Sept 15 16 17 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

HOT = Hot Oil Treatment with WEN Hair Oil *tryna' use it up*:look:
Cleanse = Texture Me Natural's "Cleanse Me Gently" Cleansing Conditioner
Treat = Sarenzo's Quinoa Protein Rx (under dryer 20 minutes)
Treat = Hairveda's Sitrinillah (under dryer 30 minutes)
Final R/O = Camille Rose Moroccan Pear & Argan
Apply Leave-In = Heavy Seal with Various Liquids, Oils, Butters, Cremes
This morning:
Prepoo with mahabringraj on scalp diy fenugreek oil on ends

This evening: wash with indian powders and follow up with dilutes blacksoap shampoo if needed

Rinse with guava leaf tea

DC with homemade mix

Apply guava leaf/acv glycerin mix seal with argan oil

Flat iron
Pre-poo with oil concoction
Wash with Deva Curl Decadence (forgot I had it)
DC with Silicon Mix under a wig and go about my day

Saturday evening:
Steam with Deva Curl conditioner
Cold rinse, then layer with Aphogee Green Tea; KCNT; and flax seed gel. Place in two plaits.
Pre-poo - Warm olive oil on scalp and Annabelle's Pre-poo Treatment on length under heat cap for 30 mins

Exfoliate scalp: ACV Rinse on scalp
Poo: Keracare Hydrating Poo with EO
DC: KJ Naturals Rosemary coconut Dc under heat for 30 mins
Leave-in: Annabelles/Oil/Naturelle Grow
Heat Protectant: Kenra
Dry: Pibbs 60 mins
Style: Rollerset
Tonight I am doing an overnight pre-poo with KBB secret weapon. I have to work in the morning so I will put on a turban and go. Before coming home I'm stopping at the BSS to get some new hair shears and I may stop at Target to use my coupon for a hair product. Anyway, nobody asked what errands I was running lol. I'm washing with SheaMoisture co-cleansing. I know I need to do an oil rinse and tea rinse but gotta decide the order I want to use it in. I will be back later!
Scalp Exfoliate: Silk Elements Pre Cleanse + Liquid AHAs
Wash: Diluted Ion Hard Water shampoo
Treat: ACV rinse
Steam DC: GVP Nexxus Humectress for 30 minutes.
Style- ITDF Marshmallow Moisture Balm Renpure Bamboo Coconut Water conditioner, Whipped Avocado/Olive Butter, Wetline Gel. Medium Two strand twists.

*I decided to give Renpure another shot. It seems to work better when paired with a butter. Still not a great clumper, but good enough for twists.
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Prepoo: hot oil treatment with @Sharpened 's oil mix (castor+ hemp+ pumpkin)
DC with heat: CRN Coconut Water Penetrating Hair Treatment
Clay mask:
Rhassoul clay mixed with Sunflower oil and water
LOC method:
  • L: CRN Coconut Water Leave-in
  • O: Jojoba Oil
  • G: Palmer's Coconut Hairdress (grease)
Stylers: CRN Curl Maker topped with Wetline Xtreme Gel
Style: WnG with a single 2-strand twist in the crown

Currently diffusing
Prepoo: hot oil treatment with @Sharpened 's oil mix (castor+ hemp+ pumpkin)
DC with heat: CRN Coconut Water Penetrating Hair Treatment
Clay mask: Rhassoul clay mixed with Sunflower oil and water
LOC method:
  • L: CRN Coconut Water Leave-in
  • O: Jojoba Oil
  • G: Palmer's Coconut Hairdress (grease)
Stylers: CRN Curl Maker topped with Wetline Xtreme Gel
Style: WnG with a single 2-strand twist in the crown

Currently diffusing

You do the clay mask after the DC?
So after doing the overnight pre-poo with the KBB secret weapon, I co-cleansed with SM Sacha Inchi oil cowash.
Tea rinse with an herbal tea rinse mixture
HOT with strong roots pimento oil
Protein RX with Claudie's Renew Protein
DC with HQ Honey pineapple
Detangle with ST knot sauce
Leave in Eden Curly soufflé
Seal ends with JBCO
You do the clay mask after the DC?

Yes. My hair is very cottony/spongy. I use clay as a clumping agent. If it didn't have that effect, I wouldn't have no use for it.

Conditioning agents have a tendency to unclump and cottonize my hair so I try to let the clay be among the last things to touch my hair. Of course it doesn't help that I have to use the leave-in conditioner after the clay. But at least that's better than combining the spongifying effects of both the DC and the leave-in, so the DC has to go on before the clay. That should also help mitigate the drying effect of clay (curiously, yesterday's clay mix was purely conditioning with no drying or stripping effects)

Currently I'm on the lookout for a curl clumping leave-in.

I have naturally dry hair and can't go completely without a leave-in.
Prepoo, cleanse, detangle, and condition strands: Pure O.N.E. Beauty African Black Soap Prepoo Mud Mask

Cleanse and stimulate scalp: Soultanicals Soulvedic Strands Poo Bar

Butter: Jakeala Shea Amla Parfait

Gel: EarthTones Naturals Gelly

I ran out of time, so I wore a low-hanging ponytail puff instead of a twist out.