hair well with conditioner and/or a good heave oil like castor or olive.

HTH and good luck!