So why doesn't Tyra rock her NATURAL hair?

Because of the industry. Plain and simple. She obviously doesn't think her hair is glamourous enough or professional looking to wear it out on her show everyday. Not to mention the fact it would be jacked up by the end of the season after all the styling and primping took place.

I so agree with the bolded.In the end women still watch her show because - it's Tyra Banks. She is a retired supermodel for pete's sake. People expect a persona. Women love glamour. I believe that is also why she lost a few pounds, she was going too far with the weight gain.
How about because once put in/on, the weaves/wigs are easier. Also, we see how easy it is for us regular folk to get addicted to weaves, etc when we get it. Even I got addicted for like a year. haha Why wouldn't she? Celebrities are still regular ppl.
It seems like a lot of people project their own hair goals & desires on Tyra -
why is she:
wearing a weave
not natural
not longer
not thicker

Tyra's personal goal seems to be to wear a lot of different styles, lengths & colors, not just on the show, but to the events she attends. She appears to want to cut the color out of her hair and to move to a blunt cut. Even after he cut her hair yesterday, she said that she wanted more cut.
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