Spin-Off: Will You Ever Stop Your Hair Journey?


New Member
This is a spin-off to MissFallon's thread.

I was wondering if anyone else feel that they will quit their hair journey at a certain date or within a certain time frame? When did you start?

If you DON'T have a certain date/time frame where you want to quit, do you have a 'satisfactory length' that you will settle with? Or will you go on forever?

I am not talking about quitting taking care of the hair, because I know some things will always stay with you such as moisturizing, silk scarves, DCing, etc. But I am talking about stopping the "growing out" thing-via protective styling, buns, braids, weaves, wigs, or whatever you are doing to 'grow it out.' If you don't do anything different from pre-lhcf, then you can still answer.

I actually had a quit date set up. :look: It was December 27, 2007. But since I cut my hair recently I may push it back to April 27, 2008, but that depends on where I am at the end of the summer. My ultimate goal is WSL but I am so sick of protective styles and feeling unattractive I think I may just be happy with a blunt MBL. I will even admit that I always feel anxious when I read some of the older board members who have reached their goals, and enjoy their hair and wear it down. I stalk their fotkis and I can't WAIT to be passed the "growing it out phase."

**Just a little disclaimer this is not a thread to reward quitting or to put down people who feel at their end of their hair journey, so please let's not go there and make people feel bad for how they feel. It is just to discuss, vent, or whatever, the end of our journeys.
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Yeah, I'm going to stop after my hair grows out some. Probably once it gets to shoulder length or APL I'll stop caring. I don't have a complicated regimen as it is, and quite frankly I hate combing my hair. I doubt I'll ever stop covering it up from time to time though. I like to change my styles often.
I never will stop taking care of my hair. However I do hope that I can stop the expensive search in getting my regimen down and find out what my hair really likes to acheive long and healthy hair.
I don't feel like I'll quit as long as I have hair on my head, but I do feel like there is a point when I'm over the magic regimen approach.
Honestly - no, I don't think so... I ENJOY what I do with my hair - I like coming up with new hair recipes, and new protective styles for different lengths - and once I get long enough I can't WAIT to build up a huge collection of hair toys....
*LOL* Kinda like how folx always say - if you want to loose weight and keep it off, you can't 'go on a diet' you have to change how you eat? Well, for me - the only way I'm going to be able to grow hair AND keep it isn't 'going on a temporary hair regimine' - I have to change how I treat my hair.
kally said:
I never will stop taking care of my hair. However I do hope that I can stop the expensive search in getting my regimen down and find out what my hair really likes to acheive long and healthy hair.

I had to go back and bold that I wasn't talking about stopping taking care of the hair, just the growing out phase, ya know.

But yeah, I agree, finding a regimen is the worse! I wouldn't go back to day one all over again if anyone paid me.
nappywomyn said:
Honestly - no, I don't think so... I ENJOY what I do with my hair - I like coming up with new hair recipes, and new protective styles for different lengths - and once I get long enough I can't WAIT to build up a huge collection of hair toys....
*LOL* Kinda like how folx always say - if you want to loose weight and keep it off, you can't 'go on a diet' you have to change how you eat? Well, for me - the only way I'm going to be able to grow hair AND keep it isn't 'going on a temporary hair regimine' - I have to change how I treat my hair.

Good analogy. I thought of that analogy for my hair too.:)
I don't really do a bunch of special stuff to my hair, just regular care just like showering, brushing my teeth, caring for my skin. It really is not that big of a deal for me - it has to be done just like all the other stuff I do. I will always take care of my hair and everything else. But, I have never really been into making a big deal and doing some kind of "journey".
When I reach my goal length of BSL I hope (pray really) that I will be able to wash, condition, and rollerset every 2 weeks, relax every 10 weeks, and trim regularly. I will still be caring for my hair, but won't be doing a lot of the things that it takes to retain the ends and coax it to grow longer.
I'm stopping the protective styles (unless I wanna just bun one day) today. I will always stick to my regimen because I've always loved washing and setting my hair and all that good stuff. Just no more worrying about protective styles for now. When I relax in April (if I do) I will evaluate my hair and see if I should go back to them but while the weather is cold and my hair doesn't revert I'm wearing it down and enjoying it.
In a way I feel as though Ive stopped already...Of course I still take care of my hair, but its no longer a priority. Ive gotten to a length that is longer than I wanted so Im not actively growing it out, but Im just letting my hair do its thing. Its still healthy and growing but with minimal effort now. I still do protective styles but Ive started flat-ironing when it hits me (still not more than once a month) and I experiment more. Protective styles for me now are a convenience, not a way to "grow my hair out".
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reagrdless of what length i get to my hair naturally will never be below apl because of the shrinkage, so how ever long it wants to grow provided that i wont be detangling for hours on end is okay with me.
There's nothing I do with my hair now that I don't see myself doing as an old woman.

