Super dry hair

I'm moisturize and seal 2x a day and my hair is still dry when I wake up. I deep condition with moisture once a week and co wash with moisture . Help what am I doing wrong?....oh yea I just bc'ed on the 1st

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Someone asked a question similar to this on my blog. Here is part of my answer. It may be useful to you.

Additionally, dry-feeling hair may be as a result of a pH imbalance / porosity issue. If I were staying for an extended time, I would have also check out my porosity and made adjustments accordingly.

Some suggest a few ways to determine if your hair is porous or not:

1. Place a shed hair in a cup of water. If it sinks your hair is porus. If it float your hair is not porus.
2. Run your fingers UP a strand of hair on your head. If it feels rough, the cuticles of your hair are lifted which suggests porosity. If it feels smooth, you cuticles are flattened and porosity may not be an issue.

Porous hair allows for moisture to easily enter the cuticles of your hair, but it also allows for moisture to easily escape as well. This results in loss of the moisture that our texture of hair so badly needs. Roux Porosity or plain old apple cider vinegar are both products that can help in restoring the pH balance and closure of the cuticles. When using either if these, it is good measure to complete your final rinse using cold water. Cold water also aids in closing your cuticles.
See original post HERE
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I'm moisturize and seal 2x a day and my hair is still dry when I wake up. I deep condition with moisture once a week and co wash with moisture . Help what am I doing wrong?....oh yea I just bc'ed on the 1st

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I had this same problem and I'm just finally getting it under control. Here's my routine:

I use Phyto's Ultra Dry Hair Care line.

I pre-poo 15 minutes before I wash my hair with Phyto Nectar Oil (I saturate my hair with it)

I then wash my hair TWICE using Roux porosity control sahmpoo

I then wash my hair twice using Phyto Nectar Shampoo. I let it sit each time for about 2-3 min then rinse.

I step out of the shower and dry with a TSHIRT not a towel. Towels are too drying!

Next I deep condition with Phytokarite for 30 minutes under a dryer

Last, I use two types of leave in conditioners: Phyto 9 and Lacio Lacio and I seal using either Grape Fruit Oil, Almond Oil or Avocado oil and then I let hair air-dry.

The nape of my hair is overprocessed so it's the most dry so I have to baby this area a little more. I moisturize with Organics Africa's Best Shea Butter Plus then seal with one of my natural oils. This is after it's air-dried.

I only use wide tooth combs and sleep on satin pillows. I try to avoid dry combing my air dried hair as this leads to more dryness.

Once every 6 weeks I do heavy protein treatments. I have tried the following:

Aphogee 2 Step Protein treatment

Nexxus Emergencee

Dudley's DRC 28.

I've had the most success with Aphogee 2 step Protein treatments.

Stay away from hair care lines that are protein based as too much protein can be too drying and damaging. You don't want to use protein based lines on your hair every week cause this is just too much. Concentrate on moisturizing lines and do the heavy protein treatments every 6 weeks if you are relaxed. If you are natural you probably can do them every 12 weeks. If it says "reconstruct" or "repair", then that's a protein line. Concentrate on lines that say "hydrating" or "moisturizing"
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I would also suggest Roux Porosity Control. This rescued my hair and my 2 daughters. We were all suffering from extremely dry hair despite all of my moisturizing efforts. I just used it this week when I realized that my hair would not stay moisturized after DC, cowashing, and moisturizing 2x a day. Now 3 days have passed and I haven't had to moisturize yet.
The fact that you need to "re-moisturize" that often means you probably have porous hair (hair that cannot hold moisture). If thats the case, then you need a restructuring conditioner-- (something to help rebuild your strands to help hold moisture while adding moisture). When I dealt w/the same issue, I was beyond the help of the quick fix of apple cider vinegar (acv) rinses or porosity control. They just dried my hair out further b/c I hadn't dealt w/the underlying problem. Balancing your protein and moisture is a better way of fixing your porosity issue when you have extreme dryness.

If you are at that point, then (1) try oil rinses b/c they do wonders for helping your hair to react properly to conditioners and maintain moisture; (2) try Aubrey Organics GPB protein/moisture balancing deep conditioner. It is not watered down like most conditioners and u should notice an immediate effect. I use it once a week w/every wash and it has allowed me to go nearly the full week w/o needing to remoisturize. This was unheard of w/my dry 4b natural hair; and (3) try a moisturizing pre-poo treatment to avoid drying your hair out w/harsh shampoos and/or diluting the shampoo in a color applicator bottle. I do both and it has done wonders for hair
Thank you for the tips ladies. I've been using trader joes tea tree tingle conditioner every day to co wash then apply Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and then apply Eco style.

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I have a thyroid issue which leads to super dry hair, despite treatment with medication. I learned a long time ago if I want to keep hair on my head and growing then I had to up my moisture hard core.

You may find it's all in the way you use (and the quality of) conditioner. You haven't said whether you're natural or relaxed (as I'm not sure if that will change the type of conditioner you use). I'm natural and there are a few go to conditioners for me. I love silk elements megasilk moisturizing treatment. How I use it: I mix it with some coconut oil (or argan, or sometimes avocado) and I leave that bad boy in over night. That brings out the big guns. You may need to have that moisture absorbed over a longer period of time in addition to deep conditioning after shampooing, etc.


It's my prepoo (you might want to think about doing that).

Next day I wash it out and it's love. Sometimes I use shampoo but mostly conditioner wash which also keeps in the moisture.
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I caution you on using Roux until you can determine if your hair is high or low porosity. I was chasing the remedy to dry hair when I first joined and everyone suggested Roux PC because they thought I had high porosity based on my hair description - always dry, constantly having to moisturize, ends air drying bushy. I wasn't skilled enough to recognize that my hair really was low porosity, whereby the cuticles are more closed than open, making it difficult for product to absorb into the hair, thereby causing dryness. Roux only further complicated the problem by closing the cuticles even more, making it even harder for product to absorb into the hair. My hair's health has significantly improved since stopping Roux. My ends no longer air dry bushy and I don't feel the need to moisturize 2x daily. Trial/error, unfortunately, is the only way to determine what's best. ETA: I use salon grade products now because I find that (for me), it delivers quality results every time. Beforehand, when using non-salon grade quality, the results were marginal and not consistent.
Thank you for the tips ladies. I've been using trader joes tea tree tingle conditioner every day to co wash then apply Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and then apply Eco style.

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Question: Isn't tea tree an astringent? Wouldn't that dry OP's hair even further? And wouldn't using it every day just keep it in a dry state?

And shea is a heavy product, woudn't that be more of a sealing product instead of a moisturizing product?

And the Eco style gel, which one are you using? The only gel I know of that isn't drying is KCCC.

I think it may be the products you're using...
I would watch the use of silicons in products too. My hair is very porous and if I use products with 'cones more than a day away from when I'm going to shampoo my hair again, it dries my hair completely out.
The trader joes and shea moisture both seem to be watered down products w/no least that hs been my experience

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