Sulfur 8 Question


SuperDuper Member
My hair appt is 10/26/07, and I will be getting a perm. Because of EXTREME dry scalp, I use Sulfur 8 shampoo and follow that up with my CON products (poo and ditioner). Is it safe for my hair if I follow the perm and neutralizing shampoo with my Sulfur 8 shampoo? After that, I would have my stylist follow up with another moisturizing shampoo and a deep conditioner. I ask that because the Sulfur is minty on my scalp, would that leave me with scabs after a perm? I just wanted to get some different opinions. Thanks in advance =)
52 People read this post and no one answered. Well I found my answer and hopefully this will help someone who has the same question down the line. DO NOT PUT SULFUR 8 ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR SCALP FOR ATLEAST 2 WEEKS BEFORE A PERM. YOU WILL SIZZLE. Because the dryness I get is only on the middle, front my hairline and about 2 inches back, that's the only place I use Sulfur 8, then I wash out and chase that with CON shampoo. I did that same thing about 4 days before my perm. OMG, I thought I was a piece of bacon the way I sizzled! Anyway, this is juat a warning to those of us who use Sulfur and get perms. It only sizzled on the area I used the Sulfur 8 too, I hadn't scratched.