I don't have a complicated "regimen" I've found that the simplest approach is the best and the most gorgeous heads of hair I've ever seen don't do much for it. I wash, deep condition, apply a little leave in and put it up. Hair grows all by itself. I've never been one to use growth aids, 50 different vitamins or anything else time consuming.

I'll be happy with classic length (I think :look: ) but once I reach it I'll still care for my hair the way I've been doing.
I enjoy doing the whole "hair" thing. I think I will start having more fun with it when I get closer to bra-strap length. I will experiment with different cuts, maybe more color. I enjoy being a PJ mostly because as an aspiring cosmetic chemist, I need to be up on all the lastest and greatest science.
I've kind of already stopped the grow out part of my journey even though my hair is short. At first I just wanted long hair and was more than willing to have shoulder length with raggedy ends just to claim it. But now, since I've started transitioning and my hair has gotten stronger and healthier, I really don't care as much about length as much as appearance. This may go against the grain of the board, but I would be happy with stylish, nicely colored SL or APL length than just okay, boring black BSL. I know my hair could grow to that length, but I want to enjoy my hair, not just have it.
I'll be caring for it and what not....dc'ing and moisturizing daily..but when I reach MBL, I won't protective style....I'll just maintain my length and thickness by getting my hair trimmed as it grows....
B_Phlyy said:
I've kind of already stopped the grow out part of my journey even though my hair is short. At first I just wanted long hair and was more than willing to have shoulder length with raggedy ends just to claim it. But now, since I've started transitioning and my hair has gotten stronger and healthier, I really don't care as much about length as much as appearance. This may go against the grain of the board, but I would be happy with stylish, nicely colored SL or APL length than just okay, boring black BSL. I know my hair could grow to that length, but I want to enjoy my hair, not just have it.

Me too! I'm not pressed about having hair any longer than that. It would just be too much hair for me to deal with. And once it gets that long there's only so much you can do with it besides wear it down.
If I do not make it BSl in five years I will.

As far as taking care of my hair no. I will always do that. but interms of it growing long Yes.
I don't really see it as a journey, per se.. more like maintanence. I wash and deep condition about 2x a week and that's it... When my hair gets longer, I will definetely bun it or pull it back. That's more of a personal preference and for convenience though.

The most I would do, is either go natural, and that would be in the farrrrrrr future, color, which is possible or cut again.. which is where I'm at right now :lol: . Looking into the future, my dream / goal is to have at least healthy brastrap hair that is thick. The thickness is what I am most concerned about, though that seems to be predetermined :look: :lol:. I'm all for simplicity and health as maintainence. I'd love to be older with long healthy hair :love: .
Ayeshia said:
reagrdless of what length i get to my hair naturally will never be below apl because of the shrinkage, so how ever long it wants to grow provided that i wont be detangling for hours on end is okay with me.

Yep, same here! :yep:
B_Phlyy said:
I've kind of already stopped the grow out part of my journey even though my hair is short. At first I just wanted long hair and was more than willing to have shoulder length with raggedy ends just to claim it. But now, since I've started transitioning and my hair has gotten stronger and healthier, I really don't care as much about length as much as appearance. This may go against the grain of the board, but I would be happy with stylish, nicely colored SL or APL length than just okay, boring black BSL. I know my hair could grow to that length, but I want to enjoy my hair, not just have it.

Great point and I wish I could actually make myself agree with it. The thing with me (personally, I am only speaking for me) is I truly don't know if my hair could make it to my goal. I have never been there. BSL was the longest in my life, I have never been WSL.

