Some please answer my question!!!!!!!


New Member
I have searched high and low for the answer to this question. I have been to every hair site, blog etc... Please help! Okay..... Question: after your hair has been conditioned or moisturized, and you seal with oil..... Does that leave all the moisture sealed in until your next shampoo?! I mean is it necessary to moisturize anymore. Can moisture penetrate hair that has been seal? Does the oil unseal itself after a few days?! Please answer.
I'm not sure of the correct answer as not everyone's hair holds moisture the same way. For me, it lasts a night or two. I usually only add more moisture when I deep condition/baggy my ends one during the week. I was my hair twice a week, and in between I DC/Bag my ends and reseal it. So far my ends feel really smooth and don't look damaged at all. Sometimes when I wake up the next day after washing/DCing/Sealing, I touch my ends and they still feel pretty moisturized. I think it also depends on how you wear it/wrap it. I find that if I wrap it at night my ends stay moisturized, but if I sleep on my satin pillowcase without anything on my head my ends look frazzled.

Yes, I believe moisture can break the "seal". I believe the hair expands when it gets wet, like a sponge so obviously moisture is getting inside of the hair shaft, though I'm sure some of the oil may get washed out, I'd reseal it again after you've wet it again.
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You should "ideally" moisturize your hair daily. Some experts contend that sealing it with oil doesn't really do anything to keep moisture in. Others disagree with this.

Bottom line, you should observe how your hair reacts to the either regimen. I personally use a creme moisturizer with a few drops of oil mixed in. This tends to work well for my hair.
Reading about moisture and sealing is one thing. But the application may be a little different for each head.

As the last poster said, everyone's hair is different.

If you can moisturize and seal your hair and it be ok until your next shampoo, then that procedure might be what you want to stick with.

If you hair looses moisture in the week even though you moisturized and sealed after your shampoo, then you should moisturize a few more times during the week.

If you find that you hair is not accepting moisture well because you sealed earlier in the week, then you should avoid sealing and just moisturize.

I don't think it is an exact science, so just experiment with your hair and different products.
I think it all depends on the hair. Above all listen to what your hair needs since not every person's hair reacts the same. If you hair seems dry and needs moisture by all means moisturize. Spend less time following trends and more time getting to know your own hair. I've had set backs based on what worked for someone else's hair that didn't work for mine.
Thank you all for responding! This helps a lot. I understand now. @westndbeauty- you are a personal youtube favorite of mine! Thanks for responding!
Oils that most people use for sealing are not completely inpenetrable (sp?) The oil helps to retain the moisture longer than your hair would have without the oil. It's ok to moisturize on top of that in a day or two - or whatever your hair needs. When I first started out, I had to moisturize and seal daily. As my hair got in better condition (and I trimmed damaged ends), I didn't have to do that daily. Just use trial and error until you find what works best for your hair! And try not to think about all of this stuff too hard, you'll lose your mind..real quick! :crazy:
There are oils that penetrate the strand which include:
coconut and argan (meaning they can be used to moisturize and seal)...I think also avocado oil qualifies if I remember correctly but I know the other two are correct. I can use those alone and have no need for other moisture (also dc hair of course every time, and mostly co wash, not reg wash so my hair holds more moisture)...though I do use shescentit butters at times.

Just a side note.
I just wanted to add to what these ladies said, I did that whole wash/DC/leave-in moisturizer and oil/shea butter seal but I still had to put moisture in sometime in the morning and later that night before bed.

I found out that I have highly porous hair due to getting my hair dyed with permenant color (I'm natural). I had to clarify and I tried the porosity control, I noticed after using this that my hair held on to moisture longer so I didn't have to keep resealing.

Also, I don't know where you are but its cold where I live and in the winter with the dry cold air outside and dry heat inside I still have to re-hydrate more often. It took some reading and trial and error to figure out what worked for my hair. Good luck in your journey.
I never understood the moisturizing daily thing, but maybe my hair doesn't need it. I get all my moisture on wash day so when all is said and done...I'm done.
^^^ I am a hard core dcer. I leave the dc on overnight. My hair stays moist for most of the week (to a week) when I'm done with dcing, co washing, leaving in a little for moisture and sealing with coconut or argan oil. (AND i have really dry hair normally. It's all in the technique and possibly the condition of the hair. As I got better (perfected my haircare), my hair retained moisture longer....I'm also thinking porosity has something to do with it too. But again I infuse my hair with moisture (dc overnight with oils, co wash out, leave a little conditioner in and seal with argan so I'm alllllll set)
^^^ I am a hard core dcer. I leave the dc on overnight. My hair stays moist for most of the week (to a week) when I'm done with dcing, co washing, leaving in a little for moisture and sealing with coconut or argan oil. (AND i have really dry hair normally. It's all in the technique and possibly the condition of the hair. As I got better (perfected my haircare), my hair retained moisture longer....I'm also thinking porosity has something to do with it too. But again I infuse my hair with moisture (dc overnight with oils, co wash out, leave a little conditioner in and seal with argan so I'm alllllll set)

im high porosity, but if my hair doesn't feel moist and supple right after rinsing out my conditioner, and after putting in my products and styling, them in using the wrong stuff.
^^^ I am a hard core dcer. I leave the dc on overnight. My hair stays moist for most of the week (to a week) when I'm done with dcing, co washing, leaving in a little for moisture and sealing with coconut or argan oil. (AND i have really dry hair normally. It's all in the technique and possibly the condition of the hair. As I got better (perfected my haircare), my hair retained moisture longer....I'm also thinking porosity has something to do with it too. But again I infuse my hair with moisture (dc overnight with oils, co wash out, leave a little conditioner in and seal with argan so I'm alllllll set)

I am on the other end of the porosity scale. My hair (used to) dry in a flash literally minutes out of the water. So adding daily moisture was a MUST. However, as I worked to improve the porosity, daily moisturizing isn't as much a priority as it was in the past.

Also, if a person is following a particular regimen like Cathy Howse/Wanakee's then they WILL try to moisturize daily as suggested by both.
I don't need to moisturise every day, but I tend to do so (or at least every other day) particularly when I'm deep in a stretch. I don't need to use any more than a dab of moisturiser after a few weeks post, but as progress further I moisturise more depending upon need.