Straight bangs with natural hairstyle?

Two different textures at once?

  • Looks alright to me

    Votes: 36 25.2%

    Votes: 107 74.8%

  • Total voters
I've actually considered flat-ironing my bangs, but then bantu-knot-ing them so that they're curly for the style...Because when I bantu knot natural hair, it ends up poofing up so easily...
@Southern Belle. And as I also stated, this thread isn't about ME. The pic is to provide an EXAMPLE since this is LHCF and we all know how pics are beneficial. I didn't want anyone coming in saying "well I've never seen it so..." or "well do you have a pic of an example?". The pic just happens to be of me. It could've been a pic of a random internet person, the mail man or Mike Jones' mama for all I care. The question is whether its socially acceptable or not. That's why I even stated the part about it being MY hair. To let you know I don't care about your opinion of MY hair or what I do with it. Just the style itself. The first part of your answer was what I was looking for and it will suffice. Thank you.

I guess I just don't get the point of this whole thread. You asked us what we thought, and in the next breath said "it's my hair and I don't care". Ummm, okay... :look:

At any rate, I'm not going to waste any more brain cells on this thread...
I agree. I do this with my curly updos. The front will be straight and the back in a french roll or bun.

I don't see a problem with it if the hair is pulled back off the face in a half up/down, pony, or up do. But that's just my opinion. I actually think it's kinda cute.
I guess I just don't get the point of this whole thread. You asked us what we thought, and in the next breath said "it's my hair and I don't care". Ummm, okay... :look:

At any rate, I'm not going to waste any more brain cells on this thread...

@Southern Belle Or that just means the question went over your head. So YES I asked what you thought ABOUT the "look" not how it looked on ME. Many others seem to get the point and understand that I was asking about the "look" itself. Hence why they have stated examples they have seen or think of like the latinas or Afros with straight bangs. They are talking about it in GENERAL, so YES, in the same breath I make sure to let everyone know I'm not asking whether I should wear this style or not. This isn't one of those threads like "I'm going out tonight, so what do you ladies think of this style?" NO. So that's why I made it clear that it's not about me. Others still made suggestions thinking that I want to wear this now. So I guess it's natural for people to still refer directly to me regardless of what I stated in the OP but oh well. Don't understand how that is confusing or contradictory. Another example in case you still don't get it. Three pics of three girls with a ponytail, question: are ponytails cute? Not, is this ponytail a cute style on ME. Other people were simply able to say no, hell no or any other variation or yes it's cute in certain styles. The statement you made said no it's not cute, and implied "but you said you gonna do you so go ahead and look stupid anyway" but...I wasn't asking about me since I don't plan on doing this style anytime soon. So in case you missed it, the QUESTIONS are bolded, the questions don't refer to me so that's why I said that. Opinion of the style, not the person wearing it. So there are like 3 extra examples so...if you still don't get it, then I can't help you,just don't worry bout it, it's really not that hard. So I agree that it's best you move on to another thread. Why keep commenting on what you don't understand, I wouldn't keep talking about multiplication if I couldn't do it. Makes sense to me. Deuces.

Is it a style faux pas to wear straightened bangs when the rest of your hair is natural? Does it look weird? I'm asking out of curiosity. This is a pic from a couple years ago, right after cutting my relaxed ends off. This is just to provide an example of what I'm talking about. My natural bangs never hung or laid right and had no curl pattern, but I have a big forehead so I still wanted to use my bangs. This is not about me though, because it's my hair and "I'ma do what I want anyway" :yep: We're all individuals with different opinions. But I'm just talking about in general, does it look weird on most people? I don't see anyone else do this, so is this some unspoken hair rule, like you shouldn't wear two different hair textures at the same time? What's your opinion?:yep:
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I'm a middle school teacher in a highly Latin area. A lot of the curly haired Latinas do this ( I guess to hide their curliness or perhaps simply because the hair won't lay right). I said all that to say I don't see a problem with it if the hair is pulled back off the face in a half up/down, pony, or up do. But that's just my opinion. I actually think it's kinda cute.

This, all California girls know the Latina girls LOVE this style: crunching wavy or curly hair and stick straight bangs...I don't like it, it confuses me...

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Jasmine Sanders has the same thing, but the bangs are blonde. It looks confusing to me but what do ya'll think?

Yeah, I don't love this style either. :nono: It's distracting.

Off topic, though, THANK YOU for this observation about leggings:
...I was just wondering if it was like when people wear thin leggings (panties showin thru and everything) with short shirts that don't cover their butts.
I see this all the time! Maybe people don't realize how see-thru most leggings are? Idk, but I see it so much I thought maybe I was getting old fashioned and it was just sexy to show your butt now.
I did not vote.... At first I thought No... But I saw this picture and it looked like it had possibilities...

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I don't depends on the style and the person wearing it. It's a super trend in steampunk culture to wear different colors, textures, and layers of hair and I think they look so cool! :yep:

I tried to rock it. But I couldn't justify it in my I never wore it out of the house. I don't like the way it looks. And girls look hella silly wearing that! However, I wanted to wear my bang like that because they were too short to comb back in a ponytail without pinning like crazy. So what I did was cornrow my bang to the side, or flat twist it to the side and secure with a bobby pin. It became my personal style and lots of girls around me started doing it. Maybe you can try that.

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A lot of girls here in Toronto do it, I personally don't like it. I don't think it's a faux pas though, it's just my opinion. There are a few times I've seen it look cute though and that's usually when the person's natural hair texture is loosely curly and hangs down but again, few.
There was a girl in my class with styled 1a bangs and 3b BSL curls, all hers. It didn't look bad, but in my opinion it was better without the bangs.
I don't see the problem with the style, when I was permed I wore my hair with a straight bang and curly all over and I have a wig in that style.

I don't have a bang now so it wouldn't work unless it was a swoop bang. maybe I'll try when I wash my hair. Can't say I haven't thought about it.
I wouldn't wear my hair that way usually but I suppose it's all right. I'll be wearing straight bangs with an Afro when I dress as Misty Knight, Hero For Hire at comic conventions later this year :lol:

One of my coworkers has loc'd hair but her bang is either pressed or relaxed. Everytime I see it, I get so confused.

Generally, it looks odd to me--rather dated, like the 1980s (when girls wore the curly perm and straight bangs and a ton of hairspray).

Oh dear....

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I'm a middle school teacher in a highly Latin area. A lot of the curly haired Latinas do this ( I guess to hide their curliness or perhaps simply because the hair won't lay right). I said all that to say I don't see a problem with it if the hair is pulled back off the face in a half up/down, pony, or up do. But that's just my opinion. I actually think it's kinda cute.

Funny you should mention that- I was thinking its very "13" (age).