Surge and Okra-Carrot-Castor Oil Concoction!!!


Well-Known Member
I have been surging and using the okra-carrot-castor oil concoction for about 6 weeks now. I thought it was just my imagination, but other people have also been telling me that my hair is longer and even thicker!!! /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif Now my hair was already EXTREMELY thick, but now it's like Rudy from the Cosby show thick! I'm natural 4a/3c. I pressed it out last night, and usually my hair looks real thin after it's pressed. But now, it's still very, very, very thick after a pressing! It's just a little past the tops of my shoulders in the front, and probably about 5-6 inches from bra strap in the back. I can't say if it was one or the other or both that contributed because I used them at the same time. I would surge and then follow up with the okra-castor oil concoction twice a day. Then, I started mixing the two together and using it that way. The only problem with mixing the two together was that it stained my shirts. The recipe for the okra-castor oil concoction is either in the homemade recipe section or in this section. This combo is definitely a keeper! /images/graemlins/up.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif