Survived the Big Chop in GREAT shape! (long)


New Member
For those of you that don't know, my last relaxer was September of last year. I had been transitioning since then. My goal was to wait until September of this year before I got my relaxed hair cut. Well, recently I started getting restless where my hair is concerned and got THE BIG CHOP done. At first I was upset seeing a bunch of my hair on the floor. However, after I saw my hair (that was still on my head) I was amazed!!! The hair that looked like 2B for so long (while I still had the relaxed ends), now is definitely a 3 something. I am still trying to analyze it. I have NEVER been this happy with my hair before! I bought some cute headbands and I must say my hair looks good! Maybe I should have done this sooner!
I admire your courage. I've thought about going natural and then horrible memories of childhood hair drives those thoughts right out of my head.

Hope you post some pics soon. I'ld love to see the "NEW" you.
Wow! That's a gutsy thing to do! I'd be too chicken!

I'm glad you're thrilled with the outcome though and that you're beginning your growth process with healthy hair.
I'm glad your are happy with your hair. If I decide to go natural again, I would probably do the big chop. Post some pics soon.
Congrats, I know how you feel. When i did my big chop I was so pleased with the result. You will have lots of fun experimenting with headbands, clips, and various styles.

Destinee, your hair is DA BOMB! It takes courage to do the big chop, but it's kinda like getting your ears pierced. After you do it, you wonder why you were so nervous!

It's been 3.5 years since mine, and I'm still learning about (and loving) my hair. Enjoy the journey - it's a fun and beautiful one.
Congratulations! I was restless like you during my transition phase and "big chopped" before my scheduled time. It was the best thing I could have done. Have fun relearning your hair. I still can't keep my hands out of mine and it's been 10 months already!!!