I think I would enjoy it if I knew it was possible. But I guess it is safe to say I am still in the "unknown" stage.:perplexed
my hair grows in a v shape so the longest part of my hair is already BSL. I'm gonna grow it out to mid-back, maybe WL. I'm pretty tall (5'9") but i'm all legs and pretty short-waisted it's about an additional 5 or 6 inches. I wear my hair in a wash and go style a lot, especially in the summer; for being relaxed my hair is hardly ever straight :lol: :lol: I mostly want mid-back or WL hair cuz of the shrinkage that occurs when wearing my hair curly. Plus i love big curly hair :lol: After that I'll just work on maintaining length and increasing thickness. I would hate to have hair that is longer than WL; it just seems like sooooooooo much work and isnt really attractive to me. I never wear protective styles, and i grew my hair from about 3 inches (not even able to gather it in a ponytail) to BSL in 2 years anyways, so it wont be that much of a difference at all.
nappywomyn said:
Honestly - no, I don't think so... I ENJOY what I do with my hair - I like coming up with new hair recipes, and new protective styles for different lengths - and once I get long enough I can't WAIT to build up a huge collection of hair toys....
*LOL* Kinda like how folx always say - if you want to loose weight and keep it off, you can't 'go on a diet' you have to change how you eat? Well, for me - the only way I'm going to be able to grow hair AND keep it isn't 'going on a temporary hair regimine' - I have to change how I treat my hair.

Just wanted to say I'm really liking your hair style.

Did you do that yourself? Is it ok if I use your picture to show to my auntie?
toinette said:
I never wear protective styles, and i grew my hair from about 3 inches (not even able to gather it in a ponytail) to BSL in 2 years anyways, so it wont be that much of a difference at all.

WOW, what was your regimen toinette.

I plan to stop with all the protetive styling and such once i reach my goal length of MBL. Hopefully sometime in 2010.
My journey will be for waistlength. Probably always bun and french braid/roll my hair even if I reach waistlength; once in a rare while I'll allow it to blow in the wind a little. I love:p the look and
'length mystery:cool: ' of long hair in the updo styles with the various pins, sticks and hair decor. I really feel it is possible as I see the surprising increased length now. The other day I leaned back against my hair on the chair back, :eek: surprised me that it was longer than first joining the LHCF School of Higher Education as I have not measured since August 2006.
I don't think I'll go past waistlength, will just finally trim:eek: , it is becoming much more work now as I grow. I look forward to being an inspiration to others who desire healthy hair with length. Care, shampooing, moisturizing, covering, etc. every 4 days or so that'll be for as long as my health, money and ability allow.
I feel the way others do... I'm gonna do this until I reach WSL, then I'll still take care of it, but not to grow. It'll grow regardless then and if I get more inches, I'll be happy. Then I'll chop off maybe 3 inches and maintain at WSL. I just know that this is a means to an end. This is not my end. I can't do this forever, but I will do it for however long it takes.
Babygurl said:
In a way I feel as though Ive stopped already...Of course I still take care of my hair, but its no longer a priority. Ive gotten to a length that is longer than I wanted so Im not actively growing it out, but Im just letting my hair do its thing. Its still healthy and growing but with minimal effort now. I still do protective styles but Ive started flat-ironing when it hits me (still not more than once a month) and I experiment more. Protective styles for me now are a convenience, not a way to "grow my hair out".

:up: I will do the same when i will reach your length.
Once I get better at rollersetting I will probably not wear it up as much when I hit my goal (or even from this point out), but I think I am used to having my hair up and off my face so I don't really know what I will do. Can't stop, won't stop!!!! LOL. I need to find a nice half up half down style...that I could roll with 24/7.
My hair journey is one towards healthy hair, so I don't think I'll ever stop. I have incorporated certain strategy that trumps all the damaging things I did before. It's becoming a lifestyle, and certain things are becoming no-brainers. I am not as absorbed in my hair as I was when I first joined a year ago, which is good so now I can let the length come with the health.

seraphinelle said:
Just wanted to say I'm really liking your hair style.

Did you do that yourself? Is it ok if I use your picture to show to my auntie?

*smiles* Thank you! Yes - I did it myself. The back is actually a bunch of double strand twists pulled into a wee baby bun. And certainly - you can show your aunt this pic!!
