
New Member
Ok, I haven't applied heat to my hair since last summer. So my hair is now bra strap and it took months for it to get there, so I am thinking that I have reached my genetic length. My hair was waist length growing up but I was shorter.

Anyway, the history is that even when I had a relaxer, my hair always became 'difficult' and would break at this length.

Now, as a curly head, I have been 'dusting' the ends when I see split ends. Well, I decide to straighten my hair so that I can get a good look at the back and I almost fainted when I saw all of the split ends! The ends wouldn't even straighten because they were so damaged! So what to do and what to think?

Now, I haven't really trimmed much of my hair because it was difficult as a curly head. So, I got my scissors and trimmed (chopped off) 1 inch of hair all the way around, making me 1 inch above bra strap! Boo hoo! But, my hair looks healthier, in particular, the ends are holding moisture and manageable and not getting tangled.

So, my thoughts are:
Was my hair breaking in the past at this length because of the relaxer or because of not trimming the ends enough?

I will admit that I don't trim very often. Well, I trim the front a lot because I can see it but I let the back grow and grow because I can't see it.

I am sad about the inch off but in 2 months, that inch should be grown back in and healthy. (attempt to be positive).

I am also wondering: does any body have a certain length where they seem to have a recurring problem?
I'm a 4b, when my hair passes my shoulders, I start getting more tangles and breakage, no matter what I do and I'm forced to trim it. I'm trying to see how far I can grow it though.
I feel your pain, I had that kind of set back a couple months ago, but if you keep up with watching for the splits and deep condition longer, that should help.
be very gentle when combing your hair, but don't avoid combing it either--that would lead to tangles perhaps. The hair lady at www.growafrohairlong.com shows different techniques for combing depending on your hair type and condition. Do go there and check it out.
So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

I was going to post this as a thread, but I may as well use this one.


I found that since I stopped blow drying months ago, I stopped trimming my hair, cause I don't know how to!

I don't know if I should just go to a professional to have it done, but they'll charge an arm and a leg, plus I've had bad experiences with stylists and my natural hair--they DON'T know what they're doing but they'll say they do.

I just don't want to chop and have my hair come out uneven...

... but since my hair's natural, should that matter?

I'm also planning on putting my hair in twists again. While they're in twists, I was thinking of trimming my ends then, because my hair would be stretched out.

I'm just afraid of having my hair uneven, even though it won't show, I want to do it right.

What's the best technique??
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

Maybe you should take extra care with the ends in handling and moistorizing. I hear carrot oil is good or you could try profective healthy ends. What do you use now on your hair nijilah? Don't worry too much about that inch you know it will grow back alot better
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

Were you replying me, or the original poster? Because I didn't trim my hair yet.
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

What do you consider an arm and a leg? There are a couple of stylist that will trim your ends and give you a deep conditioning (not in that order) for about $25, which ain't that bad for healthy hair.

I think that you probably won't need to trim (that much) depending on the type of hair styles you are wearing.

I currently wear wigs and try to keep my hands out of my hair as much as possible. So, I don't get trims that often. I actually believe that I'm due for another one soon.
Anywho, pay close attention to your hair. If you see alot of little pieces of hair (like broken ends) more than you see the long strands (which isn't breakage), than I would say get your ends clipped. And, again, there are plenty of places that won't charge you so much. You just have to make sure they don't cut off too much of your hair with out permission. Or, you could try to give yourself a dust trim. Which I believe is alittle safer.
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

I get my sister-in-law to trim my hair while it's wet. When my hair is wet it hangs longer. That way , I don't have to get it blow dried.

Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

A little off-topic but SweetyB, is that adorable little girl in your avatar yours?
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

Most of the time, I trim my hair when dry, well, dust the ends. Meaning, I pull the hair forward and if I see a split end, I cut it. But this time, I flat ironed my hair to do the trim. I bought a new flat iron so I needed to make sure that I was satisfied with the flat iron so I decided to straighten out my hair. I noticed that I missed huge sections of my hair that I couldn't reach when my hair was curly.

I am an in-denial pj, so I have a ton of products that I used on my hair from shea butter, jojoba oil, kemi oyl, olive oil, and I have run out of the carrot oil. I will admit that I have not really been focusing on the ends this summer. I was just putting the hair up and wearig a phony tail. But since the trim, I have been moisturizing my hair with water and some type of oil everyday. Plus, I have been sporting an instant weave and have my hair in corn rolls underneath.
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

A little off-topic but SweetyB, is that adorable little girl in your avatar yours?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking the same thing
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

Thanks for replying. I guess I should look into getting it conditioned without having it styled? I think it's a smart idea to see the size of the hairs coming out. I knew my ends were shedding and getting in my way, so this morning, I did the big chop... I combed my hair up and away from my scalp, as tall as Kid from Kid & Play.... and a little spread out. I just ran my sissors over the ends of the hair like I was triming a man's hair. Now, my hair looks visibly shorter
but it feels so healty!
Re: So.... how DO you trim natural hair??

Isn't she adorable
But unfortunately she's not mine
She's just a very cute picture