Studying the bible

I have a "Life Application" Bible that has comments on each scriptures as I read to make sure I understand. I also keep a notebook and write down scriptures that really stand out for me. I also have some of the bible gospels on DVD and watched them too and I also read a lot of Christian "self-help" books like Joyce Meyers for example. I sometimes attend bible study on Wed. at my church.

i have the life application bible also and it is good. Tht has really helped me and my understanding of God's word. When I go to bible study and Sunday service, I take a notebook with me to write down scriptures and and valuable points from the sermon or the lesson.
i have a life application bible, and i love it. however, i also like the "Strong's Concordance" it basically is a big book where you are able to see the original meaning of scriptures by the original language...that helps. in addition, bible study and church help tremendously because a lot of preachers research and study and are able to pass the knowledge onto the congregation to make sense out of what it says. however, i believe that everyone should pray about finding a church home, because i believe it is important ot be under a preacher that is hearing from God!!
peace and blessings