Shedding reducer from Women's Health


New Member
So I found this tid-bit in this month's issue of Women's Health Magazine and I thought I'd share since i know many ladies on here, including myself, have had their battle with shedding:

"Pumpkin Seeds - Zinc helps reduce shedding, says Francesca Fusco, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermotology at New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center. Toss a tablespoon of these zinc heavy seeds into your cereal."

No pumpkin seeds are great for many things but chewing them is not fun and unlike the article i would not recommend putting them in cereal. I'd say much on them as a snack throughout the day or blend them up eat them that way.
Hope this helps someone.
So I found this tid-bit in this month's issue of Women's Health Magazine and I thought I'd share since i know many ladies on here, including myself, have had their battle with shedding:

"Pumpkin Seeds - Zinc helps reduce shedding, says Francesca Fusco, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermotology at New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center. Toss a tablespoon of these zinc heavy seeds into your cereal."

No pumpkin seeds are great for many things but chewing them is not fun and unlike the article i would not recommend putting them in cereal. I'd say much on them as a snack throughout the day or blend them up eat them that way.
Hope this helps someone.

I'm kinda confused, why wouldn't you munch on them or put them in cereal? I thought they taste really great, like kicked up sunflower seeds :yep:, Maybe I'm miss understanding you :look:. But I didn't know they help with shedding. Amport sells a large bag....humm I haven't had these in a while.
I'm kinda confused, why wouldn't you munch on them or put them in cereal? I thought they taste really great, like kicked up sunflower seeds :yep:, Maybe I'm miss understanding you :look:. But I didn't know they help with shedding. Amport sells a large bag....humm I haven't had these in a while.

Maybe it's just me and my preference:perplexed. I just think they take for ever to chew and i wouldn't want that with my cereal.
I love pumpkin seeds now but I admit they are an acquired taste. I started eating them for the sake of getting my zinc allowance in. Then I just started to crave them. Have you tried them roasted with a little salt? I mix them with walnuts and cranberries.