Simple regimen ladies, where are you??


Well-Known Member
Where are all of my simple regimen ladies? How has the simple thing worked for you and what makes your regimen simple? I think the less I bother my hair the more length I retain. I also noticed that it became much thicker and healthier once I learned how to leave it alone. I've had my simple regimen for a few years now and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. :grin: I know I'm not the only one! Share your simplicity!!
Nope you are not the only one~ I am a KISS girl. I wash and deep condition once a week and co-wash every other day. I airdry only use heat every 12 weeks after relaxer.

I don't use alot of product. I just add conditioner for moisturizer after co-wash seal and bun. That's it.

Progress in my fotki. It really works.
another K.I.S.S. girl here! :wave:

all about simple reggies... you see where it's gotten me in 3 years. :grin: i've always been a co-washer/shake and goer (sometimes wore a puff), one summer i did protective braid styles. ummm... when my hair got long enough i started wearing buns.

right now i'm trying out ayurveda. oil pre-poo at night, washing the next day with shikakai/amla, rinsing with the tea, condition, rinse with water. i do this every other day, still pretty simple.
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I am a KISS hair gets greasy really easily and I'm obsessed with having clean hair so I can't use the multiple butters and oils on my hair..
All i do is Shampoo and deep condition once weekly, and Conditioner wash in between. I detangle both washes because if I don't i get icky matts.
I stretch my relaxers 10+ weeks also...I'm trying to save my money and in college I know i won't have a lot of time to relax.
I moisturize 2 times daily and seal with coconut oil daily also.
is it possible for a pj to have a simple regimen? :look: i mean i am guilty of buying a plethora of products, but ummm.....honestly the majority of them don't work and i do have staple products that i always return to.

if soooooooo.........i like to tell myself that i have a simple regimen, i cowash about twice or thrice a week sometimes more depending on my workout schedule. most of the time i airdry in one big twist. one a week or once every two weeks i'll rollerset or blowdry/flatiron so i can wear it down....

that's simple right? :look:
Mine is pretty simple.

Deep condition 2x/week
Moisturize daily then bun or rollerset
Chelate before I use heat/Moisturizing Shampoo 2x/week
Hot oil treatment after straightening

thats all:spinning:

no pre poo
no massaging
no sealing
no baggies
no juices and berries
no vitamins
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Nope you are not the only one~ I am a KISS girl. I wash and deep condition once a week and co-wash every other day. I airdry only use heat every 12 weeks after relaxer.

I don't use alot of product. I just add conditioner for moisturizer after co-wash seal and bun. That's it.

Progress in my fotki. It really works.

I am a KISS method user too. Mrs.Green and I have similar methods.
Mine is pretty simple.

Moisturize as needed.
Shampoo 1x a week.
CO wash if I feel like it mid week.
Baggy at night.
Henna every six weeks or so.
DC weekly if not twice a week. Depending on how my hair feels.
My regimen is very very simple.
All I need is my condtioner and denman.
I water wash my hair add lots of conditoner then finger comb or brush with denman then put it up. Usually everyday or every other day. Maybe once a week or so I will add some honey and aloe vera gel to my condish and sit under the dryer for a DT.
I have been doing this for a few months already and my hair has never felt better.
Every now and then I get bored and try to do something special but usaully I KISS :)