So, did you return any products this month?


New Member
I figured since there's a thread on what we bought this month that it's only fair to mention what we returned & why.
So, I'll go first...

I returned:

(Never Opened:Eco Styler Gel (only 2.99)@Sallys: I purchased this on a whim due to a YouTube video presentation at the end of April. I returned it because I'm thoroughly pleased with my Skala leave-ins, and I really did not want this gel. :yep:

(Never Opened:Kinky Curly Custard (18.00)@Whole Foods: I purchased this product in May to try it out to see if I like it better than the Eco Styler by comparrison. As soon as I got it home as the days progressed, I lost interest. Also, I returned it because I'm thoroughly pleased with my Skala Leave-ins. I could not believe I actually spent $18.00 - when it looks like a gel. And even though the reviews were good, I can't get over the gel look. :look:

I usually keep everything I buy....I must have been :spinning:

What about you?
Proclaim Hot Thermal Styler (heat protection spray) I brought this at Sally's for 5 or 6 bucks because the last spray I brought was really greasy. This spray is 10 times worst. It's more of a spritz than heat protection. It made my hair really hard then I realized this ish has alcohol in it, I sprayed some on my fingers and my hands were really sticky.
I just purchased (last week) Sally's GVP version of Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing Conditioner and The Detangler. The condish made my hair dry and did not moisturize it at all. Awful I tell you!! The detangler did nothing. They should be ashamed to call it a detangler. I've used them both about 3 times and have had little success. I will try again this week and if I continue getting the same result (I'm sure I will) They will be returned on Saturday.
I actually had to cancel and order with Hairsisters my items were out of stock and I wanted them for this week ordered I think 2 weeks ago and it wasn't possibly going to get here on time.
I returned Kinky Curly Custard and Knot Today.... a few hours ago actually.

man! I looked like I had a Jheri Curl. Never again.
Yes! Well I can't remember if it was technically this month or the last day or so of May, but I had 4 Skala's that were expired as of April 2010! And so OBVIOUSLY a dollar means a lot to me because I returned them, lol! I felt kinda silly doing it, but I obviously was going to have no use for it, and hey, that 4 bucks bought me lunch the next day! WOOOOOT!
Yes! Well I can't remember if it was technically this month or the last day or so of May, but I had 4 Skala's that were expired as of April 2010! And so OBVIOUSLY a dollar means a lot to me because I returned them, lol! I felt kinda silly doing it, but I obviously was going to have no use for it, and hey, that 4 bucks bought me lunch the next day! WOOOOOT!

Cool! Did BL give you any hassle about it? They should have pulled those bottles anyway.
I just purchased (last week) Sally's GVP version of Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing Conditioner and The Detangler. The condish made my hair dry and did not moisturize it at all. Awful I tell you!! The detangler did nothing. They should be ashamed to call it a detangler. I've used them both about 3 times and have had little success. I will try again this week and if I continue getting the same result (I'm sure I will) They will be returned on Saturday.

You probably purchased the new version of the GVP dated 2009. They recently changed the ingredients to be just like the updated Nexxus.

I just stocked up on the bottles that say the formula is for 2006 to 2008. The old formula is :lick:
I returned Sally's Super Setting Lotion. I only bought it based on the reviews and ingredient list on their website. But when I arrived at the store, the ingredients were TOTALLY different. I tried it any way and I didn't like it. It could be my own error. I am trying to learn how/what products work on my hair since installing this water softener.

I also returned Sally's wire mesh rollers. The mesh material is a hard plastic that will snag your hair something terrible. Oh yea, and the little white pins. Those pins are too short. I think I need the 3" pins.