Senegalese Twists!

So, im thinking of installing some senegalese twists as a protective style this upcoming week...if it's cute enough, I just might post some pictures lol <3

Anyway, I just have a couple of questions for you ladies..

1) How do you maintain them? How do you shampoo?Do you still deep condition(preferably under a dryer)
2)How do you moisturize? Do you buy a braid spray or make your own spritz? Do you seal with an oil?
3)How long should one wait between installs? I really want to give my hair a break this year...theres a large texture difference between my bone straight hair and my texlaxed hair, and I experience breakage. I dont want to manipulate it anymore than I have too, and so I would love to wear my hair in senegalese/marley twists a lot during this upcoming year. Im thinking of leaving them in for 2.5-3 months at a time...
4)How do you keep your hair strong when it's in twists for so long?

thanks :D