Sulphur Oil Mix: What's yours?

I'm trying to figure out how to make my own sulphur oil mix, or rather, the ratios I should use. I was thinking 1tsp:3 oz of oil? I think I'm just gonna use the African Oil from the store and maybe put some more castor and coconut oil in it.
This is my current mix.
2 oz each of hemp seed oil, evco, evoo and castor oil. 1 tsp tea tree, 2 tsp ppo, 2 level tsp sulfur
I love hearing about sulfur mixes :)

I use 4oz Grapeseed Oil, 4 Oz Castor Oil and 1 tspn of sulfur

Thinking about changing to a stronger mixture of 2tspn to 8oz of oil. Tryna get some extra inches...
Right Now I am using:

6 oz of Castor Oil
a few drops of Eucalytpus and Peppermint Oil
a Few drops of Silk Amino Acids
and 1.5 tspn of Sublime Sulfur Powder
I probably shouldn't :look:, but i eyeball all my measurements. My sulphur oil mix is (probably equal parts) Olive oil, coconut oil,jojoba oil, wheatgerm oil (it stinks), grapeseed oil, castor oil, tea tree oil/peppermint oil. So i guess in an 8oz bottle i would add maybe a teaspoon of sulphur. I feel like my oil helps to calm my scalp. I tend to have less scalp irritation.
I steeped my oil in nettle and horsetail herbs first. The mixed in 1 tsp of sulphur oil to 8 oz of oil.
I eye ball the sulfur (it may be like 1.5 tsp). I also steep horsetail, rosemary and black tea (reduces shedding?) in my oil. I usually use a combo of hot six, olive and coconut oil with just a hint of castor oil. I use a tea strainer that I got at a health food store to infuse my herbs into the oil.
i have a sulphur mix of majority olive oil, then some coconut oil and castor oil,a little cayenne pepper, and a heaping teaspoon of sulphur. I just started this mix this week. Has any one seen any results from their homemade mixes?
i use 1 heaping tspn in 8 oz of oil....maybe jbco and pumpkin seed oil or coconut

check out the sulfur challenge 2011 thread - tons of info on ratio there
I infuse my oil which is either canola or olive oil with dried rosemary, horsetail, nettle, hot pepper, cinnamon, and a little bit of garlic powder. I let it sit for a few weeks as I don't have a double boiler or glass jar. I then strain it and add a heaping teaspoon of sulfur to 8 oz.
I infuse my oil which is either canola or olive oil with dried rosemary, horsetail, nettle, hot pepper, cinnamon, and a little bit of garlic powder. I let it sit for a few weeks as I don't have a double boiler or glass jar. I then strain it and add a heaping teaspoon of sulfur to 8 oz.

What do you strain it with? Do you use cinnamon power or bark? :lick:
What do you strain it with? Do you use cinnamon power or bark? :lick:


I strain it with the stockings they have at shoe stores or even cut off pantyhose. Usually I use bark because the last time when I tried grounded cinnamon, I couldn't get all of it strained out so some bits were left in the mix. It wasn't that much to be noticeable but just a heads up.